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Social Sciences

  • Inicio




    Prof. Juan Díez Medrano


    About the program


    The main objective of the Ph.D. program in Social Sciences is to train competitive researchers and professionals for a career in international universities and prestigious institutions. The program is designed to provide our Ph.D. students with analytical and cognitive tools so that they can carry out cutting-edge research on social, political, and economic problems.

    During their training, the Ph.D. Students are integrated in an international academic and intellectual community that is both stimulating and demanding. The Ph.D. Program is intense and challenging.  It offers a multitude of academic activities, such as, international seminars, workshops, and special courses. In implementing these activities, the program relies on the participation of international scholars from prestigious universities across the world.

    The Social Sciences Ph.D. program is promoted by the Social Sciences Department and the  Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Sciences (IC3JM), and it embraces three main specialties:

    • Political Science
    • Economic History
    • Sociology

    The program is also open to students that likes to pursue research in related areas like, for example, demography, international relations, public management, geography, history, anthropology.

    The main access route to the program is the  Master in Social Sciences organized by the Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Sciences (IC3JM) at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.


    The program is:

    • Adapted to RD 99/2011, of January 28
    • Verified by the MADRI+D Foundation and implemented for the 2017/2018 academic year

    Student profile

    The applicants must have thorough knowledge and understanding of advanced research methods and techniques in the social sciences. They should have the capacity to synthesize knowledge, analyse problems critically, present new lines of research, formulate a research design, and formulate hypotheses and test them empirically. Finally, advanced knowledge of English is essential. Academic activities are developed exclusively in English, and it is recommended that the candidates write their theses in English.

    The main access route is the Master in Social Sciences organized by the Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Sciences (IC3JM)  at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. The PhD program in Social Sciences also welcome highly motivated students with a Master degree issued by a prestigious institution in an area of the Social Sciences.

    Access requirements

    According to art. 6 of the PhD studies regulation (RD 99/2011), in order to access the Program it is required to have a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) and a Master's degree (or equivalent), provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been passed in these two cycles as a whole, or the equivalent degree qualifies for level 3 of MECES (Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior, Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualifications). 

    Likewise, access is available to candidates in possession of foreign degrees from countries integrated into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) when the degree can be accredited as level 7 in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), as long as the aforementioned degree allows access to PhD level studies in the country of expedition; and candidates with a degree which is equivalent to a Spanish Master's degree, obtained in foreign education systems outside the EHEA, as long as the aforementioned degree allows access to PhD level studies in the country of expedition.

    As a general rule, the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree must belong to the area of Social Sciences (Sociology, Political Sciences, Administration Science, Economics, Demography or Economic History). Alternatively, they should have the equivalent Master’s degree in a country within the European Higher Education Area. Students who have a foreign degree equivalent to the Master's Degree in Social Sciences, from a notable institution, and that gives access to Ph.D. programs in the issuing country, can also access the program. In addition, all students must have the equivalent of 18 ETCS in advanced methods for social science research.

    In exceptional cases, candidates with postgraduate training other than those mentioned above may also seek admission. The program considers two categories. 1) candidates with postgraduate training (minimum 60 ETCS) in Social Anthropology, Public International Law and International Relations, Ecology, Applied Economics, Economics, Sociology and Agricultural Policy, Human Geography, Contemporary History, American History, Modern History, Social Psychology, and History of Law and Institutions. 2) candidates with postgraduate training at the level of Master’s in other branches that have passed at least 12 ETCS (at the graduate level) in subjects in the areas of this Ph.D. program. 

    In the first case, the program’s Academic Commission may require the candidate to take a maximum of 18 ETCS advanced subjects linked to the line of research that the candidate intend to pursue. In the second case, the Commission may establish a minimum of 24 ETCS and a maximum of 30 ECTS of complementary training activities.

    Admission criteria

    Interested candidates may apply on-line. Applicants should submit their academic credentials and titles (both Bachelor's and Master's degrees), CV, a research proposal and a statement of interest in the PhD. Program (using this template). Applicants must also include a sample of their written work (e.g., Master’s thesis, research papers, etc.).

    The candidate is welcome to submit one or more letters of recommendation from researchers and scholars at any university to back up their application. These letters of recommendation will be directly submitted by the external experts to the Ph.D. program to (indicating Ph.D. candidate's full name-Ph.D. in Social Sciences-uc3m).

    The program director announces the admission to the program in accordance with the criteria and requirements established by the Academic Committee. Admission will only be offered to applicants who have been evaluated very favourably with respect to their ability to achieve the program’s objectives. The admission criteria used to assess this capability are:

    • Advanced knowledge of English (level B2). In the case that an applicant does not have an official language qualification the admissions committee may conduct an interview to assess the student’s proficiency in English. This is a prerequisite for admission.
    • Quality of past merits and academic record. Apart from grades, the university where the applicant studied and the quality of its graduate training will be reviewed in detail. (40%)
    • Adequacy of the applicant's training and record with respect to the research lines of the Ph.D. program. Special attention is given to previous training in subjects relevant to this program. Modules with a research component will also be reviewed closely. Applicants must prove they have undergone enough training to allow them to undertake research in the fields of this program. The baseline is the program of the Master of Social Science Research organized by the Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Sciences (IC3JM) (30%)
    • Originality and feasibility of the applicants Research Project and its potential contribution to its research field: Motivation and adaptation of the candidate's research interests in relation to the research lines of the program. (20%)
    • Research experience and quality of earlier writings (Master thesis or other academic publications.). Attendance and participation in courses and scientific conferences, experience in research related activities (writing dissertations, participation in research projects, publications, conference presentations etc.) and an international academic profile is considered valuable. (10%)             

    The Academic Committee of the program may require a personal interview with the candidate to further assess the profile of the student.

    Seats available for the academic year: 10


    In addition to the elaboration of the doctoral thesis, students must take some training aimed at improving their research skills as well as ensuring the scientific quality of their research work. This is structured in the following types of training.


    Specific training



    Specialized seminars organized by the Department of Social Sciences and the Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Sciences, such as the Max Weber Seminars, the IC3JM Permanent Seminar and the Economic History Seminars. All seminars are given in English, by internationally esteemed experts and scholars, predominantly from foreign institutions. There are approximately 10 seminars per semester. A Ph.D. students have to attend 70% of the seminars, which corresponds to about 25 hours of training.

    Advanced Research Courses organized by the Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Sciences: Short courses on research topics specific to the different areas of the program (Economic History, Political Science and Sociology). These courses are given in English by internationally prestigious professors from other institutions and universities. The courses have a maximum duration of one week and are partially financed with the mobility aids granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education. The program’s Ph.D. students have to attend all courses within their area of specialization.

    Research Seminars by the Social Science Department’s faculty, with the presence of visiting professors at Carlos III University and professors from other departments. All students enrolled in the Ph.D. program must do at least two presentations of their work at these research meetings during their doctoral training. The first within 12-18 months into the program and the second 6 months ahead of the defence of the thesis.

    Attendance at congresses, symposia, etc. All Ph.D. students are required to participate as speakers in at least one international conference or symposium of recognized prestige in their area of specialization. Funding for this activity is the responsibility of the Department of Social Sciences. This activity should be carried out in English.

    Formative activities in foreign institutions and universities. The Ph.D. program actively promotes the mobility of its students to benefit from the training activities in prestigious foreign centres world-wide. The stay must have a minimum duration of 3 months. These stays are recommended not mandatory.


    Research skills training


    Research skills training is focused on abilities common to all disciplines for the development of scientific and educational skills and the improvement of the professional career. This training consists of different activities (short courses, seminars, etc.), which can be recommended by the Academic Committee of the program.


    Further information:

    • Research Lines

      Structures and political and economic changes

      • Political violence and security
      • International political economy
      • Elections and political behaviour
      • Institutions
      • Governments and public administrations
      • Leadership and governance
      • Economic structure and institutional change in the long term
      • Inequality
      • Economic freedom
      • Globalization and regulation in historical perspective


      Structures and social changes

      • Demographic change
      • Life cycle, family and education
      • Social stratification
      • Migration and aging
      • Collective action, identities and nationalism
      • Networks and organizations
      • Culture and religion
      • Gender and discrimination
    • Scientific Results

      Publications from the doctoral theses defended in the PhD program. 


      Thesis: Becoming a Migrant in Europe: Accounts of motive, meaning, and identity formation. Maricia Fischer-Souan.

      • 2022. Fischer-Souan, M. and García de Polavieja, F. J. 2022. "The boundary within: Are applicants of Southern European descent discriminated against in Northern European job markets?" Socio-Economic Review (Q1)           
      • 2019. Fischer-Souanm M. "Between ‘Labour Migration’ and ‘New European Mobilities’: Motivations for Migration of Southern and Eastern Europeans in the EU". Social Inclusion, Cogitatio Press, vol. 7(4), pages 7-17 
      • 2019. Fischer-Souan, M., Dimitriadis, I. and G. Fullin. "Great Expectations? Young Southern Europeans Emigrating in Times of Crisis. Mondi Migranti. 3: 127-153.
      • 2019. Fischer-Souan, M. "Becoming European? Strangers finding a place in the European Union." Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies, 13(1).


      Thesis: The prize for hard work: effort, educational attainment and the transmission of social inequality. Alberto Abad Palacios.

      • 2021. Abad, A. "Strive to Succeed? The Role of Persistence in the Process of Educational Attainment." American Behavioral Scientist. SJR (Q1, 0.84) (Cultural Studies)


      Tesis: Democratic Resilience: Citizens Evaluation of Democratic Performance during the Great Recession. Alejandro Tirado Castro.

      • 2022. Lupu, N. "Unequal Policy Responsiveness in Spain." Socio-Economic Review. JCR (Q1, 2.72); SJR (1.315).
      • 2021. Tirado, A. Fishman, R. "How Democracy Works: Divergent Perspectives of Representatives and Citizens." In Xavier Coller and Sanchez-Ferrer (Eds.) Politicians in Hard Times: Spanish and South European MPs Facing Citizens after the Great Recession. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Scientific Publications

      Recent and relevant publications of our faculty are available here.


    Thesis defense


    The doctoral thesis consists of an original work of research developed independently by the Ph.D. candidate. The work is planned in consultation with a supervisor/director assigned to the student. The doctoral thesis should embrace one of the lines of research included in the Ph.D. program in Social Science.

    The Doctoral School at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has implemented follow-up procedures to ensure high quality standards regarding the training and supervision of our students, as well as their thesis defense.


    Further information:




    A thesis in the Social Science Ph.D. Program can either be a monograph or a compilation of separate papers. The requirements for quality and scope are the same for the two forms.  A monograph should not exceed 80.000 words. A compiled dissertation shall typically contain an introductory chapter and three or more papers, each with a quality and scope corresponding to an article that might be accepted for publication in an international refereed scientific journal. In cases where other authors have contributed to one or several papers, the workshare of the author of the thesis must amount to that of a single authored compiled thesis.

    The Academic Committee authorizes the presentation of the thesis in consultation with the candidate's tutor and the thesis director, and after the student’s second presentation at the Department of Social Science Workshop. The Academic Committee may use an external evaluator to assess the quality of the thesis before authorizing the presentation of the thesis. 

    • Overview
      Información Práctica de los Estudios de Doctorado


      Our Ph.D. programs focus on the acquisition of skills and abilities required to undertake high-quality research work within the strategic framework and lines of research of the university. Students will be expected to work independently under supervision and guidance of top experts in their fields in order to produce novel, groundbreaking research work in the form of a dissertation.

      The Ph.D. thesis constitutes the expected outcome of the doctoral training, stating the specifics of the research work and results. The thesis must meet the high-quality standards required by the Ph.D. program and be subject to public defense and assessment by an independent thesis committee.

      A favorable assessment of the thesis enables Ph.D. students to request their official Ph.D. degree certificate, issued by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.


      Doctoral training calendar 

      Duration of the academic year: October 1st through September 30th

      Process Period
      Admission According to the start semester of the PhD:

      Second semester of the 23/24 academic year
      Admission application deadline: September 1st 2023 through January 31st 2024 (23:59 h., CET) 
      PhD start date: March 30th 2024

      First semester of the 24/25 academic year
      Admission application deadline: February 1st through August 31st 2024 (23:59 h., CET) 
      PhD start date: November 15th 2024
      Enrollment According to the start semester of the PhD:

      Enrollment period for new students
      First semester: July 17th through 31st and September 1st through 30th (23:59 h., CET) of the current academic year
      Second semester: March 1st through 30th (23:59 h., CET) of the current academic year

      Enrollment period for continuing students
      September 1st through 30th (23:59 h., CET) of the current academic year
      Annual Assessment  June
      All PhD candidates are subject to annual evaluation.

      Only students whose June evaluation was unfavorable are subject to evaluation. 

      In both cases the evaluation is based on the progress of the thesis project (Reseach Plan) and the doctoral activities carried out during the academic year.
      Thesis Defense Thesis defense can be carried out throughout the academic year.
    • Procedures
    • FAQ

      Ph.D. Studies

      Parque de las Moreras

      What is a Ph.D.?

      A Ph.D. is a period of training in skills and abilities required to undertake independent, high-quality research work in the realm of R&D under the supervision of top experts in their respective fields.

      What are the terms of access to a Ph.D. program?

      As a general rule, candidates are required to hold a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree. Credits for both must amount to at least 300 ECTS credits.

      Additionally, specific requirements and candidate profiles are described in each program’s terms of access. Before applying for admission, it is strongly recommended to take the  Ph.D. Programs into consideration, as well as its lines of research, profiles of the scholars involved and final results (theses and scientific publications) as proof of the program’s quality and specialization.

      Shat is the duration of a Ph.D.?

      The regular duration of a full-time Ph.D. program is 4 years. This period can be extended up to 5 years.

      The regular duration of a part-time Ph.D. program is 7 years. This period can be extended up to 8 years. 

      You may apply, for justified reasons, for either an extension or a leave of absence from your Ph.D. training period to the Academic Committee of your program. Your request must be endorsed by your tutor/advisor. Further information:  Duration of Ph.D. studies

      Can I do my Ph.D. entirely online?

      No. All Ph.D. Programs require some face-to-face activity throughout the training period. The duration of face-to-face activity is established by each Program.

      How can I apply for a part-time enrollment status?

      You can state your part-time enrollment status upon admission or, once you have initiated your training period, by submitting a request for justified reasons to the Academic Committee of your program. Your request must be endorsed by your tutor/advisor. Further information:  Enrollment status for Ph.D. studies

      If you are the recipient of a pre-doctoral contract with the UC3M, you must be a full-time student for the entire duration of the contract in application of article 21 of Law 14/2011, of  the1st of June, on Science, Technology and Innovation.

      Must I take any other training in addition to my research work?

      Yes. There are three different types of additional training to be taken during your Ph.D.:

      • Complementary training. Applicable only to students whose terms of admission state this training as required.
      • Specific training. Activities within the framework of your Ph.D. program.
      • Research Skills training. Courses or activities focused on abilities common to all disciplines (communication, academic writing, stress management, etc.).

      Further information on Doctoral Training: Monitoring and Development of these FAQ.

      A favorable assessment enables students to apply for their official Ph.D. degree certificate issued by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. An additional Doctorado Internacional distinction is awarded to students who met a number of specific requirements during their training period.

      What is an Interuniversity Ph.D.?

      Interuniversity PhDs are joint degree programs by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in collaboration with other Spanish or international institutions. The outcome of these programs does not translate into multiple degrees but just one equivalent to the training undertaken by the student.


      How can I apply for admission to a Ph.D. program?

      Your application for admission must be submitted online. Signing in is previously required in order to get your login and password. Further information on how to carry out this process:  Apply for admission

      I have not completed my Master’s degree yet. May I apply for admission now?

      According to art. 6 of the PhD studies regulation (RD 99/2011), in order to access the PhD studies it is required to have a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) and a Master's degree (or equivalent), provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been passed in these two cycles as a whole, or the equivalent degree qualifies for level 3 of MECES (Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior, Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualifications).

      Likewise, access is available to candidates in possession of foreign degrees from countries integrated into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) when the degree can be accredited as level 7 in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), as long as the aforementioned degree allows access to PhD level studies in the country of expedition; and candidates with a degree which is equivalent to a Spanish Master's degree, obtained in foreign education systems outside the EHEA, as long as the aforementioned degree allows access to PhD level studies in the country of expedition.

      When can I apply for admission?

      Applications for admission for the first semester of the 24/25 academic year with start date on the 15th of November 2024 can be submitted from February 1st through August 31st 2024 (Spanish peninsular time, CET)*

      Applications for admission for the second semester of the 24/25 academic year with start date on the 30th of March 2025 can be submitted from September 1st 2024 through January 31st 2025 (Spanish peninsular time, CET)*.

      *Except where noted in the details of each Ph.D. Program.

      The PhD academic year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th. 

      What documents do I need to submit?

      Scan in advance, in pdf format, the documentation requirements to be attached to your application. The documents listed below are mandatory in all cases:

      • National Identity Document: DNI, NIE, or passport
      • Previous degree certificate or diploma (Master’s degree or equivalent), or proof of payment of issuance fees. 
      • Academic transcript of previous degree (Bachelor's and Master’s degree or equivalent), including grades
      • Curriculum Vitae
      • Authorization of disclosure of educational and employment information
      • Ph.D. research proposal
      • Endorsement for thesis project

      Some programs may require additional documents, such as reference letters by notable researchers, foreign language skills certificate, etc.

      Can I choose when to start my doctoral training?

      Yes. As a new student, you must state in your application for admission whether you want to start your training in the first semester (November 15) or second semester (March 30).

      I want to apply for a scholarship or financial aid program. Must I do it before or after applying for admission to a Ph.D.?

      It is strongly recommended to apply first for your Ph.D. program of choice at uc3m, as most of the granting institutions require proof of admission (or application for admission) to a Ph.D.

      Further information on Scholarships and Financial Aid Programs of these FAQ.

      I submitted my application. When will I know if I am admitted?

      The review process of your application consists of two stages:

      • Administrative validation. Your application will be reviewed at the Doctoral School Office on campus to ensure that it meets the admission requirements. You will be contacted if necessary.
      • Academic evaluation. If your application has succesfully passed the previous stage, it will be forwarded to the Academic Committee of the Ph.D. program for review. You will be notified of the Committee's decision by certified mail sent to the postal address provided in your application.

      This process may take up to one-two months. You will be notified of the Committee’s resolution by e-mail.

      I have been admitted. When must I submit my enrollment form?

      In you are admitted to a Ph.D. program, you have to submit your online application for enrollment in the periods set by the university to that effect, according to the instructions indicated in your letter of admission, our website or the Enrollment section of this FAQ, including the payment of tuition fees. If you do not submit your enrollment for the academic year for which you were admitted, your admission will be cancelled.

      What is complementary training and when should it be taken?

      Complementary training is required by the Academic Committee in the admission letter, depending on the applicant's access profile.
      They consist of subjects from a uc3m research master's degree, which are considered necessary to successfully complete the doctoral research.
      These training complements must be taken and passed mandatorily during the first year of doctoral training.
      In other words, if you start your studies in November of an academic year, the training complements must be taken in the first semester (the subjects begin in September), or in the second semester of the same academic year (the subjects begin in February).
      If, on the other hand, you start your studies in March, then the complements must be taken in the same academic semester (the subjects start in February) or in the first semester of the following academic year (the subjects start in September).

      These circumstances should be taken into account when planning the start of your studies at uc3m, and for the processing of visas and organisation of your stay in the country.

      Doctoral training scholarships. Exemptions

      Campus Getafe

      What types of financial aid programs can I apply for?

      There is a wide variety of financial aid programs for doctoral training that cover partial or total tuition fees and, in some cases, allow uc3m to formally hire the Ph.D. student as a training researcher.

      Who are the awarding bodies?

      Here is a list of the most common scholarship and financial aid programs:

         - Formación de Investigadores del Ministerio de Innovación / Researchers Training by Ministerio de Innovación (formerly known as FPI scholarships)
         - Formación de Profesorado Universitario del Ministerio de Educación / University Faculty Training by Ministerio de Educación (formerly known as FPU scholarships)
         - Researchers Training by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, awarded by the institution departments
         - Ph.D. Scholarships by La Caixa
         - Ph.D. Scholarships by Comunidades Autónomas (Autonomous Regions of Spain)
         - Scholarships by Fundación Carolina (for Latin American students)

      Further information:  Doctoral Training Scholarships

      When and how can I apply for these?

      Each granting body has its own application and awarding periods. It is strongly recommended to apply first for your Ph.D. program of choice at uc3m in all cases, as most of these institutions require proof of admission (or application for admission) to a Ph.D.


      Do I have to be admitted to a Ph.D. in order to apply for admission?

      It is not required in most cases, but, as pointed out previously, you must have at least submitted your application for admission in order to be eligible (check the awarding institution’s specific terms). Only if you are eventually granted the scholarship or financial aid will it be required to be admitted and enrolled on the program in order to accept the aid and be hired as a training researcher at uc3m.


      I received a scholarship or financial aid. Do I have to notify uc3m?

      Yes. As a recipient of any financial aids, it is recommended to notify the university for these to be applied upon enrollment. If your scholarship status is not registered in your self-enrollment application, please contact the Doctoral School Office, either in person or by e-mail at


      Where will I undertake my Ph.D. research work?

      Your research and teaching activities (when applicable) will be carried out at the department or Institute stated in your contract within the framework of your Ph.D. program under the supervision of the tutor and advisor(s) appointed by the Academic Committee.

      Who is in charge of managing my scholarship or financial aid program?

      Granting institutions usually delegate on uc3m the management of these aids according to the terms originally established by those and our own rules and regulations.


      Who is to evaluate the progress and outcomes of my research work?

      All our Ph.D. students must submit the progress of their research work for evaluation by the Academic Committee of their Ph.D. program. Recipients of any financial aid program must also provide this information to the granting body.


      Are there any other tuition fees exemptions?

      Yes. As a new student, if you are eligible for any of the following exemptions or discounts recognized by the Spanish administration, you must submit certified copies of the pertinent documents to the Postgraduate Office on campus before enrollment proceedings so that these exemptions apply upon enrollment.

      • Large Family status: Certified copy of the Large Family status card (general or special)
      • Disability: Certified copy of Disability Identification card (minimum 33% disability)
      • Other: Certified copy of proof of exemption for victims of terrorist attacks (including their spouses and children) or children of civil and military servants who perished in the line of duty.

      These documents must be valid for the academic year for which the exemption is requested.


      How to enroll

      Our Ph.D. Management platform allows to process your enrollment online. To access the platform, enter your UC3M username and password.

      When to enroll               

      New students can choose the start date of the Ph.D. studies. Enrollment period varies accordingly:

      Students starting first semester:

      Students starting second semester*:

      • Enrollment period: March 1st through 30th (23:59 h., Peninsular Spanish time)
      • Start date of Ph.D. training: March 30

      *In these cases, students benefit from a reduced tuition fee, applicable only for first-year enrollment.

      Your start date will determine the length of your Ph.D. training period.

      As a continuing student, the enrollment period is September 1st through 30th (23:59 h., Peninsular Spanish time) of each academic year.

      What modules should I register on my application?

      You must select the following modules of your enrollment application:

      • Ph.D. Monitoring for your doctoral training year. 

      Required in all cases. It will be registered by default in your application. 

      • Complementary credits.

      Only applicable if the Academic Committee of your program established these credits as obligatory in its admission resolution, in which case you have been properly notified in your admission letter. These credits will be registered by default in your application.

      Other activities of your doctoral training may not require enrollment. If so, our Doctoral School Office is in charge of the registration process:

      • Specific training: Activities included in the curriculum of your Ph.D. program. 
      • Research Skills training: Only required for students of some Ph.D. programs.  

      What are the costs of tuition fees?

      These are the tuition fees for all your Ph.D. training:

      1. Academic fees

      Academic monitoring of Ph.D. training year.  

      • Ordinary fee (full-time, starting first semester): 390 €.
      • Reduced fee* (full-time, starting second semester): 234 €.
      • Reduced fee (part-time, starting first or second semester): 234 €.

                  *Full fees will apply in subsequent years.

      Training credits

      • Complementary training (only for students who are required to take these credits as established in their resolution of admission). If the subjects are the same as subjects from an official degree, the price will be the same as in the original degree. The prices range from € 45,02 to € 80-150 €, depending on the master's program and the doctoral year of enrollment (first, second or subsequent).
      • Research Skills training courses. 45,02 € per credit. Credits from other institutions also require an enrollment at UC3M . A reduced 25% fee will apply in these cases (11,25 € per credit).

      Thesis defense. 143,15 €

      Ph.D. Degree Certificate. 229,86 €

      1. Administrative fees
      • Registrar’s Office expenses. 6,11 €
      • Academic record proceedings (first-year students only). 27,54 €
      1. School insurance. 1, 12 €. Applicable to Spanish or international students (legal residents) under 28 years of age.

      Students who fail to fulfill the payment of these fees will be dismissed from the Ph.D. program.

      Further information:  Tuition fees

      How do I validate my first-year enrollment?

      Upon completion and payment of your enrollment, the Doctoral School will get in touch with you and set an appointment to provide the original documents to have your enrollment validated in compliance with the access requirements to Ph.D.


      According to your previous studies, the documents to be submitted are listed below: 

      1. If you have taken an official Master's degree at UC3M, you are not required to submit any documents. The Doctoral School will check your records accordingly.

      2. If your access degree for Ph.D. was issued by a University from Spain or a European Union country, or a state of the European Economic Area or Switzerland, it is required to provide the following original documents: 

      • Access degree certificate for Ph.D. (Master's degree or equivalent) or payment receipt of issuance fees.
      • Grades certificate of access degree to Ph.D. (Master's degree or equivalent).

      3. If your access degree for Ph.D. was issued by a University from a country other than the ones indicated above, it is required to provide the following legalized documents:

      • Access degree certificate for Ph.D. (Master's degree or equivalent) or payment receipt of issuance fees.
      • Grades certificate of access degree to Ph.D. (Master's degree or equivalent).

      There are different ways to have your documents legalized. Find which legalization procedure applies in your case:  Legalization of Foreign Degrees

      Please note that the legalization procedure must be carried out from the home country. It is strongly recommended to do it in advance. 

      Original hard copies of the documents must be provided along with their photocopies. The Doctoral School will check both originals and their copies and have them certified. If the degree certificates and documents have an electronic signature or digital certification (with safe verification codes), these will be submitted by e-mail at

      All documents must be submitted in Spanish, English, French, Italian or Portuguese (certificates and degrees provided in other languages must have attached an official Spanish translation).  

      The submission period will be notified by e-mail within a month after the end of the enrollment period.

      What are my rights and obligations as a uc3m student?

      Please refer to the following documentation issued by the regional authorities and uc3m. All of them apply to Ph.D. candidates at Uc3m.

      • Students Statute of the Region of Madrid (Estatuto del estudiante de la Comunidad de Madrid)
      • uc3m students Rights and Obligations (Carta de los derechos y deberes del estudiante en la uc3m)
      • Rules and Regulations of the Doctoral School at uc3m (Reglamento de la Escuela de Doctorado de la uc3m)
      • Good Practices of the Doctoral School at uc3m (Código de buenas prácticas de la Escuela de Doctorado de la uc3m)

      Additionally, you have access to the university's support services to students and researchers.

      Further information:  Rules and Regulations

      Ph.D. Studies: Monitoring and Development

      Biblioteca María Moliner

      How are my Ph.D. supervisors appointed?

      Ph.D. tutors and advisors are advanced members of the uc3m faculty or other research institutions who serve as mentors of your research work and keep track of your progress. They also facilitate your communication with the Academic Committee of the program.

      Tutors are appointed by the Committee upon your admission. Tutors must hold a Ph.D. degree and have ties with the program, as well as a proven track record in research of at least six years (or proof of equivalent qualifications).

      The Committee will also appoint an advisor within three months from initial enrollment on the program. Thesis advisors must hold a Ph.D. degree and have a proven track record in research of at least six years (or equivalent qualifications), as well as specific research experience in the field of your thesis. Advisors' may be based at any university, center or institute in Spain or abroad. A professor may be appointed as both tutor and advisor of a Ph.D. student.

      The Academic Committee may change these designations throughout your doctoral training period for justified reasons.

      Must I take any other training in addition to my research work?

      Yes. There are three different types of additional training to be taken during your Ph.D.:

      • Complementary training. Maximum: 40 ECTS credits. Applicable only to students whose terms of admission state this training as required. The Academic Committee will determine the credit-based courses or subjects in the admission resolution. As a general rule, this training must be taken during the first year.
      • Specific training. Students are also expected to participate in a number of activities relevant to their field of research: seminars, meetings, conferences, courses, etc. These activities may require prior enrollment at uc3m. Your tutor or advisor will confirm the contents of your specific training program.
      • Research Skills training. Some Ph.D. programs at uc3m require training in research skills focused on abilities common to all disciplines (communication, academic writing, stress management, etc.). These credits can be earned at either uc3m or other institutions and require formal enrollment at uc3m in all cases, as well as the approval of your tutor or advisor.

      How is the progress of my research evaluated?

      The Academic Committee of your program will evaluate the progress of your research project and activity report on an annual basis in the month of June. Grounds for evaluation are to be registered in the following documents:

      • Research Plan. Not to be mistaken for the research proposal submitted when applying for admission. As a new Ph.D. student, you must elaborate an initial Research Plan within the first year of your doctoral training period. This plan will serve as a tracking tool of your project, listing the objectives and methodology of your research as well as a comprehensible timeline stating the periods estimated for the achievement of each goal. It must have attached your tutor or advisor's evaluation report in order to be submitted for assessment to the Academic Committee of your program.

      An annual update of this Plan must be submitted in subsequent years, with the corresponding tutor or advisor’s evaluation report, so that all parties involved in your doctoral training can track and assess your progress.

      • Activity Report. In addition to your Research Plan (initial or updated), it is also required to register any activity relevant to your Ph.D. research: courses, seminars, meetings, conventions, publications, international fellowship programs, etc. Be sure to have attached all certificates and/or work papers as proof of completion.

      In the event of an unfavorable assessment by the Academic Committee, you will be subjected to evaluation again in December.


      Can I join an international research visit program?

      Yes. Undertaking a period of research abroad is a requirement for Doctorado Internacional distinction eligibility. Among other requirements, your visit must have a minimum duration of three months; also, the report of activities and outcomes of your research at the host institution must be written and presented in one of the languages used for scientific dissemination in your field of research (different from any of Spain’s official languages). Prior approval by your tutor/advisor and the Academic Committee of your program is required. The Committee will evaluate your visiting research reports and, if approved, submit your candidacy for the Doctorado Internacional distinction to the Doctoral School Board.

      Thesis defense

      Biblioteca Carmen Martin Gaite

      What is a Ph.D. thesis?

      The Ph.D. thesis is the intended outcome of the doctoral training period. The thesis must give account of the student’s scientific work and meet the quality standards established by the Academic Committee of the program. Theses are defended in a public dissertation event, where they are subjected to assessment by an expert committee.

      As a general rule, Ph.D. candidates must have been enrolled on their program for a minimum period of 24 months before initiating thesis defense proceedings.

      I have approval to proceed to the thesis defense. What are the stages of this process?

      Once you get approval for your thesis defense by your tutor, advisor and Academic Committee, a minimum span of 8 weeks (excluding holiday periods) is usually required to go through these stages:

      1. Plagiarism management procedure
      2. Thesis deposit. Three weeks.
      3. Approval of thesis defense and appointment of Thesis Committee by the Dean of Doctoral School. One week.
      4. Defense session logistics. Three weeks.
      5. Thesis defense

      What is the plagiarism management procedure?

      To ensure compliance with the principles established in the Code of Good Practice for Managing Plagiarism of Ph.D. Theses of the Doctoral School, all theses must be subjected to a plagiarism management procedure prior to the authorization of the defense.

      Once the Academic Committee of your Ph.D. program determines that your research period is done and your thesis is ready for deposit, a pdf file of the thesis will be submitted to the Doctoral School to proceed to the plagiarism management.

      The results of this study will be at the disposal of the members of the thesis committee, should they be requested.

      Further information:  Plagiarism management

      What is the thesis deposit?

      The deposit of your thesis enables UC3M professors and scholars of your field to review your work before the defense. The deposit period is 15 days (excluding August), after which all comments and observations by the experts will be reported to the Academic Committee and yourself. 

      Further information:  Thesis deposit

      Who approves the defense?

      Once your thesis has successfully passed both stages, the Academic Committee of the program will elaborate their proposal for thesis defense, providing details of the proposed members of the Thesis Committee on the Authorization of thesis defense and appointment of Thesis Committee. Eligibility for “Doctorado Internacional”, “Doctorado Industrial” or International Cotutelle must be indicated, where applicable.

      This proposal will be submitted for the Dean of the Doctoral School's approval of the thesis defense and the appointment of Thesis Committee members.

      Who can be a member of the Thesis Committee?

      The Thesis Committee consists of three members (President, Secretary, and a spokesperson) and a substitute. All of them must hold a Ph.D. degree and a proven track record in research. In all cases, the Committee will be formed by a majority of members external to the University and to the institutions collaborating with the School or the Ph.D. Program.

      Further information:  Defense session. Appointment of Committee members

      How is the thesis defense organized?

      Once all authorizations are signed, the Thesis Committee’s Secretary will appoint a date for the defense. The Doctoral School Office on campus will be in charge of the logistics of the event (room reservations, technical equipment, etc.) and the travel procedures of the committee members, when applicable.

      Additionally, the Postgraduate Office will submit a digital copy of the thesis to each member of the Thesis Committee at least 15 days prior to the defense session. This file will contain any allegation or comment submitted by the experts during the deposit period.

      Further information:  Defense session. Appointment of Committee members

      Do I have to pay any fees before the defense?

      Yes. The payment of thesis defense fees must be fulfilled before proceeding to defense. Additionally, payment of enrollment fees for the academic year in which the defense takes place must be up to date.

      How is my thesis assessed?

      All Committee members must receive a copy of the thesis 15 days prior to the defense event.

      Once the Ph.D. candidate completes his/her dissertation, the Committee can provide feedback or pose questions. Their global assessment will be given in terms of Fail (No Apto), Pass (Aprobado), Good (Notable) or Excellent (Sobresaliente).

      Theses with an Excellent (Sobresaliente) grade are eligible for the cum laude distinction. The committee members will subsequently cast their votes via separate secret ballot in closed session. Only if all votes are favorable will the committee submit their proposal for the thesis to be awarded the cum laude distinction to the university Chancellor. In this case, each member of the committee will finally cast their vote, anonymously and in a sealed envelope, for the thesis to be considered for the Outstanding Thesis Award by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

      How can I apply for my Ph.D. certificate?

      Your application for the official Ph.D. degree certificate and the payment of the corresponding fees is done online.

      Issuance of your certificate may take a few months. Until then, you may apply for a temporary certificate as proof of completion of your Ph.D. studies as of the date of your thesis defense.

      Where is my Ph.D. thesis published?

      Your thesis will be published in e-archivo, the open online repository of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and Teseo the Ph.D. database managed by the Ministry of Universities. In the event of partial or temporary restrictions pertaining to the publication of your thesis, you must report them to the university.

      Glossary of terms

      Ph.D. Program. Array of training and activities oriented to the acquisition of abilities required to undertake autonomous research work in the realm of R&D. Each Ph.D. program establishes their own procedures and lines of research for the development of theses within the framework of their respective fields.

      Academic Committee. The coordinator/director of the program and two other Ph.D. members constitute a program's Academic Committee, the body in charge of the various training areas and research progress of the program, as well as the authorization of thesis defense of their Ph.D. candidates.

      Doctoral School. Academic body in charge of the management and coordination of all Ph.D. programs.

      Ph.D. Thesis. Original piece of research carried out by Ph.D. candidates in their field of knowledge. Presented as a written dissertation according to the quality, content and format guidelines set by the Ph.D. program for its public defense.

      Tutor. Supervisor in charge of tracking the training progress of the Ph.D. candidate and serving as a communication link between the researcher and the Academic Committee. Tutors must be attached to uc3m faculty with a proven research track record. Tutors are appointed upon approval of admission by the Academic Committee.

      Thesis advisor. Supervisor in charge of tracking the training progress of the Ph.D. candidate. Advisors are experts in the field of the Ph.D. candidate's research, not necessarily attached to uc3m faculty (if they are, they can also be appointed as tutors). Advisors are appointed within the first three months of the student's Ph.D. training period. A student may have more than one advisor.

      Specific training. Specific activities pertaining to the field of research of each Ph.D., designed to provide students with the knowleddge and opportunity for debate required for the development of their research work: seminars, meetings, conferences/dissertations, international research visits, etc.

      Research Skills training. Training activities oriented to the acquisition of skills common to all disciplines. All students are required to earn at least 6 credits (60 hours) throughout their doctoral training period. Enrollment on these courses is performed separately from their regular doctoral training.

      Complementary training. Maximum 40 ECTS credits. Training that the Academic Committee may deem necessary in their admission resoluction in order to complement the Ph.D. candidate's previous academic background. Enrollment on these credits will be required in addition to the student's regular doctoral training. These credits are usually earned during the first Ph.D. year. 

      Research plan. Document to be drafted within the first six months of Ph.D. training detailing the student’s research project to be subjected to annual evaluation every month of June. It must be approved by the tutor, the thesis advisor and the Academic Committee. This plan must be updated and submitted for review and evaluation purposes on a yearly basis.

      Ph.D. Activity report. A registration account of all training activities pertaining to the Ph.D. student's research. The tutor and thesis advisor must endorse these activities for them to be submitted to the Academic Committee for annual evaluation in June. 

      Student record. Academic details of every Ph.D. student as registered in uc3m databases, including activities and credits completed. This information is to be attached to the thesis in the final stages of defense approval.

      Academic transcript. Official document signed by the Head of Doctoral Studies certifying a student's academic record.

      Monitoring and assessment. Annual process by which the research progress and activities of a Ph.D. candidate are subjected to evaluation by the Academic Committee.

      Written Agreement. Document signed by all parties involved in a thesis research project (Ph.D. student, tutor, advisor/s, and Academic Committee) stating their roles and specific conditions pertaining to confidentiality agreements, copyright or use and distribution of research outcomes, where applicable, as well as conflict resolution procedures.

      Thesis public review. Procedure required to allow the academic community to review the student's thesis and issue comments and observations prior to the defense. The thesis is usually deposited at the university's intranet.

      Thesis defense. Academic event open to the public in which Ph.D. candidates defend their research work before a committee of experts in their field. The defense is followed by a question and answer session led by the defense committee in order for it to give their assessment.

      Defense committee. Committee consisting of three experts with proven track records of research in the field of the thesis, most of which must be based outside uc3m. The committee gives their assessment of the thesis and awards the cum laude distinction and the Outstanding Thesis Award candidacy, where applicable.

    • Itinerary
      Itinerario Estudiante de Doctorado
    • Regulations
    • Quality


      Implementation Year: 2017-2018


      The Academic Committee of the Ph.D. complies with the SGIC-UC3M. It is responsible for the quality analysis of the program and produces the Degree Reports ("Memoria Académica de Titulación").



    Bienvenida Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Doctoral School Office | Getafe Campus

    Carmen Martín Gaite Building, Office 18.0.A15
    C/ Madrid, 135
    28903 Getafe (Madrid)
