Umdergraduate companions
- Orientación a estudiantes
- Among peers
- Umdergraduate companions

The objective of the Companion Program is to integrate newly admitted students through accompaniment and tutoring by students from higher years and thereby ease their fast and successful academic and social integration into the University. For those studying at university for the first time, the benefits are unquestionable. The help of those who already have experience as students is useful and can be used to receive credits.
- Tutored student
Would you like to be accompanied in your first year?
Because it is not always easy moving from A-levels to the academic world...
You have just arrived in Madrid and don’t know anybody...
You want to get the most out of university...
Because you will be able to learn from, grow from and enjoy university life...
Because the companions are there to lend you a hand...Because you want to be informed of everything from your first day...
Don’t hesitate, request a tutor companion.Registration will be available until 13 September 2023.
Please note that in order to register you will need to validate your university username and password.
You can check how to do so through the following link:
If you have an inquiry, you can send it to:
What do you gain from signing up to the program?
- You will receive complete and personalised academic, social and administrative information.
- You will find intimate and reliable answers and solutions to everyday problems that can arise during your first year of university from whoever tutors you.
- You will be able to quickly access specific resources that will help you to enjoy a successful transition from A-levels to university.
- You will receive advice on the best ways to face your studies with success.
- You will feel accompanied by someone equal who knows your needs well. You will know how to support, orient and motivate yourself after a short time at university.
Requirements for being a tutored student
- Be a newly admitted student.
- Attendance at meetings organised with the person tutoring you.
- Presentation of the corresponding evaluation questionnaires in each case (evaluation of the tutors, the Program, etc.)
- Student tutors
Would you like to tutor newly admitted students?
If you are in second year or above, are an open, dynamic person with initiative and want to lend a hand to other students beginning their studies and your course is going well and you handle yourself with skill around the University...
Sign up to the program and tutor a first year student!
- Requirements
To participate in the Companion Program as a tutor, you have to be at least a second year student and, in addition, certain variables will be valued such as communicative capacity, relationship skills, knowledge and use of University resources, resolute aptitude, motivation, academic record, international experience, etc.
It is essential that you commit to carrying out the duties of tutoring.
- Duties that every student tutor should carry out
Every tutor commits themselves to carrying out a series of duties with regards to who they tutor and others such as monitoring meetings, program evaluation, etc.
Consult the student tutor duties here
- Registration on the program
You will be able to register yourself through this form. Until the 3th May 2023
- Credit recognition
Apart from the skills you will develop and the personal satisfaction of helping other course mates, you will also receive 3 optional credits. You will receive 6 optional credits if you tutor students for 2 or more years.
More information about receiving optional credits.
You will have other support at your disposal; you will receive approximately 5 hours of training and monitoring as well as permanent support on the part of the team in charge of the program.
- Evaluation
Evaluation will be carried out by bearing in mind the completion of the program’s objectives and of your duties, taking into account your own personal evaluation, with the evaluation carried out by the team in charge of the program, mainly by the faculty or coordinators in charge of monitoring you and the evaluation that the student body you tutor carries out.