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Ganadores Thesis Talk 2016-2017

The final session of Thesis Talk 2016-2017 took place on July 13.

Thesis Talk is a thesis presentation event at uc3m inspired by the 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) format of the University of Queensland (Australia), which has been adopted by more than 200 universities in the world. In Thesis Talk uc3m PhD students give a 3 minute presentation of their research for a general audience .

The jury awards, of 800, 500 and 300 €, went to the following presentations:




We congratulate all students who shared with us the what, how, and why of their research project and their main contribution to society in just three minutes. Check out the rest of presentations below.

Engineering and Science


  • Materials Science and Engineering

Nuevo sistema anticorrosivo de tipo dual basado en recubrimientos sol-gel multicapa para la industria del transporteAndrea Alcántara

Development of innovative materials for the cutting tool industry. Xiangxing Deng

Diseño y optimización de uniones adhesivas estructurales con materiales disimilares. Pedro Gálvez Villarino

The optimization of the fiber-matrix interface inside composite fiber-reinforced materials. Morena Iorio

Development of high performance powder metallurgy ODS ferritic Steels (FeAl(CrZr). Eric Macía

New materials for rechargeable batteries. Carmen de la Torre

Síntesis y caracterización de membranas poliméricas conductoras iónicas para su aplicación en pilas de combustible poliméricas. Mª Nieves Ureña

Procesamiento y caracterización de materiales porosos de fases MAX. Beatriz Velasco


  • Computer Science and Technology

Systems thinking and simulation to envision future scenarios based on knowledge assets evolution. Germán Dugarte


  • Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Towards a massive integration of renewable generation sources for electricity production. Alberto Escalera

This robot is here to steal the job you never wanted anyway. David Estévez

Sistema inercial de alta precisión basado en la rotación de la Tierra aplicando sensores MEMS. Naiara Escudero

Any task, anywhere, anytime. Raúl Fernández

Sistema de control de equilibrio orientado a objetos para tareas de transporte en robots humanoides. Juan Miguel García Haro

Integration of topological, semantic and geometric navigation for mobile robots. Clara Gómez Blázquez

Indoor scene recognition for semantic navigation of mobile robotsAlejandra Hernández Silva

Cooperative autonomous driving in future cities. Ahmed Hussein

Detección no invasiva de hiperglucemia mediante espectroscopia de ondas milimétricas. Aldo Luis Moreno

Show up on X-rays! Ana Ortega


  • Mathematical Engineering

Mathematical models of digital epidemiology in social networks. David Martín-Corral

Strong linearizations of rational matrices: preserving structures and backward errors. Mª del Carmen Quintana


  • Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization

Performance evaluation of linear tube solar receiver as stratified flow vapor generator/separator for absorption machines using NH/LiNO3. Sitki Berat Çelik

¡Cuidado con el daño que no se ve! Marina Remacha


  • Telematic Engineering

Control of adaptative multi-mode D2D communications in cellular networks. Edgar Arribas

Making the Internet faster (or the clock slower). Anna Maria Mandalari


  • Fluid Mechanics

Spacecraft trajectory optimization. David Morante


  • Multimedia and Communication

Enhancing indoor mm-wave 60 GHz communication systems. Guillermo Bielsa

Automatic health condition assessment in psychiatric patients. Pablo Bonilla

From science fiction to reality: technology behind real-life superheroes. Estefanía Crespo

Evaluación del nivel de estrés con sensores no intrusivosFrancisco Hernando

Nuevos esquemas de modulación para transmisión de Internet en la luz usando tecnología LiFi. Víctor Monzón


  • Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion

Effects of ion irradiation on oxide dispersion strengthened steels for fusionMasa Scepanovic

Full Sessions