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(left to right, Blanca Limones, 3rd premio, Paloma Mansilla, 1st prize, and Facundo Masari, 2nd prize Thesis Talk 2024)

(left to right, Blanca Limones, 3rd premio, Paloma Mansilla, 1st prize, and Facundo Masari, 2nd prize Thesis Talk 2024)

The final session of Thesis Talk 2024 took place on June 12th from 12:00pm at the Lecture Hall (Salón de Grados) at the Auditorium (Padre Soler Building) in Leganés campus. Thesis Talk is the annual contest at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid where our PhD students present their thesis project in front of a non-specialized audience in less than 4 minutes.

The jury awarded with 900, 600 and 300 euros, respectively, the three highest-ranked presentations, which were:

First prize: Paloma Mansilla Navarro - Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation - Músculos Artificiales para reducir las Listas de Espera

Second prize: Facundo Tomás Masari - Materials Sciences and Engineering - Construyendo un Mañana Sostenible: Nuevos Materiales para Reactores Nucleares

Third Prize: Blanca Limones Ahijón - Biomedical Sciences and Technology - Hydrogel scaffolds for myocardial repair: Cupid's Engineering

Congratulations for the good work!

The final was broadcasted live via YouTube streaming and can be watched in its entirety here: Thesis Talk 2024 Final


These are the rest of presentations shortlisted for the final:

Below you may find all the presentations that participated in the contest, sorted by research area:

Science and Engineering

PhD in Materials Sciences and Engineering

Irene Ramón Álvarez - Empleo de residuos industriales para la impulsión de la energía solar

Facundo Tomás Masari - Construyendo un Mañana Sostenible: Nuevos Materiales para Reactores Nucleares

Ángela Solís Garrido - Una cuestión de recubrimiento

Sergei Zorkaltsev - Towards Machine learning guided design of porous metal structures

Nataša Nikolić - Multifunctional spider web-like materials for cancer treatments and other diseases

Miguel Hernández del Valle - Autonomous laboratory for the discovery of nanocomposite materials

PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Adri Gómez Martín - Making Deep Learning accessible through Neural Architecture Search

Blanca Limones Ahijón - Hydrogel scaffolds for myocardial repair: Cupid's Engineering

PhD in Computer Science and Technology

Elías Del Pozo Puñal - Técnicas de gestión de datos en sistemas High-End y Edge Computing

Amar D'Adamo - Shaping Our Body Perception

Lara Visuña Pérez - Las decisiones médicas y la inteligencia artificial

Mauricio Salerno - Identificación de Acciones Redundantes en Planificación Automática

José Vega-Cebrián - Designing Playful Wearables for Rehabilitation

PhD in Stadistics for Data Science

Pilar González - Genes y números: una alianza contra el cáncer de mama

PhD in Aeroespace Engineering

Luigi Marra - Aprendiendo de la naturaleza a controlar la turbulencia

PhD en Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Raúl García Martín - Cámaras infrarrojas e Inteligencia Artificial: lo invisible para mejorar y salvar vidas

Daniel Jason Castillo Patton - Nuevas herramientas de diagnóstico inteligente para plantas solares fotovoltaicas

Alicia Mora Velasco - Robots en casa: modelado robusto del entorno para una asistencia eficiente, adaptable y personalizada

Adrián Prados Carrasco - Humano, ¿eso cómo se hace?

Alicia Fresno Hernández - Nanoantenas basadas en hileras de nanopartículas metálicas: el comienzo de un nuevo mundo

Paloma Mansilla Navarro - Músculos Artificiales para reducir las Listas de Espera

Jaime Villa Plaza - Deep Learning para Conducción en Entornos Peatonales

Alberto Méndez García - De la percepción a la asistencia: entrenando a los robots para las tareas del hogar

Carmen Ballester Bernabeu - Is it possible to copy human muscles?

Víctor Muñoz - How to adapt the technology behind ChatGPT to robotics

Pascual Tornero Martin - Desarrollo de modelos de detección de defectos en imágenes industriales aeronáuticas mediante el uso de Inteligencia Artificial

PhD in Mathematical Engineering

Belén Pulido - Un nuevo enfoque al análisis de datos: el paradigma funcional

PhD en Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization

Eduardo de la Rocha Camba - Towards Zero-Water Consumption in the Industry

Miguel Meléndez Useros - Diseño de sistema de suspensión activa tolerante a fallos

PhD in Telematic Engineering

Blanca López - Protegiendo las redes del futuro: la criptografía cuántica

Roberto Boris Martínez Aguilar - De las estructuras de datos al Internet de los sentidos

Amir Mehrjoo - Uncovering Hidden Maps

Arivarasan Karmegam - Setchain: Implementation and Evaluation

PhD in Fluid Mechanics

Arturo Sánchez Ramos - El poder de la simulación: entendiendo la física de las pilas de combustible de hidrógeno

Manuel Guerrero Hurtado - Simulaciones numéricas en la evaluación del riesgo de trombosis en el corazón

Lucas Schneeberger Carles - Domar el viento para un transporte sostenible

PhD in Signal Processing and Communications Engineering

Josué Bustarviejo Muñoz - Detectando el Futuro: Cómo Prever las Oscilaciones de los Índices de Mercado

Inés Fernández Vallejo - Si no lo cuentas no ha pasado, ¿o sí?

Javier Otero Martínez - Diseño e Implementación de Antenas Líquidas para Sistemas de Comunicación.

Daniel Bacaicoa Barber - Clasificación supervisada con etiquetas débiles

Albert Belenguer i Llorens - Modelado Bayesiano para combatir las enfermedades mentales

Antonio Castejón Barrio - A new paradigm in AI for biomedical sound data applications

Emma Reyner Fuentes - Bioinspiration for green, explainable AI

Clara Álvarez Rodríguez - Aprendizaje automático interpretable para la predicción de eventos atmosféricos extremos


Thesis Talk 2024 - Terms and conditions of the call

Through Thesis Talk, our Ph.D. candidates are welcome to present their research projects before a non-specialist audience in just 4 minutes, focusing on the what, how and why of their research. A single static slide is permitted to enhance their presentation. Participants can choose the language of their presentation (English or Spanish).

Thesis Talk 2024 is open to all our students enrolled in a Ph.D. program during the 2023/2024 academic year, including those who have participated in previous editions.

This year’s edition will consist of two stages: an online pre-selection and an on-site final event.

If you are interested in submitting your candidacy, you must complete the application in two steps:

- Filling and submitting the application form before March 21st 2024 (23:59 CET)

* You need to attach this documento de autorización signed by your thesis advisor.

- Send your presentation video + static slide to (may be as file attachments or links to cloud storage) before April 25th 2024 (23:59 CET)

Thesis Talk is a 2-credit activity of our research skills training program (formación transversal). Registration is free.

Evaluation criteria

The presentation must:

  • Focus on research work and personal contribution.
  • Provide understanding of background and significance of research.
  • Describe methodology and key results of research.
  • Follow a clear, logical sequence.

The presenter must: 

  • Capture the  attention of the audience: presence, eye contact, vocal range, pace, confident stance.
  • Use an appropriate language for a non-specialist audience, without trivializing the research.

The slide must:

  • Enhance the content of the presentation.


The three best presentations will receive prizes of €900, €600 and €300.

Prizes subject to current tax legislation.

More information

Please check the information on the official call for the most comprehensive and complete information: Thesis Talk 2024 - Terms and conditions of the call

We also recommend checking our Thesis Talk - FAQ

For further questions, please contact: