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  • Robust Output Feedxack Control for Heterogeneous Autonomous Vehicle Platoons. Fernando Viadero-Monasterio, Manuel Jiménez-Salas, Miguel Meléndez-Useros, María Jesús López Boada. Dyna Ingeniería e Industria. Accepted for publication on April 22nd 2024. This work was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain through Grant MCIU-19-PGC2018-099695-B-100t, and by Grant MCINN-23-PID2022-142015OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.
  • Novel Methodology for Integrated Actuator and Sensors Fault Detection and Estimation in an Active Suspension System. M. Melendez-Useros, M. Jimenez-Salas, F. Viadero-Monasterio and M.J.L. Boada. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 2024. doi: This work is part of the grant PID2022-136468OB-I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF, EU.
  • The Influence of Platen Stiffness on a Specimen’s Failure Initiation Point and the Failure Pattern of Brittle Materials in the Standardized Uniaxial Compression Test. Guerrero-Miguel, D. J., Álvarez-Fernández, M. I., Gutiérrez-Moizant, R., Prendes-Gero, M. B., & González-Nicieza, C. Mathematics, 12(6), 907. 2024. This work was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain through Grant MCIU-19-PGC2018-099695-B-100t, and by Grant MCINN-23-PID2022-142015OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.
  • Adaptive Graph Attention and Long Short-Term Memory-Based Networks for Traffic Prediction. Zhu, T.; Boada, M.J.L.; Boada, B.L. Mathematics 2024, 12, 255. This work was funded by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 801538.
  • Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Sideslip and Roll Angles Using an Event-Triggered-Based IoT Architecture. Viadero-Monasterio, F.; García, J.; Meléndez-Useros, M.; Jiménez-Salas, M.; Boada, B.L.; López Boada, M.J. Machines 2024, 12, 53. This work was supported by the Grant [PID2022-136468OB-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”,


  • Event-Triggered Robust Path Tracking Control Considering Roll Stability Under Network-Induced Delays for Autonomous Vehicles. F. Viadero-Monasterio, A-T. Nguyen, J. Lauber, M.J.L. Boada and B.L. Boada. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2023. doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3321415. This work was supported in part by the National Funding and Cooperation—Research and Development Projects (RDPs) under Grant [PID2022-136468OB-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, in part by the Recherche et Innovation en Transports et Mobilité Eco-responsables et Autonomes (RITMEA) Program of the Hauts-de-France Region, in part by the European Community, in part by the Regional Delegation for Research and Technology, in part by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and in part by the French National Center for Scientific Research.
  • Novel Bayesian Inference-Based Approach for the Uncertainty Characterization of Zhang’s Camera Calibration Method. R. Gutierrez-Moizant, M.J.L. Boada, M. Ramirez-Berasategui and A. Al-Kaff. Sensors. 23(18), 7903. 2023. doi: . This work was supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M (“Fostering Young Doctors Research”, [APBI-CM-UC3M]), and grants [PID2022-136468OB-I00] and [PID2022-142015OB-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.
  • Integral-based event triggering actuator fault-tolerant control for an active suspension system under a networked communication scheme. F. Viadero-Monasterio, B.L. Boada, H. Zhang and M.J.L. Boada. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3279460. Research funding through the project [RTI2018-095143-B-C2].
  • Automatic Full Slip Detection System implemented on the Strain-based Intelligent Tire at severe maneuvers. M.F. Mendoza-Petit, D. García-Pozuelo, V. Díaz, R. Gutiérrez-Moizant and O. Olatunbosun. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 183, 109577. 2023. doi:
  • Tire Slip H∞ Control for Optimal Braking Depending on Road Condition. M. Meléndez-Useros, M. Jiménez-Salas, V. Viadero-Monasterio and B.L. Boada. Sensors, 23, 1417. 2023. doi:  Research funding through the project [RTI2018-095143-B-C2].


  • Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Sideslip and Roll Angles Using an Integral-Based Event-Triggered H∞ Observer Considering Intravehicle Communications. B.L. Boada, F. Viadero-Monasterio; H. Zhang and M.J.L. Boada. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2022. doi: Research funding through the project [RTI2018-095143-B-C2].
  • Estimation of tire-road contact forces through a model-based approach employing strain measurements. Daniel Garcia-Pozuelo, Oluremi Olatunbosun, Gianluca Palli, Salvatore Strano, Mario Terzo and Ciro Tordela. Meccanica, volume 57, pages 1801–1829 (2022). doi: Open access funding provided by Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.
  • Theoretical and experimental study of the bending collapse of partially reinforced CFRP–Steel square tubes. D. Lavayen-Farfan, J.A. Butenegro-Garcia, M.J.L. Boada, M.A. Martinez-Casanova, J.A. Rodriguez-Hernandez. Thin-Walled Structures, 177, 109457. 2022.  doi: Research funding through CONCYTEC (Peru) and The World Bank, through the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and FONDECYT (Peru): “Funding Contract N10-2018-FONDECYT/WB PhD programs in strategic and general areas” and Comunidad de Madrid, Spain - multiannual agreement with UC3M (“Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario” - EPUC3M21) - Fifth regional research plan 2016–2020.
  • Characterization of the loss of grip condition in the Strain-Based Intelligent Tire at severe maneuvers. M.F. Mendoza Petit, D. Garcia-Pozuelo, V. Diaz and M. Garrosa. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 168. 2022. 108586. doi:
  • H∞ dynamic output feedback control for a networked control active suspension system under actuator faults. F. Viadero-Monasterio, B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada and V. Díaz. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 162. 2022. doi: Avalaible online: Research funding through the project [RTI2018-095143-B-C2].


  • LMI-Based H∞ Controller  of of Vehicle Roll Stability Control Systems with Input and Output Delays. J. Pajares Redondo, B.L.Boada and V. Diaz. Sensors. 21(23). 2021. doi: Avalaible online: Research funding through the project [RTI2018-095143-B-C2].
  • Project ARES: Driverless Transportation System. Challenges and Approaches in an Unstructured Road s. P. Marin-Plaza, D. Yagüe, F. Royo, M.A. de Miguel, F.M. Moreno, A. Ruiz-de-la-Cuadra, F. Viadero-Monasterio, J. Garcia, J.L. San Roman and J.M. Armingol. Electronics. 10, 1753. 2021. doi: Avalaible online: Research funding through the projects [PID2019-104793RB-C31], [RTI2018-095143-B-C2] and [P2018/EMT-4362],
  • Bending collapse analysis for thin and medium-thin-walled square and rectangular hollow shapes. D. Lavayen-Farfan, D., M. J. L. Boada and J.A. Rodriguez-Hernandez. Thin-Walled Structures, 165, 107934. 2021. doi: Research funding through CONCYTEC (Peru) and The World Bank, through the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and FONDECYT (Peru): “Funding Contract N10-2018-FONDECYT/WB PhD programs in strategic and general areas” and Comunidad de Madrid, Spain - multiannual agreement with UC3M (“Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario” - EPUC3M21) - Fifth regional research plan 2016–2020.
  • Event-triggering Hinfinity-based observer combined with NN for simultaneous estimation of vehicle sideslip and roll angles with network-induced delays. M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada and H. Zhang, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2021. doi: Avalaible online: Research funding through the project [RTI2018-095143-B-C2].


  • Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) Monocoque Structure for Formula Student Car. D. García-Pozuelo, C. Sánchez, E. Olmeda, V. Díaz. Dyna, Vol. 95(1), pp. 18-22. 2020. doi:
  • Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Roll and Sideslip Angles through a Deep Learning Approach. L. Prieto, S. Sanz, J. Garcia-Guzman, M.J.L. Boada and B.L.Boada. Sensors, Vol. 20(13), 3679. 2020. doi: Research funding through the project [RTI2018-095143-B-C2].
  • Experimental verification of the boundary conditions in the success of the Brazilian test with loading arcs. An uncertainty approach using concrete disks. Gutierrez-Moizant, R., Ramirez-Berasategui, M., Sánchez-Sanz, S., & Santos-Cuadros, S. (2020). .International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 132, 104380. doi:
  • New Procedure for the Kinematic and Power Analysis of Cyclists in Indoor Training. Calvo, J. A., Álvarez-Caldas, C., San Román, J. L., & Gutiérrez-Moizant, R. Vol. 2020. Sensors, 20(21), 6135. doi:
  • A novel analytical solution for the Brazilian test with loading arcs. Gutiérrez-Moizant, R., Ramírez-Berasategui, M., Santos-Cuadros, S., & García-Fernández, C. C. Vol. 2020. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020. doi:
  • Validation and Improvement of a Bicycle Crank Arm Based in Numerical Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification. Gutiérrez-Moizant, R., Ramirez-Berasategui, M., Calvo, J. A., & Alvarez-Caldas, C. Vol. 2020. Sensors, 20(7), 1814. doi:


  • Influence of camber angle on tire tread behavior by an on-board strain-based system for intelligent tires. J.Yunta, D. Garcia-Pozuelo, V. Diaz and O. Olatunbosum. Measurement. Vol. 145. 631-639. 2019, doi:
  • New Analysis and Correlation between Steady and Oscillatory Tests in Fumed Silica-Based Shear Thickening Fluids. A.G. Moron, M.J.L. Boada, B.L Boada and V. Diaz. Rheological Acta. 1-0. 2019. doi: (avaliable on:
  • A strain-based method to estimate tire parameters for intelligent tires under complex maneuvering operations. M.F. Mendoza-Petit, D. Garcia-Posuelo, V. Diaz and O. Olatunbosun. Sensors. Vol. 19 (13). 2019. doi:
  • Sensor fusion based on a Dual Kalman Filter for estimation of road irregularities and vehicle mass under static and dynamic conditions. B. Lopez, M. J. L. J. Boada and H. Zhang. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2019. doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2019.2909977.
  • Development and experimental validation of a real-time analytical model for different intelligent tyre concepts. D. Garcia-Pozuelo and O. Olatunbosun and L. Romano, S. Strano, M. Terzo and A.-J. Tuononen and Y. Xiong. Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 0, 2019. doi:
  • A real-time physical model for strain-based intelligent tires. D. Garcia-Pozuelo, O. Olatunbosun, S. Strano and M. Terzo. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. Vol. 288, 1-9. 2019. doi:
  • New methodology for estimating the shear strength of layering in slate by using the Brazilian test. Garcia-Fernandez, C. C., Gonzalez-Nicieza, C., Alvarez-Fernandez, M. I., & Gutierrez-Moizant, R. A. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78(4), 2283-2297. 2019. doi:


  • Real-Time Vehicle Roll Angle Estimation Based on Neural Networks in IoT Low-Cost Devices. J. Garcia Guzman, L. Prieto Gonzalez, J. Pajares, M.M. Montalvo and M.J.L. Boada. Sensors. Vol. 18 (6), 1800. 2018. doi: Free access avalaible on:
  • Design of Low-Cost Vehicle Roll Angle Estimator Based on Kalman Filters and an IoT Architecture. J. Garcia Guzman, L. Prieto Gonzalez, J. Pajares, S. Sanz Sanchez and B. L. Boada. Sensors. Vol.18 (7), 1800. 2118. doi: Free access available on:
  • Influence of anodized depth on fatigue life for bicycle cranks. J.A. Calvo; C. Álvarez- Caldas; S. Santos, and R. Gutierrez. Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 90, pp 82-89, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.engfailanal. 2018.03.021. Accepted version avalaible on
  • A Strain-Based Method to Detect Tires’ Loss of Grip and Estimate Lateral Friction Coefficient from Experimental Data by Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Tire Development. J. Yunta, D. Garcia-Pozuelo, V. Diaz and O. Olatunbosun. Sensors. Vol. 18 (2). 490. 2018. doi:
  • A robust observer based on energy-to-peak filtering in combination with neural networks for parameter varying systems and its application to vehicle roll angle estimation. B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada and V. Diaz. Mechatronics. Vol. 50. pp 196-204. 2018. doi:
  • VEHIOT: design an evaluation of an IOT architecture based on low-cost devices to be embedded in production vehicles. J. Pajares, L. Prieto, J. Garcia Guzman,B.L. Boada and V. Diaz. Sensors. Vol. 18 (2). 486. 2018. doi: (full-text:
  •  Computational verification of the optimum boundary condition of the Brazilian tensile test. Gutiérrez-Moizant, R., Ramírez-Berasategui, M., Santos-Cuadros, S., & García-Fernández, C.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(11), 3505-3519. 2018. doi:
  • Influence of anodized depth on fatigue life for bicycle cranks. José, A. C., Santos, C., & Gutierrez-Moizant, R. A. Engineering Failure Analysis, 90, 82-89. 2018. doi:
  • Analytical and experimental study of failure onset during a Brazilian test. Garcia-Fernandez, C. C., Gonzalez-Nicieza, C., Alvarez-Fernandez, M. I., & Gutierrez-Moizant, R. A. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 103, 254-265. 2018. doi:
  • A Novel Inverse Dynamic Model for a Magnetorheological Damper based on Network Inversion. M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada and V. Diaz. Journal of Vibration and Control. Vol. 24 (15) pp. 3434-3453. Article first published online: May 1, 2017; Issue published: August 1, 2018 . doi: Accepted version avalaible on
  • A robust observer based on H-infinity filtering with parameter uncertainties combined with Neural Networks for estimation of vehicle roll angle. B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada, L. Vargas-Melendez and V.Diaz. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Vol. 99C, pp. 611-623. 2018. doi:


  • A LQR-Based Controller with Estimation of Road Bank for Improving Vehicle Lateral and Rollover Stability via Active Suspension. A. Riofrio, S. Sanz, M.J.L. Boada and B.L. Boada. Sensors. 17 (10). 2017. doi:
  • Study of the behaviour of adhesive joints of steel with CFRP for its application in bus structures. Pedro Galvez, Alejandro Quesada, Miguel Angel Martinez, Juana Abenojar, Maria Jesus L. Boada and Vicente Diaz. Composites Part B: Engineering. Vol. 129. pp. 41-46. 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2017.07.018. (full-text:
  • A Strain-Based Method to Estimate Slip Angle and Tire Working Conditions for Intelligent Tires Using Fuzzy Logic. D. Garcia-Pozuelo, J. Yunta, O. Olatunbosun, , X. Yang and V. Diaz. Sensors (Basel). Vol. 17(4). pii: 874. 2017. doi: (full-text:
  • Sensor Fusion Based on an Integrated Neural Network and Probability Density Function (PDF) Dual Kalman Filter for On-Line Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and States. L. Vargas-Melendez, B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada, A. Gauchia and V. Diaz. Sensors. 17 (5). 2017. doi: (full-text:
  • Experimental study and analytical model of bleed valve orifice influence of a high-performance shock absorber on vehicle dynamics. J.L. Chacón, B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada and V. Díaz. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 9(9). 2017. doi: (full-text:
  • A novel frequency dependent model based on trigonometric functions for a magnetorheological damper. M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada and V. Diaz. Meccanica. Vol. 52 (11-12) pp: 2567-2581. 2017. doi: Full-text view-only version of the paper available on:
  • A Novel Strain-Based Method to Estimate Tire Conditions Using Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Tires. D. Garcia-Pozuelo, O. Olatunbosun, J. Yunta, X. Yang and V. Diaz. Sensors (Basel). Vol. 17(2). pii: E350 2017. doi: (full-text:
  • Constrained Dual Kalman Filter Based on pdf Truncation for Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and Road Bank Angle: Analysis and Experimental Validation. B.L. Boada, D. Garcia-Pozuelo, M.J.L. Boada and V. Diaz. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System. Vol. 18 (4). pp. 1006-1016. 2017. doi: 10.1109/TITS.2016.2594217. Accepted version avalaible on:


  • A Sensor Fusion Method Based on an Integrated Neural Network and Kalman Filter for Vehicle Roll Angle Estimation. L. Vargas-Meléndez, B.L. Boada, M.J.L Boada, A. Gauchía and V. Díaz. Sensors, Vol. 16, 1400. 2016. doi:10.3390/s16091400. (full-text:
  • Vehicle sideslip angle measurements based on sensor data fusion using an integrated ANFIS and an Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm. B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada and V. Diaz. Mechanical System and Signal Processing. Vol. 72-73, pp. 832-845. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.11.003. (Accepted version avalaible on:


  • An uncertainty model to approximate the analytical solution to the real case in the field of stress prediction. R. Gutierrez, M. Ramírez, E. Olmeda and V. Díaz.. Metrology and Measurement Systems. Vol. XII. pp. 429-442. 2015. doi:
  • Practical case application for stress model validation and enhancement by means of metrological tools. R. Gutierrez, M. Ramírez, E. Olmeda and V. Díaz.. Strain. An International Journal for Experimental. 2015. (Online version:
  • Sideslip angle estimator based on ANFIS for vehicle handling and stability. Beatriz L. Boada, María Jesús L. Boada, Antonio Gauchía, Ester Olmeda and Vicente Díaz. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. Vol. 29 (4). pp 1473-1481. 2015. (
  • Practical case application for stress model validation and enhancement by means of metrological tools. Gutiérrez, R., Ramírez, M., Olmeda, E., & Díaz, V. Strain, 51(5), 379-390. 2015. doi:


  • Study of van roadworthiness considering their maintenance and periodic inspection. The Spanish case. B.L.Boada, M.J.L. Boada, M. Ramirez and V. Diaz. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research. Vol. 6 (4). pp. 173-184. 2014.
  • A new tyre-road contact model for applications at low speed. D. Garcia-Pozuelo, M.J.L. Boada and V. Diaz. International Journal of Automotive Technology. Vol. 15 (4). pp. 553-564. 2014.
  • Methodology for bus structure torsion stiffness and natural vibration frequency prediction based on a dimensional analysis approach. A. Gauchía, E.Olmeda, M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada and V. Díaz. International Journal of Automotive Technology. Vol. 15 (3), pp 451-461. 2014.
  • Improving vehicle safety: A new methodology for vehicle steering system inspection by means of forces measurement. D. García-Pozuelo, V. Díaz, M.J.L. Boada. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 14. Pp. 1-10. 2014.
  • Bump modelling and vehicle vertical dynamics prediction. D. García-Pozuelo, A. Gauchia, E. Olmeda, V. Díaz. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 14. Pp. 1-10. 2014.


  • Discussion on “Integrated vehicle dynamics control via coordination of active front steering and rear braking”. B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada and V. Diaz. European Journal of Control. Vol. 19. pp. 144-145. 2013.
  • Influencia del mantenimiento e inspección técnica de vehículos en la accidentalidad de furgonetas. L. Boada Beatriz; L. Boada, Mª Jesús; Ramírez, María and Díaz, V. Securitas Vialis. Nº 14. 2013.

Up to 2012

  • A test for lateral vehicle's safety related to road design. María Beatriz Ramirez Berasategui, V. Díaz, D. García-Pozuelo. Transport. Vol. 165. pp 187-194. 2012.
  • Modeling of a magnetorheological damper by recursive lazy learning. M.J.L. Boada, J.A. Calvo, B.L. Boada and V. Díaz. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. Vol. 46, Nº 3, pp. 479-485. 2011. doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2008.11.019.
  • Uncertainties associated with strain-measuring systems using resistance strain gauges. W. Montero, R. Farag, V. Díaz, M. Ramirez and B. L. Boada. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, Vol. 46, Nº 1, pp. 1-13. 2011.
  • Neural-empirical tyre model based on recursive lazy learning under combined longitudinal and lateral slip conditions. M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada, D. Garcia-Pozuelo and V. Diaz. International Journal of Automotive Technology. Vol. 12, Nº 6, pp. 821-829. 2011.
  • A new procedure to estimate the brake warping in a roller tester. Daniel García-Pozuelo, A. Gauchia, B.L. Boada and V. Diaz. International Journal of Automotive Technology. Vol. 11, Nº 5, pp. 691-699. 2010..
  • Bus Structure Behaviour under Driving Manoeuvring and Evaluation of the Effect of an Active Roll System. A. Gauchía, V. Díaz, M.J.L. Boada, O. A. Olatunbosun and B. L. Boada. International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems. Vol. 2, Nº 1, pp 14-19. 2010.
  • Torsion Stiffness and weight optimization of a real bus struture. A. Gauchía, V. Díaz, M.J.L. Boada and B.L. Boada. International Journal of Automotive Technology. Vol. 11, Nº 1. pp 41-47. 2010.
  • Dynamic performance analysis of a light van body-in-white structure. O.A. Olatunbosun, A. Gauchía, M.J.L. Boada and V. Díaz. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 224. pp 1-11. 2010. Avalaible online: 10.1243/0.9544070JAUTO1556. 
  • Simplified dynamic torsional model of an urban bus. V. Díaz, M.J.L. Boada, A. Gauchía and B.L. Boada. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. Vol. 16. Nº 3. pp 341-353. 2009.
  • Active roll control using reinforcement learning for a single unit heavy vehicle. M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada, A. Gauchía, J.A. Calvo and V. Diaz. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. Vol. 16, Nº 4. pp 412-430. 2009.
  • BONDSYM: SIMULINK-based Educational Software for Analysis of Dynamic System. J.A. Calvo, M.J.L. Boada, J.L. San Roman and E. Olmeda. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. Published online in Wiley InterScience. 2009. 
  • SIMPERF: SIMULINK-based Educational Software for Vehicle’s Performance Estimation. J.A. Calvo, M.J.L. Boada, V. Díaz and E. Olmeda. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. Vol. 17, Nº 2. pp 139 - 147. 2009.
  • Influence of Shock Absorber Model on Vehicle Dynamic Simulation. J.A. Calvo, B.L. Boada, A. Gauchía  and J.L. San Román. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 223, Nº 2. pp 189-203. 2009.
  • Influence of the shock absorber wearing on vehicle brake performances. J.A. Calvo, V. Díaz, J.L. San Román and D. García-Pozuelo. International Journal of Automotive Technology. Vol. 9, Nº 4. pp 467-472. 2008.
  • Improving Motorcycle Front Suspension through a Gas Spring. J.A. Calvo, M.J.L. Boada, V. Díaz and E. Olmeda. International Review of Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 2, Nº 2. pp 281-289. 2008.
  • Steering inspection by means of tyre force measure. V. Díaz, D. García-Pozuelo, M.J.L. Boada, A. Gauchia. Diagnostyka. Vol. 47, Nº 3. pp. 47-54. 2008.
  • Fuzzy Approach to the Vehicle Stability and Handling in Crosswind and Steering Manoeuvres. B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada, A. Gauchía, J.A. Calvo and V. Díaz. International Review of Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 1, Nº 5. pp 511-519. 2007.
  • AUTOMATH: MATLAB-based Educational Software for Vehicle's Performance and Longitudinal Dynamics. M.J.L. Boada, A. Gauchía, B.L. Boada and V. Diaz. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. Vol. 15, Nº 1. pp 55-63. 2007.
  • Development of a new methodology for vehicle steering system. Belen Munoz, María Ramírez, Vicente Díaz. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 220, Nº 11. pp 1515-1526. 2006.
  • Modelo simplificado para evaluar la torsión de una autobús urbano. A. Gauchía, V. Díaz, M.J.L. Boada y B.L. Boada. Revista Internacional Información Tecnológica. Vol. 17, No 6. 2006.
  • An integrated control of front-wheel steering and front-braking forces based on fuzzy-logic. M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada, A. Muñoz and V. Díaz. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 220, Nº. 3. pp 253-267. 2006.
  • Timing chain system noise-related quality control in diesel engines through acceleration analysis. José A. Calvo, Vicente Díaz, José L. San Román, María B. Ramírez. International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration. Vol. 2, No 1. pp 75-90. 2006.
  • Yaw moment control for the vehicle stability in crosswind. B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada and V. Díaz. International Journal of vehicle Design. Vol. 39, No 4. pp 331-348. 2005.
  • Neural control for a semi-active suspension of a half-vehicle model. M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada, B. Muñoz and V. Díaz. International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems in joint with International Journal of Vehicle Design. Vol. 3, No 2/3/4. pp 306-329. 2005.
  • Fuzzy-Logic applied to yaw moment control for the vehicle stability. B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada and V. Díaz. Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 43, No 10. pp 753-770. 2005.
  • A fuzzy-based suspension vehicle depending on terrain. M. J. L. Boada, B. L. Boada C. Castejón and V. Díaz. International Journal of Vehicle Design. Vol. 37, N. 4, pp 311-326. 2005.
  • Algoritmo de aprendizaje por refuerzo continuo para el control de un sistema de suspensión semi-activa. M. J. L. Boada, B. L. Boada y V. Díaz. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica. Vol. 9, N. 2. pp 77-91. 2005.
  • Traversable region modeling for outdoor navigation. C. Castejón, D. Blanco, B.L. Boada and L. Moreno. Journal of Intelligent & Robotics Systems. Vol. 43, N. 2-4, pp 175-216. 2005.
  • MANFRED: Robot antropomórfico de servicio fiable y seguro para operar en entornos humanos. D. Blanco, S. Kadhim, C. Castejón, B.L. Boada and L. Moreno. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica. Vol. 9, N. 3. pp 33-48. 2005.
  • A wheel model for the study of the wheel angle measurement in the periodic motor vehicle inspection. V. Diaz, M. Ramirez, B. Muñoz. International Journal of Vehicle Design. Vol. 34, N. 3, pp 297-308. 2004.
  • A new methology for predicting the rollover limit of buses. V. Diaz, M.G. Fernandez, J.L.S. Roman, M. Ramirez, A.Garcia. International Journal of Vehicle Design. Vol. 34, N. 4, pp 340-353. 2004.
  • Técnicas Avanzadas en la Reconstrucción de Accidentes de Tráfico. Vicente Díaz, José Luis San Román, Beatriz López Boada y Mª Jesús López Boada. Cuadernos de la Guardia Civil. Revista de Seguridad Pública. pp 91-100. 2004
  • Control basado en lógica difusa de un sistema de suspensión semi-activa dependiente del terreno. B. L. Boada, M. J. L. Boada y V. Díaz. Revista de la Asociación Española de Ingenería Mecánica. Vol 15, pp 3153-3161. 2004.
  • Control neuronal de una suspensión semi-activa en terrenos regulares. M. J. L. Boada, B. L. Boada y V. Díaz. Revista de la Asociación Española de Ingenería Mecánica. Vol 15, pp 3145-3152. 2004
  • Simulación gráfica de sistemas mecánicos utilizando la herramienta de realidad. B. L. Boada, M. J. L. Boada y V. Díaz. Revista de la Asociación Española de Ingenería Mecánica. Vol 15, pp 187-192. 2004
  • Desarrollo de un software para el cálculo de prestaciones y dinámica longitudinal de un vehículo. M. J. L. Boada, B. L. Boada y V. Díaz. Revista de la Asociación Española de Ingenería Mecánica. Vol 15, pp 785-791. 2004.
  • Simulación dinámica del sistema de dirección de un vehículo aplicada a las condiciones de verificación mediante placa alineadora. B. Muñoz, V. Díaz, M. Ramírez, M. Pérez. Revista de la Asociación Española de Ingenería Mecánica. Vol. 15, pp 309-314. 2004.
  • Modelo simplificado para evaluar la torsión de un autobús urbano. V. Díaz, A. Gauchía, M. Ramírez, B. Muñoz. Revista de la Asociación Española de Ingenería Mecánica. Vol. 15, pp 3139-3140. 2004.
  • Materiales y reciclabilidad en el sector de la automoción. M. J. L. Boada, B. L. Boada y V. Díaz. Dyna. Ingeniería e Industria. pp. 21-26. 2004.
  • Symbolic Place Recognition in Voronoi-Based Maps by Using Hidden Markov Models. B.L. Boada, D. Blanco and L. Moreno. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. Vol. 39, pp 173-197. 2004.
  • Desarrollo del sistema de percepción de una plataforma móvil para entornos exteriores. C. Castejón, D. Blanco, B.L. Boada y L. Moreno. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica. Vol. 8, N. 4. pp 3-23. 2004.
  • Visual Approach Skill for a Mobile Robot Using learning and Fusion of Simple skills. M. J. L. Boada, R. Barber and M. A. Salichs. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol. 38, pp 157-170. Marzo 2002.



  • Manuel Jimenez-Salas, Basilio Lenzo, Miguel Melendez-Useros,  Fernando Viadero-Monasterio, María Jesus Lopez Boada, Beatriz Lopez Boada.Combined lateral and longitudinal energy efficient MPC control for vehicle path tracking. Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium. Guimaraes. Portugal. 26-28 June. 2024. TThis work was supported by the Grant [PID2022-136468OB-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”,.
  • Miguel Melendez-Useros, Manuel Jimenez-Salas, Fernando Viadero-Monasterio, Beatriz Lopez Boada, María Jesus Lopez Boada. Robust active suspension control tolerant to sensor faults. Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium. Guimaraes. Portugal. 26-28 June. 2024.This work was supported by the Grant [PID2022-136468OB-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”,.
  • Fernando Viadero-Monasterio, Miguel Melendez-Useros, Manuel Jimenez-Salas,, Beatriz Lopez Boada, María Jesus Lopez Boada. Robust-semiactive suspension control using magnetorheological dampoers. Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium. Guimaraes. Portugal. 26-28 June. 2024. This work was supported by the Grant [PID2022-136468OB-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”,.
  • Viadero-Monasterio, F.; Meléndez, M;  Jiménez-Salas, M.; L. Boada, B. and L. Boada, M. J. What are the most influential factors in a Vehicle Platoon?. IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems. Madrid, Spain. 23-24 May, 2024. This work was supported by the Grant [PID2022-136468OB-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”,.


  • Viadero-Monasterio, F.; Jiménez-Salas, M.; Meléndez, M;  L. Boada, B. and L. Boada, M. J. Event-triggered fault-tolerant control for vehicle rollover avoidance based on an active suspension with robustness against disturbances and communication delays. 16th IFToMM World Congress. Tokio, Japan. 5-10 November, 2023. This work was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain through Grant MCIU-19-PGC2018-099695-B-100t, and by Grant MCINN-23-PID2022-142015OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.
  • Sistema de control robusto basado en H∞ para el seguimiento de trayectoria de un vehículo con estimación de fallos en el actuador. M. Jiménez-Salas, M., Meléndez-Useros, F. Viadero-Monasterio, B.L. Boada and M.J.L. Boada. XXIV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 25-27 October, 2023.
  • Diseño de un sistema de control en pelotón heterogéneo para vehículos automatizados. F. Viadero-Monasterio, M. Jiménez-Salas, M. Meléndez-Useros, B.L. Boada and M.J.L. Boada. XXIV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 25-27 October, 2023.
  • D. Lavayen Farfan, J. Yarasca Huanacune, J. A. Butenegro García, M. J. López Boada, and J. A. Rodríguez Hernández, “On the bending collapse behavior of rectangular hollow steel shapes of various thicknesses,” in Engineering for a Changing World: Proceedings; 60th ISC, Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau, September 04-08, 2023, Ilmenau, 2023. doi: 10.22032/dbt.58891.
  • Jiménez-Salas, M., M., Meléndez-Useros, Viadero-Monasterio, F., L. Boada B. and L. Boada M. J. Simultaneous Robust H∞ Output-Feedback Control and Sensor Fault Estimation for Path Tracking. FISITA World Congress. Barcelona, Spain. 12-15, September, 2023.
  • Taomei Zhu, M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada. Distributed Points Data Driven LSTM Neural Networks for Daily Traffic Forecasting.  2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain. 24-28 September, 2023.
  • Diseño de una herramienta para la gestión de un servicio de transporte de emergencias utilizando las APIs de google maps. María Jesús López Boada; Javier García Guzman; Daniel García Pozuelo-Ramos; Jose María Armingol Moreno; Maria Araceli Sanchis de Miguel; Hortensia Elena Amaris Duarte; Jose Manuel Molina Lopez; Roberto Losada Maestre; María Jesús Nieto Sanchez; Juanita Pedraza Córdoba and  Beatriz López Boada. XV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Tenerife, Spain. 14-16 June, 2023.
  • Sistema de seguimiento de trayectoria de un vehículo mediante control H∞ por realimentación de salidas considerando perturbaciones en las medidas. Manuel Jiménez Salas; Miguel Meléndez Useros; Fernando Viadero Monasterio; María Jesús López Boada and Beatriz López Boada. XV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Tenerife, Spain. 14-16 June, 2023.
  • Cuantificación de los efectos de las incertidumbres de un modelo de amortiguador magneto-reológico en un sistema de suspensión dinámica. Ramón Alberto Gutiérrez Moizant; María Jesús López Boada; Beatriz López Boada; María Ramírez Berasategui and Andrés Ricardo Valdez. XV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Tenerife, Spain. 14-16 June, 2023.


  • Control H ∞ del deslizamiento longitudinal del neumático para frenada óptima en función del estado de la carretera.  M. Jimenez-Salas, M. Melenedez-Useros, Fernando Viadero-Monasterio, B. L. Boada, M. J. Boada. XV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica. Madrid, Spain. 22-24 November, 2022.
  • El neumático conectado y sostenible: I-ECOTIRE. Daniel Garcia-Pozuelo Ramos, Ignacio Requena-Rodriguez, Maria Fernanda Mendoza-Petit, Miguel Angel Martinez-Casanova, Juana Abenojar-Buendia, Carolina Alvarez-Caldas, Jose Antonio Calvo-Ramos. XV Congreso Iberoamericáno de Ingeniería Mecánica. Madrid (España) 22-24 November 2022.
  • Sobre el uso de materiales compuestos para el refuerzo y mejora de la resistencia al vuelco de autobuses. D. Lavayen Farfan, J. Butenegro Garcia, M.J.L. Boada, M.A. Martinez Casanova and J.A. Rodriguez Hernandez. XV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica. Madrid, Spain. 22-24 November, 2022.
  • Autonomous Path Following and Emergency Braking Control for Intelligent Vehicles Using Low Cost Devices.  Fernando Viadero-Monasterio, M. Jimenez-Salas, B. L. Boada, M. J. Boada. 15th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control AVEC 22. Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Kanagawa, Japan. 12-16 September, 2022.
  • Optimization of the rollover crashworthiness of bus structures with localized composite reinforcements based on concept modelling and theoretical models for bending collapse. D. Lavayen Farfan, M.J.L. Boada, and J.A. Rodriguez Hernandez. The fifth International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering (NME 2022). 24-24 August 2022. Online.
  • Event-triggered Robust Output Feedback Controller for a Networked Roll Control System. F. Viadero, M. Jimenez, M. Melendez, J. Garcia-Guzman, B.L. Boada and M.J.L. Boada. The Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications VEHICULAR 2022. Venice, Italy. 22-26 May 2022.
  • Intelligent Signal Control Module Design for Intersection Traffic Optimization. T. Zhu, M. J. L. Boada and B. L. Boada.  2022 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE), Beijing, China, 2022, pp. 522-527, doi: 10.1109/ICITE56321.2022.10101420.


  • Uniones adhesivas para la aplicación de refuerzos en estructuras ligeras susceptibles a colapso por flexión. D. Lavayen-Farfan, J. A. Butenegro-Garcia, M. J. L. Boada, M. A. Martinez-Casanova, J. A. Rodriguez-Hernandez. XXI Congreso Internacional de Adhesión y Adhesivos. 16-17 November 2021. ASEFCA.
  • Mejora del comportamiento lateral y vertical de un vehículo mediante una suspensión activa. Fernando Viadero-Monasterio, María Jesús L. Boada, Vicente Díaz, Beatriz L. Boada. XXIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, Jaen, España, 2021.
  • Bending collapse analysis of cfrp-reinforced square hollow shapes for implementation in lightweight structures. D. Lavayen-Farfan, J. A. Butenegro-Garcia, M. J. L. Boada, M. A. Martinez-Casanova, J. A. Rodriguez-Hernandez. 1st Virtual ESIS TC4 Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives. 28-29 September 2021. 2022 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE), Beijing, China, 2022, pp. 522-527. 2022.


  • VEHIOT: Evaluation of Smartphones as Data Acquisition Systems to Reduce Risk Situations in Commercial Vehicles. Jonatan Pajares Redondo, Lisardo Prieto Gonzalez, Mat Max Montalvo Martinez,Javier Garcia Guzman, Susana Sanz Sanchez, Maria Jesus L. Boada and Beatriz L. Boada. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, Madrid, Spain, 12-14 September 2018.


  • A new joint of FRP design for a bus structure. Alejandro Quesada, María Jesús L. Boada, Agustin Chiminelli, Rubén Breto,Miguel Ángel Martínez y Pedro Gálvez, Daniel Garcia-Pozuelo, Ester Olmeda, Vicente Díaz. 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, Albufeira (Algarve)/Portugal, 11-15 June 2017.
  • Fuzzy-based rollover controller considering the effect of road bank for a heavy duty vehicle. A. Riofrio, B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Bodada and V. Diaz. 15th European Automotive Congress EAEC 2017. Madrid, Sain. 3-5 October 2017.
  • Analysis of changes on shims stack valve of a high performance shock absorber. J.L. Chacon, V. Diaz, B.L. Boada and M.J.L. Boada. 15th European Automotive Congress EAEC 2017. Madrid, Sain. 3-5 October 2017.


  • Optimisation of traction and fixing systems in suspended monorails. J. Yunta, D. Fernandez, D. Garcia-Pozuelo, V. Diaz, B. L. Boada & M. B. Ramirez. . WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, 15th International Conference on Railway Engineering Design and Operation, Madrid, Spain. Vol 162. 2016. pp. 179-190. DOI: 10.2495/CR160171
  • Diseño de un estimador del ángulo de balanceo de vehículos industriales mediante redes neuronales. Leandro Vargas, Mª Jesús López Boada, Beatriz López Boada,Vicente Díaz. XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Elche, 09-11 de Noviembre de 2016.
  • Control antivuelco para furgoneta utilizando lógica difusa. Andres Riofrio, B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada y V. Diaz. XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Elche, 09-11 de Noviembre de 2016.
  • Estudio del comportamiento del cuerpo de válvulas de un amortiguador de alto rendimiento. Juan Chacon, V. Diaz, B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada. XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Elche, 09-11 de Noviembre de 2016.
  • Estudio mediante extensiometría del comportamiento dinámico de la banda de rodadura de un neumático. J. Yunta, D. García-Pozuelo, V. Díaz y M.L. Boada. XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Elche, 09-11 de Noviembre de 2016.
  • Estudio del comportamiento de un sistema salvacunetas para mejorar la seguridad vial. D. García-Pozuelo, A. Quesada, S. Sanz, J:L: San Román, V. Díaz López. XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Elche, 09-11 de Noviembre de 2016.
  • Metodología para la adaptación y validación experimental de modelos ingenieriles. Gutiérrez, R., Ramírez, M., Olmeda, E., y Díaz, V. XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Elche, 09-11 de Noviembre de 2016.
  • Nuevas metodologías para la inspección técnica del sistema de dirección. M. Mendoza Petit, D. García-Pozuelo Ramos, M.J.L. Boada V. Díaz López. XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Elche, 9-11 de Noviembre de 2016.
  • Sustitución de uniones soldadas por uniones adhesivas en nodos con concentración de tensiones en superestructuras de autocar. P. Gálvez, J. Abenojar, A. Quesada, M. J. L. Boada, V. Díaz y M. A. Martínez. pp. 57-62. XVII Congreso Internacional de adhesión y aghesivos. Madrid, 15 y 16 de Septiembre de 2016.
  • Fuzzy-Based Anti-Rollover Controller for a Heavy Duty Vehicle, using Active Suspension. A. Riofrio, B.L. Boada, M.J.L. Boada, D. Garcia-Pozuelo and V. Diaz. FIS ITA 2016 World Automotive Congress, At BEXCO, Busan, Korea. 2016.


  • Braking Efficiency Estimation Of An Automobile Vehicle Based On Predictive Parameters. S. Sanz, E. Olmeda, A.M. Gomez, M.J.L. Boada, B.L. Boada and V. Diaz. International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Automation Engineering - MAE. 2015.


  • Estudio del factor de concentración de tensión en anillos utilizando galgas extensométricas resistivas. Gutiérrez, R., Ramírez, M., Olmeda, E., y Díaz, V. XX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Málaga, 24-26 de Septiembre de 2014.
  • Estudio teórico del factor de concentración de tensión en anillos. Gutiérrez, R., Ramírez, M., Olmeda, E., y Díaz, V. XX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Málaga, 24-26 de Septiembre de 2014.
  • Estudio comparativo de las fuerzas obtenidas en llanta y en el contacto neumático-calzada en un vehículo automóvil. M. Mendoza Petit, D. García-Pozuelo Ramos, M. J. López Boada, V. Díaz López. XX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Málaga. 24 al 26 de septiembre de 2014.

PhD Thesis

Diseño de sistemas de automatización de la conducción basados en control robusto para la mejora de la seguridad y el confort en vehículos automóviles
Author: Fernando Viadero Monasterio
Directors: Maria Jesús Lopez Boada and Beatriz López Boada
Reading date: 2023

Study of structural joints with composite materials to enhance the mechanical response of bus superstructures
Author: Daniel Lavayen Farfán
Directors: Maria Jesús Lopez Boada (UC3M) and Jorge A. Rodriguez Hernandez (PUCP)
Reading date: 2022

Diseño de un sistema ADAS para la prevención de vuelco en vehículos comerciales
Author: Jonatan Pajares Redondo
Directors: Beatriz Lopez Boada and Vicente Diaz Lopez
Reading date: 2022

Diseño de un STU con fluidos dilatantes
Author: Andres Gomez Moron
Directors: Maria Jesus Lopez Boada and Beatriz Lopez Boada
Reading date: 2021

Integración del Neumático Inteligente para estimar la variación de la fricción en el contacto neumático calzada
Author: Maria Fernanda Mendoza
Directors: Vicente Diaz Lopez and Daniel Garcia-Pozuelo Ramos
Reading date: 2020

Diseño de un sistema de detección del deslizamiento lateral para neumáticos instrumentados mediante extensometría
Author: Jorge Yunta Ramirez
Directors: Vicente Díaz López and Daniel Garcia-Pozuelo Ramos
Reading date: 2018

Metodología para la determinación del factor de seguridad probabilístico basado en la validación del modelo teórico
Author: Ramón Alberto Gutiérrez Moizant
Directors: María Beatriz Ramírez Berasategui and Ester Olmeda Santamaría
Reading date: 2016

Active Neuro-Fuzzy Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Controller to improve the vehicle handling and stability at complicated maneuvers
Author: Rana Farag.
Directors: Vicente Díaz López and Beatriz López Boada.
Reading date: 2013

Efecto de la curvatura superficial sobre la exactitud en el cálculo de la tensión a partir de la deformación medida con galgas extensiométricas
Author: Walter Esteban Montero Echevarría
Directors: Maria Betariz Ramirez Berasategui and Beatriz López Boada
Reading date: 2011

Desarrollo de nuevas metodologías de inspección del sistema de dirección de vehículos mediante placa alineadora
Author: Manuel Perez Rey
Directors: Mª Jesús López Boada and Daniel García-Pozuelo Ramos
Reading date: 2011

Modelo de contacto neumático-calzada a baja velocidad
Author: Daniel García-Pozuelo Ramos
Directors: Vicente Díaz López and Mª Jesús López Boada
Reading date: 2008

Parametrización del gálibo de material ferroviario
Author: Julio Álvarez Rodriguez
Directors: Vicente Díaz López and Beatriz López Boada
Reading date: 2006

Modelo de torsión de la superestructura de un autobús
Author: Antonio Gauchía Babé
Directors: Vicente Díaz López and Mª Jesús López Boada
Reading date: 2006


  • Sistema y procedimiento de evaluación de estilo de conducción. V. Díaz, E. Olmeda, A.M. Gómez Amador, B. López Boada, M.J. López Boada y J.L. San Román. P201730919. ES2696401. 2020.