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UC3M Students´s Mobility (Outgoing)

The UC3M offers its students a wide range of international activities and the possibility of participating in them doing part of their studies at a university in another European country or at a university outside Europe.

Thanks to our exchange programmes, you will be able to internationalize your studies during a year or a semester, by taking part in the Erasmus + Program, the Non-European Mobility Program or collaborating in international Volunteer programs too.

At the UC3M International Fair you can find out all the possibilities and options of internationalization first hand.

You can also carry out a mobility within Spain under the SICUE Program (Exchange System between Spanish University Centers).

Throughout your studies you will be able to carry out more than one mobility.

  • Europe

    Erasmus+ undergraduates

    logo cofinanciado por Erasmus+

    These places are publicly offered every year and  they are awarded based on your academic record and the language level (English, French, Portuguese, Italian and German) required by the university of destination. Therefore, you should consult as soon as possible which language certificate you will need.Annually, an Erasmus+ mobility call is published. Thanks to this program, you will have the chance to study up to twelve months of your academic program (one or more semesters) in other european universities that we have agreements with (Erasmus University Rotterdam, King's College London, Copenhagen Business School or Università Bocconi, among others)

    If you are a student with special needs you have an additional financial aid to complete your Erasmus +.

    All information about calls is available in your Virtual Secretariat. In this page you can also see the experiences of some UC3M students who have participated in the Erasmus Programmes in previous years.

    Erasmus+ BIPs studies

    This call allows for Erasmus+ international mobility of short-term face-to-face studies, generally one week, together with another virtual mobility at a European university under one of the BIP programs in which UC3M participates.

    More information on the page of the call for virtual secretariat.

    Erasmus+ Postgraduate

    estudiantes estudiando

    If you are studying a Master at UC3M, you are able to apply for an Erasmus+ mobility. 

    These are the two options you can choose from for the master exchanges: 

    • International mobility period for studying master's courses. 
    • International Suplemment: you can do your international academic mobility as additional education, even if you have already completed you master's courses. 

    If you are a student with special needs, you will have an extra financial aid for your postgraduate Eramus+.

    You can find all the information at your Virtual Secretariat

    Erasmus+ Proyectos Internacionales

    proyecto cofinanciado por Erasmus+

    HECSOs (Higher Education Institutions and Civil Society Organizations together for community)

    The Erasmus+ HECSOs (Higher Education Institutions and Civil Society Organizations together for community) project, coordinated by the University of Turin, Italy, and in which the Carlos III University of Madrid participates, aims to improve the capacity of Universities to cooperate in systematically and continuously with Civil Society Organizations in community commitment as an innovative and impactful way for the socioeconomic inclusion of people in need. The project is implemented by 8 partners (4 Universities and 4 NGOs) from 6 EU countries (Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain), with the support of a European network of NGOs, 2 Universities and 2 NGOs such as associated partners.

    The purpose of this call is  to allocate 5 training and mobility places to UC3M master's students, enrolled in one of the master's programs on the list published in Annex I of the call, so that they can carry out a summer school and mobility program. on "Community Engagement" .

    The Summer School will take place in several phases:

    • Previous online phase: Includes the first Regional Policies Workshop and access to introductory material on Community Engagement in Moodle, adapting to the pace of each student.
    • In-person phase in Turin: It takes place from June 3 to 7, 2024, combining morning visits to local practices and 3-hour conferences/workshops in the afternoons at the University of Turin.
    • Final online phase: Students participate in a second Regional Policy Workshop, generating reports on the related topics as a final evaluation.

    -  Call for the Summer School on Community Engagement program 

    More information in the next link

    Registration through this form

    Application period: from 02/27/2024 to 03/05/2024, inclusive

    Provisional Resolution of the Call. Deadline for allegations and acceptance of place from 03/09/2024 to 03/18/2024

    - FINAL AWARD Resolution

    For reasons of data protection, the lists, resolutions or videos will only be visible to applicants who access through Google Drive with their UC3M username..

  • Out of Europe

    Non European Mobility

    chicos jugando rugby

    UC3M graduate students have the opportunity to study one or several semesters in a non-european University. Currently, we have exchange agreements with 150 universities in 29 different countries (University of California, George Mason University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Waseda University, Monterrey Institute of Technology, among others).

    To participate in the Non-European Mobility program, pay attention to the call published in September every year, to do the mobility in the following year.

    The squares are awarded based on student grades, provided that you have exceeded the threshold of language (English, French etc) required by the call.

    After obtaining a square, students do not pay the tuition fees of the destination university, they only pay UC3M tuition fee. Morever, students can ask for an UC3M financial aid awarded according to the academic records and limited financial capacity; Banco Santander Latin America scholarships for associate universities included in the program Scholarship Latin America Santander Bank; and European Commision financial aids for associate universities of the International Credit Mobility Program KA107.

    More information about the calls is available in your Virtual Secretariat.

    The university Carlos III hosts a similar number of graduate students from the associate universities, for one or two semesters, in Spanish or in English.

    • Feedback from the UC3M students about their personal experiences who have already enjoyed a non-european mobility.

    Mobility Program Sui Luris (Undergraduates)

    logo Sui Iuris

    The University Carlos III belongs to the Facutly Association and Law Schools “Sui Luris”, alongside with Latin American universities.

    This Association calls every year this mobility program, so UC3M students can study one semester in any university from the association.

    To participate in this program you must study a Bachelor’s Degree in Law or any Double Bachelor’s Degree which includes Law.

    If you obtain a square, you will not pay the destination university tuition fee, but only the UC3M ones.

    Erasmus+ International Program Credit Mobility KA 107 (KA 107 before)

    imagen ICM K107

    The International Credit Mobility Program (ICM) KA171 supports teaching and research staff (PDI) and administration and services staff (PAS) to carry out a teaching and/or training stay at Higher Education Institutions (IES) in countries partners outside of Europe .

    Within the framework of this program, UC3M is currently participating in two projects, the first in consortium with the  Alianza 4 Universidades (A4U), and the second, in its own project:

  • International Double Degrees

    Study an International Double Degree (IDD)


    An international double degree (IDD) is an international agreement between UC3M and another associate university from another country which will allow you to obtain, after studying a joint programme in both institutions, two (or three) official higher education titles accredited by the European Higher Education Area, one per each university.



    What does an International Double Degree offer?

    • Two or three official titles
    • Strength your employability
    • Complement your studies
    • Increase your intercultural intelligence and multilingualism


    Social Science and Law

    >IDD in Business Administration with European Business School (EBS)

    logotipo European Busines School

    EBS is the oldest business private university in Germany with campuses in Wiesbaden and Oestrich-Winkel. More info.

    Business Administration students have the opportunity to study this IDD and obtain, not only the UC3M degree, but also “Bachelor of Science in General Management - International Business Studies” by EBS:

    UC3M y EBS

    There is up to a maximum of four places for this IDD directed to 2nd year Business Administration Students. The mobility starts in EBS in the second semester of the third year.

    Specific requisites: ENGLISH. Certificates: TOEFL-80; IELTS-6.0; TOEIC-660; First.

    >IDD in Business Administration with ESCP Europe Business School

    Logotipo ESCP

    ESCP Europe Business School is an international business school and one of the main Great Schools in France. It is considered to be the oldest business school in the world (established in 1819), and as one of the best business schools in Europe. It has its own campuses in Paris, London, Madrid, Berlin, Turin and Warsaw. In 2010, its main program, the Master in Management, was ranked as the number 1 in the world according to the Financial Times. More info.

    Students of the Bachelor of Business Administration have the opportunity to complete this International Double Degree and obtain a Bachelor in Management from ESCP (180 ECTS) and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from UC3M (240 ECTS).


    IDD in Business Administration with ESCP Europe Business School


    There are 5 places for IDD addressed to students of the first year of  the degree in Business Administration (ADE) UC3M. 

    Specific requisites: B2 french and C1 english


    >IDD Bachelor’s Degree in Sound and Image Engineering with IMT Atlantique

    Logo Telecom Bretagne

    Founded in 1977, IMT Atlantique is a engineering school (Grand école) more prestigious in France. More info.

    Bachelor’s Degree In Sound and Image Engineering students have the chance to study this 6 year IDD and obtain not only the UC3M engineering degree, but also the title “Ingenieur” by IMT Atlantique and the UC3M Master in Telecommunications Engineering.

    IDD Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual System Engineering with IMT Atlantique

    There are two places for this IDD aimed at students in the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Sound and Image Engineering, in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering, in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering and in Telematics Engineering.

    Specific requisites: French B1

    >IDD Bachelor’s Degree in DTI in Degree in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering with IMT Atlantique

    Logo Telecom Bretagne

    Founded in 1977, IMT Atlantique is a engineering school (Grand école) more prestigious in France. More info.

    Bachelor’s Degree in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering with IMT Atlantique students have the chance to study this 6 year IDD and obtain not only the UC3M engineering degree, but also the title “Ingenieur” by IMT Atlantique and the UC3M Master in Telecommunications engineering.


    There are two places for this IDD aimed at students in the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Sound and Image Engineering, in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering, in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering and in Telematics Engineering.

    Specific requisites: French B1

    >IDD Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering with IMT Atlantique with IMT Atlantique

    Logo Telecom Bretagne

    Founded in 1977, IMT Atlantique is a engineering school (Grand école) more prestigious in France. More info.

    Bachelor’s Degree In Telecommunication Technologies Engineering students have the chance to study this 6 year IDD and obtain not only the UC3M engineering degree, but also the title “Ingenieur” by IMT Atlantique and the UC3M Master in Telecommunications engineering.


    There are two places for this IDD aimed at students in the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Sound and Image Engineering, in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering, in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering and in Telematics Engineering.

    Specific requisites: French B1

    >IDD Bachelor’s Degree in Telematics Engineering with IMT Atlantique

    Logo Telecom Bretagne

    Founded in 1977, IMT Atlantique is a engineering school (Grand école) more prestigious in France. More info.

    Bachelor’s Degree In Telematics Engineering students have the chance to study this 6 year IDD and obtain not only the UC3M engineering degree, but also the title “Ingenieur” by IMT Atlantique and the UC3M Master in Telecommunications engineering.

    IDD Bachelor’s Degree in Telematics Engineering with Telecom Bretagne

    There are two places for this IDD aimed at students in the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Sound and Image Engineering, in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering, in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering and in Telematics Engineering.

    Specific requisites: French B1

    >DTI Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering

    Logo Telecom Bretagne

    Founded in 1977, IMT Atlantique is a engineering school (Grand école) more prestigious in France. More info.

    Bachelor Degree In Telematics Engineering students have the chance to study this 6 year IDD and obtain not only the UC3M engineering degree, but also the title “Ingenieur” by IMT Atlantique and the UC3M Master in Telecommunications Engineering.

    IDD DEGREE IN Computer Science and Engineering WITH IMT-Atlantique

    There are two places for this IDD aimed at students in the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering

    Specific requisites: French B1



    Graduate School of Law

    >IDD Master in Intellectual Property with Toulouse-1 Capitole

    Logo Toulouse Capitole 1

    Created in 1970, Toulouse 1 Capitole University has its origins in Canon Law faculty founded in 1229 by Saint-Louis King. Today, it is a Law, Economics and Business Administration University that promotes international networks for scientific research, student exchange and research-professors. More info.

    Intellectual Property Master students have the change to study this IDD and obtain, not only the UC3M Master but also “Master 2 Propriété Intellectuelle” of the Toulouse 1 Capitole University.






    There are a maximum of five places for this IDD aimed at the first year students of the Intellectual Property master.

    Specific requisites: Enough level of French for attending the classes. There will be an interview to check the language level.

    >IDD Master in Degree in European Union Law (MUDUE)


    La American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) is a select American Law School located in Washington D.C. It has prestigious programs (both clinic s and practices) in International Law, Law and Government, Intellectual Property, Health Law and Business and Gender Law.

    It is ranked in the 25th position of the ranking of "Best schools for lawyers traines abroad" Más info.


    Observations: students may pay academic fees at UC3M *; they must be incorporated into the AUWCL at the end of August; they must attend at least two semesters (autumn and spring) and a maximum of three semesters (autumn, spring and summer) in the AUWCL; After obtaining the double degree, UC3M students who wish to practice law in the US will have the possibility of examining themselfs from a state bar exam.

    * This pricing will be maintained as long as the number of students sent by the UC3M is equivalent to the number of students sent by the AUWCL.

    To resolve any questions related to student selection, deadlines, admission requirements or programs, you can contact the Master's manager at the email address

    Graduate School of Humanities and Communication

    >IDD Master in Contemporary Spanish Language and Literature with Bremen University

    Logo Bremen

    The university of Bremen, founded in 1971, has around 23.500 students and employees from 126 countries. Since 2012, it has been recognized as University of Excellence. More info.

    Students of the Master in contemporary Spanish Language and Literature have the chance to study this IDD and to obtain, not only the UC3M Master, but also the “Master of Art - Romanistik International” by the University of Bremen.


    There is a maximum of eight places for this IDD aimed at students in the first year of the Master in contemporary Spanish Language and Literature.

    Specific requisites: A2 in German. Applicants must attain a Degree (at least 180 ECTS) in Philology, Humanities, Cultural Studies, Film or Audiovisual Media to access.

    Important: DTI students can enjoy a reduction in the prices of academic fees in ECTS to be taken in Bremen- This reduction has been set al the 100% for the 2020-2021 academic year.

    Graduate School of Economics and Political Science

    > IDD Master in Economic Development and Growth with the University of Lund

    Logo Lund University (LU)

    Lund University (LU) is a prestigious Swedish university located in the city of Lund. It's one of the oldest universities in northern Europe, founded in 1666. It has a prestigious faculty of economic studies and a program of studies on development located among the 30 best universities in the world. More info.

    Up to fifteen students of the University Master's Degree in Economic Development and Growth (MEDEG) can take this International Double Degree and obtain, in addition to the MEDEG by UC3M, the “Master degree in Economic Development and Growth” by the LU.

    DTI MAster Desarrollo y crecimiento en Lundt

    Specific requirements: to have passed the first course complete of the MEDEG (60 ECTS) to access to the double degree program; and complete 60 ECTS in the LU to obtain the double degree.

    Graduate School of Engineering and Basic Sciences

    >DTI Master in Aeronautical Engineering with ISAE-SUPAERO

    Logo ISAE Supaero

    The Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace or ISAE is a school of aerospace engineering located in Toulouse, France. It is a French Grande École and is part of the University of Toulouse. It was born in 2007 as a result of the merger between aerospace engineering schools dependent on the French Ministry of Defense SUPAERO and ENSICA. More info

    The students of the Master in Aeronautical Engineering have the opportunity to take this International Double Degree and obtain, in addition to the UC3M Master, the “Ingénieur (MSC)” from ISAE-SUPAERO.

    DTI Master aeronautical engineering with ISAE-SUPAERO

    There is a maximum of 2 places for the DTI aimed at students of the 1st year of the Master in Aeronautical Engineering at UC3M.

    Specific requirements: French level B1

    Important: In the first and second year, students pay their fees at UC3M, while in the last year they are paid at the host university. The rates vary each year, being able to access the updated information through the following link. In this call the fees for European students are € 2,895 approx. and for Non European students € 4,965 approx.

    >IDD Master in Telecommunications Engineering with IMT Atlantique

    Logo Telecom Bretagne

    Founded in 1977, IMT Atlantique is one of the most prestigious Engineering Schools ("Grandes Ecoles") in France. More info.

    Students of the Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering  have the opportunity to take this six-year International Double Degree and obtain, in addition to the UC3M Engineering Degree, the title of "Ingenieur" by IMT Atlantique and the UC3M Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering.


    Specific requirements: French B1.

    >IDD Master in Informatics Engineering with IMT Atlantique

    Logo Telecom Bretagne

    Founded in 1977, IMT Atlantique is one of the most prestigious Engineering Schools ("Grandes Ecoles") in France. More info.

    Students of the Master's Degree in Engineering  have the opportunity to take this six-year International Double Degree and obtain, in addition to the UC3M Engineering Degree, the title of "Ingenieur" by IMT Atlantique and the UC3M Master's Degree in Informatics Engineering.


    Specific requirements: French B1.


More information about international mobility:

International Offices

> Getafe Campus

> Leganés Campus

Colmenarejo Campus