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Zero course in Physics 2024/2025

Presentation and objetives

The training in mathematics of students like you who go on to university varies depending on the type of baccalaureate you did, whether you studied in one Autonomous Community or another, or even in another country, and of course on your interest,
and effort dedicated to this discipline in the past years. This course aims to review those contents that are considered essential to successfully face the study of this subject in your degree and other subjects in which mathematics is an instrument for its understanding and/or application. These are contents that, as you can see in the course schedule, you will have studied at some point in greater or lesser depth or that in some cases, the lesser ones, may be completely new to you.

The course is developed in 5 sessions of 2 hours each, starting with an initial test in the first session with a propaedeutic purpose and a final test in the last one whose purpose is to evaluate the progress during the course by means of questions on the topics developed in class.
The purpose of the final test is to assess progress during the course by means of questions on the topics developed in class; passing this test means passing the course. The course is eminently practical, based on the resolution of exercises in class, although the theoretical contents necessary to understand the procedures and methods that are applied will be recalled/introduced.
understand the procedures and methods applied to solve the exercises.

If you think that the course can be useful to review or consolidate your mathematics or simply to "warm up", this course may be designed for you.

Cheer up and we hope it will be useful for you.


    D. Miguel Ángel Monge Alcazar

Place, date, time

The zero course is organised in two phases:

PHASE 1: On-line sessions with asynchronous teaching.

This phase takes place during the month of August.

An average of 20-25 hours of work is required to satisfactorily meet the objectives of each of the courses in the on-line phase, depending on the student's previous training.

PHASE 2: Face-to-face sessions 

This phase runs from August 28 to September 3.

The Zero Physics Course has a total duration of 10 hours, organised as follows:

  • Days: 28, 29, 30 August.; 2 and 3 September.
  • Hours: 2 hours per day
  • Venue: Sabatini Building
  • Classroom: 2.3.B02 – 2.3.B03 – 2.3.B04 – 2.3.B05
  • Timetable: 09:00 to 11 hours.

The list of admitted students will be published on 29 July.

Programe and evaluation system

  • Programme
  • Assessment system: Assessment will be by means of written tests and occasionally by the student's participation in the activities proposed in the course.


  • It is essential to bring a scientific calculator from the first day of class.
  • All students must have the "Physics Problems Manual" available in class from the first day of the course, being this book the one used during all the days of the course.
  • It is important that you work on the platform in August.

Manual of Physics Problems

To obtain the Physics Manual for the classroom phase you can print it directly from this website or obtain it from the Reprographic Service of the Leganés Campus, located on the ground floor of the Agustín de Betancourt Building, indicating the code Materials Physics Course Zero Course.