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International Mobility and International PhD Distinction

Mapa del mundo

What is the International PhD Distinction?

According to art 15.1 of RD 99/29011, which regulates official doctoral teachings, the International Mention will be recognized in the title of Doctor when duly accredited situations of doctoral training in international collaboration occur.

What is its goal?

Encourage and recognize international collaboration in doctoral training, as a way to increase the quality of research work and the creation and strengthening of international research networks.

Which requisites must be met to obtain an International Doctorate?

1/ having carried out one or more research stays outside Spain in one or more prestigious centers during the doctoral training period. They must total three months and if several have been carried out, they must individually last at least one month.

2/ the PhD thesis, or at least, the summary and conclusions of the thesis, are written and defended in one of the usual languages ​​for scientific communication in its field of study, different from any of the official languages ​​in Spain.

3/ The thesis must be informed prior to its defense by two experts who belong to a non-Spanish research center (These experts may not coincide with the researchers who received the doctoral student and carried out tutoring or tutoring tasks. direction of work in the host entity during your stay)

4/ In the thesis defense Evaluation Committee, there will be an expert person belonging to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research center, who has the title of Doctor, and is different from the person responsible for the international research stay.

How are the research stays performed outside of Spain accredited?

Carrying out stays abroad throughout your training as a researcher gives you the possibility of opting for the International Doctorate Mention.

International stay(s) must have prior authorization from the Academic Committee of your doctoral program.

International stay authorization form

Once the stay has been completed, you will have to provide the documents or reports that certify the stay and the research results obtained during it.

Justifying report and research results of the stay carried out

You must include this information in your electronic record of doctoral activity (SIGMA). Please check the attached pdf guide

How should I prepare the thesis defense if I want to obtain the International Disctinction?

1/ you will have registered in SIGMA, all the documents that prove the international stay(s) (at least three months)

2/ you will have written the PhD thesis or prepared, at least, the summary and conclusions of the thesis, in a language other than the official ones in Spain and commonly used for scientific communication.

3/ you will have obtained two reports from expert doctors belonging to foreign institutions (they may be the reports required in the pre-defense stage)

External Expert reports template

4/ an expert belonging to a foreign center must be part of the thesis evaluation panel (it may be an expert who issued a previous report on the thesis)