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After the enactment of Law 2/2016, March 29, on Gender Identity and Expression and Social Equality and Non-discrimination for the Autonomous Region of Madrid, the University has implemented a process to request a name change for those individuals who seek application of said law, for which IT’S NECESSARY TO KNOW THAT:

To request a NAME CHANGE for reasons of GENDER IDENTITY you must take the following steps:

Fill out the request for modification of data in UC3M file and sworn declaration.

Turn in the personally signed request to the UC3M Equality Unit (office 8.1.13B, Rectorado building), without presenting it to the UC3M Registrar, or send it scanned to:

You will be notified by email when the Resolution of name change has been signed by the Rector and the Academic and IT services have incorporated the change.

This change will be reflected in:

Class lists

Official grades

Aula Global

Email alias and sender name

University Smart Card (TUI)

Important to keep in mind:   Official academic diplomas and degree  can only reflect one’s official name.


If you are beginning your studies at UC3M this academic year, we recommend that you turn in your request as soon as possible so that your desired name appears on the class lists at the beginning of the year.

Change of name for reasons of gender identity

request for modification of data in UC3M file and sworn declaration