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Buddy Program

Buddy Program


The objective of the Buddy Program is to integrate international students through accompaniment and tutoring from students in higher years. With this support, their academic and social integration into the University will be fast and successful. The benefits for international students are numerous, both in the social and academic environments. The same applies to the senior student body, as their help is useful and they can receive credits while enjoying the international experience without leaving Spain. It is an annual program that allows tutoring of international students that arrive in both semesters.

  • Buddy tutorizado

    ¿Te gustaría conocer a un estudiante de la UC3M que responda a tus preguntas y te muestre la universidad? Anímate a participar en el Programa Buddy de la UC3M. Formarás parte de un grupo pequeño de estudiantes junto a otros estudiantes de intercambio internacional y un estudiante de UC3M. Un/a buddy tutor te mostrará la universidad y responderá a todas las preguntas que te surjan sobre la vida en Madrid. Si estás interesado en este programa, inscríbete. Es gratuito.


    El formulario de inscripción lo recibirás por correo electrónico desde las siguientes direcciones:

    - Los estudiantes que vengan a través del Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales de Getafe desde el correo: incoming@uc3m.esInscripción abierta hasta el 4 de julio

    - Los estudiantes que vengan de la Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS) de Leganés desde: internationaleps@uc3m.esInscripción abierta hasta el 4 de julio

    - Los estudiantes que vengan a través de la Escuela Internacional desde el correo: Inscripción abierta hasta el 7 de julio

  • Student Buddy tutors

    The tasks and duties of those who become buddies will be the following:

    • To attend training meetings that will be carried out at the start of the program.
    • To establish contact via e-mail with the assigned international students.
    • Participation in the international student Welcome events that are organised at the start of each semester.
    • To ease international student integration into the UC3M and organise group activities that promote said integration.
    • To provide basic information and answer enquiries regarding life in Madrid: transport, accommodation, places of interest, health centres, etc.
    • To provide basic information and answer enquiries regarding university resources and services: libraries, student societies, the UC3M website, Global Classroom, sports activities, etc. 
    • To fill out the evaluation questionnaire of the program at the end of the year.
    • To carry out a final project.

    The buddy tutor will contact and guide the international student from before their arrival in Spain and must comply with the set timeline of activities, especially in the international students’ first month of each semester.
    The buddy tutor will rely on the support and monitoring of a coordinator who must be periodically informed of the activities carried out.

    Credit recognition

    To receive credit recognition, the following requirements must be met:

    • Attend the program’s training sessions
    • Participate in the international student welcome events (one per semester)
    • Obtain a score of at least 3 out of 5 points in the survey carried out by the tutored students after the first week of lectures (1)
    • Carry out a final project from a list of topics proposed by the coordinator of the program (2)
    • Carry out the final questionnaire

    (1) The survey carried out by the tutored students after the first week of lectures will evaluate different aspects regarding the accompaniment conducted (enquiry resolution, integration support, conducted group activities, etc.)

    (2) The final project will be carried out either individually or in small groups and will be about topics related to the basic information that the tutored students require (transport and connections to the UC3M, accommodation, tourism, health centres, UC3M facilities, Global Classroom, mobile phone and bank account contracts, etc.)

    • For participating as a buddy, you will receive 3 optional credits (if you participate for two years, the amount will be 6 optional credits).

    Until May 3rd, 2023