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Bachelor in Sciences

4 years (240 ECTS credits)

Deputy Director for the Bachelor: Silvia Noemí Santalla Arribas

Interuniversitary studies of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid with, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

Degree with minors in Earth Sciences and Environment, Science and Technology and Biosciences.


The Bachelor’s Degree in Sciences is organized by three universities: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M),  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). 
This degree program, with a marked interdisciplinary perspective, seeks to train professionals who are capable of providing scientific solutions to a wide range of problems in the social, economic or business ambit which require scientific knowledge, and horizontal and multidisciplinary technology.  Some areas for its applied knowledge are: disease control, catastrophe management, energy generation and distribution, and identification and implementation of appropriate technologies for developing countries, among others.  
This bachelor’s degree provides scientific knowledge and multidisciplinary technology in mathematical sciences, physics-chemistry, Earth and life sciences, as well as their relation in the technology, economic and social ambits, among others. 
The Bachelor’s Degree in Sciences is unique in its being offered between Madrid and Barcelona.  The first year is taught at UAM and UC3M. The second year takes place at the UAB and in a coordinated manner at UAM and UC3M. During the third and fourth year that focus on electives and the Senior Year Project, students can opt for international mobility and /or study of subjects at the university where enrolled.  The program will be taught for this first time during academic year 2020-21.

Employability and profesional internships

UC3M has agreements with over 3000 companies and institutions in which students can undertake internships and access job openings.

A total of 93.4 % of graduates from this University enter the job market the first year after finishing their studies, according to the 2019 XXIV Estudio de Inserción Profesional (Professional Placement Study).


International Excellence

QS Europe Ranking
QS Graduate Employability Ranking
The Global University Employability Ranking and Survey
Erasmus Plus


Year 1 - Semester 1

General subjects
Cálculo (UAM)6FBNo data
Química General (UAM)6FBNo data
Biología (UAM)6FBNo data
Geología (UAM)6FBNo data
Ciencia y Sociedad del Siglo XXI (UAM)6ONo data

Year 2 - Semester 2

General subjects
Statistics (UC3M)6OSpanish
Historia de la Ciencia (UAM)6ONo data
Bioquímica (UAM)6ONo data
Electives type A: Choose two subjectsNo dataNo dataNo data
Física Moderna (A1, A2) (UC3M)6PNo data
Ciencia de Materiales (A2) (UC3M)6PNo data
Genes y Ambiente (A1) (UAM)6PNo data
Conjuntos y Números (A2) (UAM)6PNo data
Modelización (A1, A2) (UAM)6PNo data

Year 3 - Semester 1

General subjects
Electives type B: Recommended 30 creditsNo dataNo dataNo data

Year 3 - Semester 2

General subjects
Electives type B: Recommended 30 creditsNo dataNo dataNo data

Year 4 - Semester 2

General subjects
Bachelor Thesis (UC3M)12ONo data
Electives type B: Recommended 18 creditsNo dataNo dataNo data
Electives courses type B: 102 ECTS
Biophysics (B1)6PEnglish
Medical Image processing6PEnglish
Introduction to Biomaterials6PEnglish
Control Engineering II6PEnglish Spanish
Molecular Genetics (B1)6PEnglish
Biomacromolecules (B1)6PEnglish
Cytology and Histology (B1)6PEnglish
Biochemical Methodology (B1)6PEnglish
Numerical Methods (B2)6PEnglish
Structure of Matter (B2)6PEnglish
Energy Technology (B2)6PEnglish Spanish
Electronic Technology (B2)6PEnglish Spanish
Environmental Technology (B2)3PEnglish Spanish
Introduction to Statistical Modeling6PEnglish
Electronic technology in biomedicine6PEnglish
Introduction to business management6PEnglish
Medical Physiology II6PEnglish
Ingeniería Neuronal6PEnglish
Cell and molecular biology6PEnglish
Fluid Mechanics in Biomedicine6PEnglish
Medical imaging instrumentation6PEnglish
Introduction to the design of medical instrumentation6PEnglish
Biomedical applications of nanotechnology6PEnglish
Synthetic and systems biology6PEnglish
Biophysics 2: Systems and synthetic biology. Computational biology6PEnglish
Materials science and engineering (*)6PEnglish Spanish
Industrial Automation6PEnglish Spanish
Computer Networks6PEnglish
Engineering Graphics6PEnglish Spanish
Electromagnetism and Optics6PEnglish
Introduction to engineering management6PEnglish Spanish
Innovation and Technological Change6PEnglish Spanish
Discrete Mathematics6PEnglish Spanish
Linear Geometry6PEnglish
Computer Technology6PEnglish Spanish
Partial differential equations6PEnglish
Signals, Systems and circuits6PEnglish
Machine Learning I6PEnglish
Mechanics of Structures6PEnglish Spanish
Statistical Signal Processing6PEnglish
Materials Technology6PEnglish Spanish
Instrumentation and measurements6PEnglish
Wind Energy6PEnglish
Solar Energy6PEnglish
Transmission and distribution of energy6PEnglish
Industrial Robotics6PEnglish Spanish
Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics6PEnglish
Predictive Modeling6PEnglish
Plasma physics and technology6PEnglish
Algorithms and data structures6PEnglish Spanish
Artificial Intelligence6PEnglish Spanish
Introduction to spintronics6PEnglish
Métodos numéricos en Biomedicina6PEnglish
Professional Internships6Pvacio

(*) If you have taken "Materials Science" as a type A elective in the 2nd year, you cannot choose "Materials Science and Engineering".

In joint degrees, the regulations of coordinating university are applied. Click here for UAM's rules and regulations for permanence and enrollment


BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis

Administrative Information

Interuniversity Bachelor Degree in Science

This degree is taught jointly by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), with the UAM being the coordinating university.

Thus, some courses are held in Madrid and others in Barcelona:

  • First course: Madrid (first semester at UAM and second semester at UC3M).
  • Second course, first four-month period: Barcelona (UAB)
  • Second year, second term: Madrid (UC3M and UAM, alternating days)
  • Third and fourth year: Each student takes the third and fourth year at the university that granted him/her admission.


Students admitted to UC3M may take their subjects in Spanish and/or English. The language of each course is indicated in the study program.


Each of the participating universities will allocate 15 places. However, during the first two years, the 45 students will form a single group.

For this reason, the cut-off marks and weightings may be different at each university. Please consult the admission information for each university for more information.

Enrolment and academic regulations

The coordinating university (UAM) will be responsible for the enrolment of all students during all academic years. Therefore, the fees to be paid will be those established by the Community of Madrid.

Those admitted to this degree at UC3M will receive, by e-mail, the necessary information to formalise their enrolment at the UAM. In addition, they will be issued with the university card of the three universities.

The rules of permanence and enrolment that will be applied will be those of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and can be consulted here.

International mobility

In this degree there is the possibility of carrying out an international mobility stay, within the Erasmus programme. The corresponding agreements and the allocation of available places will be managed by the UAM.


Profile and career opportunities

  • Entry Profile

    Entry profile

    The student will receive basic training in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and geology during the first two years of studies, in order to acquire a multidisciplinary knowledge of the sciences in the third and fourth years, which will allow him/her to have an adequate and sufficient vision to analyze the problems posed with scientific and multidisciplinary arguments. 

    On the other hand, the Degree in Science proposed here will be aimed at a new student profile, to which not much attention has been paid so far, and which is different from the one that normally accesses the classic degrees in science. On the one hand, this student would be more interested in obtaining a serious, broad and global vision of the sciences, which will allow him/her to integrate knowledge from fields that often appear disjoint in our current teaching systems. On the other hand, the student will receive a presentation of them focused not only on their more scientific and technical side, but also offering a vision of their synergies and relationships with social, technological and humanistic fields. Overall, it will provide you with a general perspective, which you will be able to complete later and specifically, if you so decide, with Master's studies.

    Access routes and application for a place in the degree program

  • Graduate Profile

    Graduate profile

    The degree will provide students with a broad training as professionals with a scientific profile in different areas of science with certain transversal skills in communication and science management. This multidisciplinary training, in accordance with the growing demand for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) professionals, will allow these graduates to develop their professional activity in industry and scientific dissemination among others, as well as access to postgraduate studies that will allow them to access teaching and/or research. Among all of them, we could consider:

    • Research centers and universities, exercising functions of technology transfer, scientific communication or project management.
    • Public and private teaching centers, after passing the regulated studies, where they will be able to teach in several scientific fields at the same time.
    • Scientific-technical services and research organizations, as specialized technicians.
    • Publishing companies, scientific communication companies, project management companies, combining the transdisciplinary dimension of the scientific knowledge acquired.
    • Public function and official organizations, in places related to science policy, research analysis and scientific information, as well as interdisciplinary analysis between different fields of knowledge.
    • Private companies in R&D&I laboratories, quality control, marketing and sales, project management, human resources, strategic projects, etc.
  • Career opportunities

    Career opportunities

    • Control of disease spread
    • Disaster management
    • Power generation and distribution
    • Identification and implementation of appropriate technologies for developing countries.
    • etc.


European and Non-European Mobility

Students of this degree can spend one or several terms at a european or non european university. 

The mobility is managed by the coodinating university.

Study in English

Before completing your studies, you must prove a B2 level of English by taking a test at the University or submitting one of the official certificates admitted.


Schedules and Calendar

Schedule in Bachelor's Degree

Academic Calendar

Exams Calendar (First Semester)

Exams Calendar (Second semester)

Exams Calendar (Recovery Tests)


Facts about this bachelor's degree

Year of Implementation: 2020

Places offered:

  • Leganés Campus: 45 (15 assigned by UC3M)

Official Code: 2504022

Link to publication in the Official Universities, centres and degrees registry

Profesorado y plan docente

Asignaturas del plan de estudios y su profesorado

(Only subjects taught at UC3M will be included)