Elections for student representatives
- Orientación a estudiantes
- Elections for student representatives

What are the Delegation´s tasks?
- Inform the student body of University rights and rules, evaluation, exam review, scholarships and grants, complaints process before the students’ advocate, services and resources for people with special needs...
- Actively participate in the University’s representation bodies.
- Participate in the commission of University scholarships and grants.
- Promote conciliation of academic and working life.
- Promote student participation and representation through the delegation itself and University societies.
- Participate in the State Council of University Students.
More information on Student Delegation can be found on this web page
How can I become a representative?
To become a representative, you first have to present your candidature so that all your fellow students know that you want to represent them.
To present your candidature:
Check that you are in the census and if everything is correct, select the “present candidature” option in the computer application.
If you find any errors in the census, you will be able to file a complaint in the same computer application and then present your candidature.
How do I vote?
Every student can vote and therefore choose a course representative to represent them. To do so, it is essential to first consult the census and if there is any incorrect information you will have to correct it by submitting a complaint that can also be done via an electronic form.
For undergraduates: firstly, course representatives are chosen which, alongside those who represent the student body in Government Bodies, choose the degree representatives, who in turn will choose the representatives of the centre in the final phase of the process.
For postgraduates: firstly master or doctorate representatives are chosen which, alongside those who represent the student body in Government Bodies, choose the field representatives, who in turn will choose the representatives of the centre in the final phase of the process.
The voting process will be electronic. Once the electoral census and candidatures are final, you will be able to choose your representatives during the dates set in the electoral calendar by using the computer application which manages the process.