- Grados
Elective credits recognition
You can get the recognition of up to 6 optional credits for the realization of cultura activities. Sports and soliday activities.
You can choose three kind of activities:
- Experiences, which provide unconventional training and learning, through action. A dedication of 25 hours is needed to have the credit recognition.
- Training Workshops, with activities that allow the development and improvement of skills. The recognition of one credit is obtained with the with 20 hours of courses made.
- Passports, through which you can accumulate the necessary hours of dedication by performing short activities (attendance at activities or shows, etc.).
To know the experiences, workshops and passports that have recognition, consult the pages linked below.
Cultural Area
Experiences, training and workshops offered passport by the department of arts classroom:
- Stage Groups: Orchestra, Theatre Group
- Ensembles: Art and Science Creation Group
- Theater, music and dance
- Debate society
- Summer Courses
Activities offered by the Language Center (information on the website of the Language Center "cursos")
Activities offered by the Sports, Activities and Participation Service
Sociocultural, solidarity and cooperation
Activities offered by the Sports, Activities and Participation Service
Activities offered by the Cooperation and Sustainable Development Unit
Activities offered by the Equality Unit
Activities offered by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Students:
Activities offered by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation
Activities offered by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Transfer
Activities offered by the Vice Chancellor for Bachelor and Quality Studies
The credits will be asigned taking into account the recognized levels of representation and responsability:
Representatives of the Student Delegation can obtain from one to three credits:
- Delegate and sub-delegate of the Center: 3 credits
- Bachelor Delegate: 2 credits Course
- Delegate and Sub-Delegate: 1 credit
Delegates and Sub-Delegates who hold several of the delegations or sub-delegations described above (eg course and degree, degree and center, etc.) will be recognized only the number of credits corresponding to the highest level of representation that occupy this academic year.
- Cloister Member: 1 credit Member of the Governing Council: 1 credit Member of the Faculty or School Board: 1 credit.
- Delegates and subdelegates of the Center who are part of the Board in their capacity as born members are excluded from this recognition.
- Resident Council Member: 1 credit
- Member of the Social Council: 1 credit
Other activities recognized by the Polytechnical School
Activities wiht credit recognition for students from the Polytechnical School
Activities with credit recognition for students from the Faculty of Social Science and Law
Activities with credit recognition for students from the Colmenarejo Campus
Request form:
To aply to the credits recognition of an activity, check the information in your