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Healthy university

chicos ante el parking de bicis

The UC3M is integrated into the Madrid Network of Healthy Universities (REMUS, in its Spanish acronym) the main objective of which is to promote health in the university community. Committed to this purpose, we want to help you to have a healthy lifestyle, encouraging you to acquire habits that favour physical, mental and emotional health.

During the academic year, we will keep programming a series of informative campaigns, the objective of which will be to live a healthier life on campus. We will try to draw your attention and raise your awareness regarding topics such as alcohol consumption and smoking, sedentary lifestyle, risky sexual behaviour... We want to transmit habits and routines that promote health, such as physical activity, sport, a balanced diet and an active social, caring and cultural life. All of which promotes well-being and happiness, a goal that we encourage you to aim for.


Emotional well-being

Bienestar emocional

Being healthy means looking after our body and mind. Emotional well-being is linked to health, therefore it is important to know how to handle our emotions, control stress and improve our lifestyle.
The UC3M wishes to educate happy people with healthy minds and the ability to face life’s difficulties and challenges.

We have a psychological and educational psychological service available to you with which you can arrange a personalised appointment.

The Personal Improvement Program provides you with workshops on topics that contribute to well-being and to the development of abilities and skills.

More information about emotional well-being


Prevention of drug and alcohol consumption

Bienestar emocional

The prevention of risky behaviour related to drug use and sexuality is fundamental to have a healthy body and mind. We want to contribute to awareness and training with serious and responsible information about drug use and its consequences.
It is also important to decide how to develop our sexuality and know the risks associated with certain sexual behaviour.
We invite you to familiarise yourself with the following programs:

UC3M “En Plenas Facultades” Program

En Plenas Facultades (Healthy, drugs and sexuality)

Tu punto (Your point)


¿Quieres llevar una vida sana y feliz?


Si quieres, puedes. En la UC3M cuentas con el asesoramiento de profesionales que te ayudarán a llevar una vida más sana, practicando deporte y realizando más actividad física. Nuestros técnicos también  podrán orientarte para mejorar el rendimiento en tus estudios y  superar las dificultades. 

Orientación psicológica

Asesor de la salud deportiva

Programa: En Plenas Facultades

Día Internacional de la Felicidad