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**NEW** Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence

Image showing a 3D model of a human head.
4 years (240 ECTS credits)
English, Spanish

The Bachelor starts in: September  2025.

  • English: Leganés Campus
  • Spanish: Colmenarejo Campus.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that combines mathematics, statistics, computer science, communications and many other disciplines to develop systems capable of learning, reasoning and solving problems autonomously. Its enormous impact spans all sectors, from health and industry to banking and research, making it one of the most disruptive and essential technologies of the 21st century.

In a world where automation, data analysis and intelligent decision-making are the basis of technological and economic development, artificial intelligence specialists play a key role in creating innovative solutions and are among the most sought-after professionals in the labour market.

AI includes burgeoning areas such as machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing and system optimisation, contributing to the advancement of society and industry.

AI-driven digital transformation is accelerating the development of autonomous systems, virtual assistants, cognitive robotics, Big Data, predictive technologies and diagnostic tools, to name a few. On the other hand, the responsible use of AI poses urgent ethical and legal challenges, which require professionals trained to address them with a critical and multidisciplinary vision.

The Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, taught in English and Spanish, is designed to train professionals with the ability to use advanced AI techniques to address and solve complex problems in the business and organisational sphere, contributing to the development of innovative solutions that generate added value.

Its programme includes basic foundations in mathematics, statistics, information and communication technologies, and allows you to delve into key areas such as machine learning, knowledge representation, massive data management, optimisation, natural language processing and artificial vision, with a comprehensive focus on ethics and social impact.

With this multidisciplinary training, the Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence offers a solid theoretical and practical basis to face the technological challenges of the future in areas such as medicine, finance or robotics and generate a positive impact on society and the economy.

Professional Areas

  • Technology and software companies.
  • Automation and robotics industry.
  • Data analytics and data science.
  • Development of applied artificial intelligence.
  • Healthcare and assisted diagnosis sectors.
  • Video games and simulation industry.
  • Cybersecurity and computer forensics.
  • Consultancy and technological innovation companies.
  • AI and machine learning research.
  • Virtual assistants and natural language processing.

International Excellence

QS Europe Ranking
QS Graduate Employability Ranking
The Global University Employability Ranking and Survey
Erasmus Plus


Year 1 - Semester 1

General subjects
Programming6BCEnglish Spanish
Computation and Inteligence6BCEnglish Spanish
Linear Algebra6BCEnglish Spanish
Calculus6BCEnglish Spanish
Expression Strategies3CEnglish Spanish
Digital competences for engineering3CEnglish Spanish

Year 1 - Semester 2

General subjects
Programming Techniques6BCEnglish Spanish
Artificial Inteligence6CEnglish Spanish
Discrete Mathematics6BCEnglish Spanish
Logic6BCEnglish Spanish
Probability and Statistic6BCEnglish Spanish

Year 2 - Semester 2

General subjects
Files and data bases6CEnglish Spanish
Statistical signal processing6CEnglish Spanish
Machine Learning I6CEnglish Spanish
Operating Systems6CNo data
Humanities6CEnglish Spanish

Year 3 - Semester 1

General subjects
Biologically inspired methods6CEnglish Spanish
Knowledge based systems6CEnglish Spanish
Deep Learning6CEnglish Spanish
Machine Learning II6CEnglish Spanish
Computer Network6CEnglish Spanish

Year 3 - Semester 2

General subjects
Generative AI6CEnglish Spanish
Cloud Computing6CEnglish Spanish
Information security and AI6CEnglish Spanish
Ethics and AI3CEnglish Spanish
Soft Skills3CEnglish Spanish
Massive data processing6CEnglish Spanish


BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis


  • Mobility

    Exchange programs

    The Erasmus programme permits UC3M first degree and post graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, that is a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.

    The non-european mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.

    These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold  (English, French, German etc..) requested by the university of destination.

  • European mobility

    European mobility

    The list of European universities with mobility agreements will be published soon.

  • Non-European mobility

    Non-European mobility

    The list of non-European universities with a mobility agreement will be published soon.

Profile and career opportunities

  • Entry profile

    Entry profile

    The majority of students who are admitted to this degree come from the Baccalaureate in Science and Technology, where they obtain specific training in these fields, which develops knowledge and skills and prepares students better to access to these studies. According to Spanish regulations, students must take core subjects such as: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, and Technology and Engineering.

    In addition to Baccalaureate students, another main access route to the Bachelor's Degrees is coming from Vocational Training studies.

    Aplication for a place in the degree

  • Graduate profile

    Graduate profile

    The Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence arises from a social need for Artificial Intelligence professionals, who must have in-depth basic training in its fundamentals, with the ability to analyse, develop and use the different existing AI techniques, evaluate their applications in organisations, and manage their ethical implications:

    • Acquire advanced knowledge, demonstrating an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and methodology of working in the field of Artificial Intelligence with a depth that reaches the cutting edge of knowledge.
    • Apply their knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence and their problem-solving skills in complex domains of work.
    • Possess the ability to compile and interpret data into information on which to base their conclusions, including the reflection of social, scientific, legal or ethical issues in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
    • Be able to deal with complex situations or those requiring the development of new solutions in the academic, professional or work environment.
    • Know how to communicate knowledge, methodology, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence to all types of audiences in a clear and precise manner.
    • Identify their own training needs in their field of Artificial Intelligence and their work or professional environment and organise their own learning with a high degree of autonomy in all types of contexts.
  • Career opportunities

    Career opportunities

    Artificial Intelligence is used in a wide variety of sectors due to its versatility and its ability to improve efficiency and decision-making. AI can be used in companies or organisations in the fields of healthcare, industry, transport or services.

    • Design and development of solutions for natural language processing: automatic translations, assistants, interfaces, etc.
    • Design of virtual and augmented reality applications.
    • Design of interfaces for robots, advanced programming and collaborative robotics.
    • Construction of intelligent systems in the financial, health, bioinformatics, etc. sectors.
    • Optimisation of production processes in industry, commerce and distribution.
    • Entrepreneurship: creation and management of innovative companies in the whole area of intelligent systems.
    • Applications and research in medicine, automobiles, social networks, marketing, commerce, etc.

Study in english

Studies in English only

This degree is taught entirely in English at the Leganés Campus. Please note that:

  • In groups taught in English, all work (classes, exercises, practicals, exams, etc.) will be carried out in English.
  • During the first year, a B2 level of English must be accredited by taking a test, providing one of the official certificates accepted, or in the manner determined by the university.
  • Once the Degree has been completed, the Degree Supplement will mention that the studies have been carried out in English.

Studies in Spanish only

This degree is taught entirely in Spanish at the Colmenarejo Campus. 


Schedules and calendars


Facts about this bachelor's degree

Year of implementation: 2025

Places offered:

  • Leganés Campus: 35
  • Colmenarejo Campus: 30

Official Code: 1500381