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Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española (SIELE)

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About the exam

SIELE certifies the Spanish language proficiency through four exam sections:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Listening comprehension
  • Written expression and interaction
  • Oral expression and interaction

SIELE takes as a reference the levels established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) set by the Council of Europe.


Upcoming exam date:

  • Fabruary 26, 2025


Online registration through the SIELE webpage at


Enrolment window: open until 48 hours before the exam date


  • Siele Global: 155€
  • Siele S1: Reading comprehension + Listening Comprehesion: 55€
  • Siele S2: Reading comprehension +  Written  expression and interaction 75€
  • Siele S3: Listening Comprehesion + Oral expression and interaction: 100€
  • Siele S4: Oral expression and interaction: 75€

If you are interested in taking the SIELE GLOBAL exam in our centre on a different date, please, contact us.

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