Materials Science and Engineering PhD. Program

The research and development of new materials constitutes a multidisciplinary activity that requires scientific and technological knowledge in various fields, such as Engineering, Physics and Chemistry. This has made possible the design of materials with specific composition and properties for the development of emerging technologies (energy, communication, transport, health and environment). The multiple types of materials (metallic, ceramic, polymeric, compostable), as well as the technologies associated with them, constitute one of the most active research areas in developed countries. In Materials Science and Technology, it is especially important to relate the structure (at all scales) and the processing of the material with its properties in order to develop new structural and functional materials. Despite advances in scientific knowledge and in the development of materials in recent years, the permanent technological challenges require increasingly sophisticated and specialized materials. In particular, with the recent advancement of nanoscience and nanotechnology, materials science has become increasingly relevant in many research centres, responding to social demands that require a minimal environmental impact.
The Alvaro Alonso Barba Institute and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering coordinate the UC3M Doctoral Program in Materials Science and Engineering, the objective of which is to give expertize in a line of research in the field of materials. The Doctoral Program is supported by a team of professors specialized in researching and consolidating knowledge in materials science and technology, and with extensive experience in all areas, which has consolidated a doctoral program that has been running for more than 20 years. During this time, the program has evolved, and adapted to the successive changes both in the regulatory framework and in emerging and innovative technologies, building on the experience acquired, and configuring and consolidating the current research lines.
- You can find more information on the website of the doctoral program