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Thesis defense session

Thesis defense

After the thesis defense, the Committee will give their global assessment in terms of No Apto (Fail), Aprobado (Pass), Notable (Good) or Sobresaliente (Excellent), according to the modification to the RD 99/2011 of the BOE (Official Bulletin of the State) of July 13, 2013.

Cum laude distinction and Outstanding Thesis Award

Theses with an Excellent (Sobresaliente) grade are eligible for the cum laude distinction. The Committee members will subsequently meet in closed session to cast their votes in separate secret ballot. Only if all votes are favorable will the Committee submit their proposal for the thesis to be awarded the cum laude distinction to the university Chancellor.

Additionally, each member of the Committee will finally cast their vote, anonymously and in a sealed envelope, for the thesis to be considered for the Outstanding Thesis Award by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.


The Secretary of the Thesis Committee is responsible for the documentation of the defense proceedings. He or she will submit the original minutes of the defense and assessment sessions, including the session concerning the cum laude distinction, attaching all relevant documents.

Organization for Defense Evaluations with remote attendance

They will follow the instructions from the Dean of the Doctoral School - Instrucción procedimiento para la organización de tribunales por videoconferencia-

1. Hybrid defense session

The request for remote participation for Committee members will be submitted by the thesis advisor (as per the following template), to the Academic Committee of the PhD Program (CAPD), which will review and authorize the petition, considering the interest for the University and to help with the course of the defense session process.

2. Remote defense session

Given the in-person nature of the PhD studies at UC3M, the remote participation of the doctoral student in the defense act will, in any case, be exceptional, and for unforeseen reasons, requiring a reasoned request, which must be documented. and must be approved by the Directorate of the Doctoral School, after consideration by the CAPD (as per the following template)