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TERA6G at the European Microwave Week 09/2024

TERA6G Project coordinator, Prof. Guillermo Carpintero, participates in Workshop WS08 at the European Microwave Week Event Date: Sept 22nd, 2024, 8:30 am CET


On Sunday, September 22nd Guillermo Carpintero, TERA6G Project coordinator will participate in the European Microwave Week ( Workshop WS08 (Photonic Technologies for Radio Frequency Applications), chaired by Andreas Stöhr (Universität Duisburg-Essen) and Taro Eichler (Rohde & Schwarz) in Room 741A from 08:30 – 17:50, with a great line up of speakers to present the latest advances in the TERA6G Project (

Today, most devices and technologies rely on electronics to process, transmit, and analyze information. This workshop will address photonic RF technologies aiming to transform these electronic connections into photonic ones, increasing transmission speeds and improving responsiveness while consuming substantially lower levels of power. The key advantage of photonic RF technology is the potential to provide a continuous and interference-free coverage of multi-octave frequency bands up to the THz regime with only a single technological solution paving the way for a plethora of future applications, measurement technologies and metrology. Potential applications include integrated wireless and wired networks, high-capacity fixed wireless access, satellite communications and the analysis of extremely broadband signals as well as the continuous measurement of semiconductor components over a frequency range of several octaves. Generic functions include multi-octave bandwidth RF sources and receivers, phase-stable transport of RF signals over optical fiber, optical beamforming technology and other applications. The workshop will provide an insight into the state-of-theart of photonic RF technologies, and it aims to discuss whether maturity, performance and cost of photonic RF technology is ready to compete with existing solutions. WS08 EuMC Photonic Technologies for Radio Frequency Applications Chair: Andreas Stöhr¹ Co-Chair: Taro Eichler² ¹University Duisburg-Essen, ²Rohde & Schwarz Room: 741A PROGRAMME THz Photodiodes and Photonic Mixers for Wireless Johanna Böhm¹ ¹UDE THz Photoconductive Switches Robert B. Kohlhaas¹ ¹HHI Optical Kerr Microrings for THz Signal Generation Kentaro Furusawa¹ ¹NICT Photonic-enabled 2D Terahertz Phase Arrays Guillermo Carpintero ¹ ¹Universidad Carlos III de Madrid RFoF Systems for Satellite Communications Yilmaz Ucar¹ ¹MWP Photonics for Radioastronomy Peter Huggard¹ ¹RAL Optical Combs and Lasers for RF Applications Thomas Puppe¹ ¹TOPTICA Millimeter-Wave and THz Photonics for Test & Measurement Timo Noack¹ ¹Rohde & Schwarz Development of an industrial two-photon Rb atomic clock Jean Berney¹ ¹CSEM SUNDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER 08:30 – 12:20 The workshop will explore the most recent developments in radio channel characterization and exploitation techniques in harsh propagation environments, from the point of view of modeling, sounding, and highdata rate short-range transmission in the perspective of future 6G wireless systems and the use of frequencies in the THz and sub-THz bands. The use of such transmission techniques will face several challenges, such as the presence of hardware impairments at both circuit and system level, like non-idealities in amplifiers, phase noise, IQ imbalances, and others. Possible solutions and state-of-the-art implementations will be disc