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Master in Libraries, Archives and Digital Continuity

Graduate School of Humanities and Communication

Imagen presentación del máster
Prof. Jesús Robledano Arillo
Deputy Direction
Prof. Dr. D. Eduardo Juárez Valero, Prof. Dr. D. Antonio Jesús Gómez Núñez
Madrid - Puerta de Toledo


☛  Places available: 50



Library and Information Sciences Department, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Public State Law Department


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  • Inicio

    The Master in Digital Libraries, Archives and Continuity of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (MBACD-UC3M) is an academic degree that train specialists in all activities related to resource management of digital information. Syllabus include digital born information, conversion from non-digital formats, organization, storage, preservation, retrieval, dissemination and reuse. Graduates will become specialists to deal with the digitization, document and records management systems, digital libraries, and digital preservation of cultural, research and administrative content.


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    logotipos de Fundación Real Madrid, RTVE, Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez

    reasons to study master in Libraries, Archives and Digital Continuity



    • ☛ 50 students per class
    • ☛ 90% of teachers with a PhD degree
    • ☛ 45% of elective ects that facilitate two itineraries
    • ☛ More than 200 graduates in both official masters of origin
    • ☛ Student satisfaction greater than 4 out of 5 in the Masters of origin
    • ☛ Rate of return around 90% (approved on enrolled) in the Masters of origin


      Department of Computer Science and Engineering
      Assistant Professor
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Profesora Asociada
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Assistant Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Assistant Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Computer Science and Engineering
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Public State Law
      Assistant Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Assistant Professor
      Departamento de Informática
      Assistant Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Assistant Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Visiting Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      PhD Assistant Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Computer Science and Engineering
      Hired PhD
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Full Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Sciences
      Full Professor
      Brief CV


      The request must be submitted electronically through our application system. Before beginning the admission process, please read the following information:


      Access to the Master will be subject to the requirements established by the Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September 2021.

      To have an official Spanish university degree or another issued by a higher education institution belonging to another EHEA member state that entitles them to access Master's degree courses.

      For the access of graduates coming from educational systems outside the EHEA, the provisions of article 18.2 of said RD shall be observed.


      Students coming from degrees unrelated to information processing and management must take the 3 ECTS training complements Treatment and management of information in libraries and archives. Specifically, it should be taken by all those candidates who, depending on their entrance qualification, are not familiar with the concepts and fundamentals of the following subjects:

      • Information Search and Retrieval
      • Documentary languages
      • Databases in Documentary Environments
      • Fundamentals of Archival and Library Science
      • Markup languages
      • Documentary analysis
      • Metadata

      The dates and schedules of the Formative Complements can be consulted here.

      Admission criteria

      Admission will be decided by the Master’s Academic Committee, taking into account the potential of each candidate attending to their motivation and especially to the merits provided in the documentation requested.

      The weighting will be carried out as follows:

      Academic record of access studies 25%
      Level of knowledge of other languages (by providing an official language certificate of a level B2 or higher according to CEFR) 10%
      Professional experience 20%
      Qualifications obtained in essential subjects for the Master's course 30%
      Motivation, interest and recommendation letters 15%

      Within the Master's Steering Committee, a Committee will be appointed to decide on the selection of candidates, which will be formed by:

      • Master's Director
      • Master's Deputy Director
      • At least one professor from the departments involved


      Candidates whose native language is not Spanish must present an official certificate of Spanish level B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

      Additionally, they will have to have an interview with the Master's Direction to verify their language skills in Spanish.

      students with foreign university degrees

      Once admitted to the Master’s program, students holding a university degree from a higher education institution outside the EHEA must provide the diploma, legalized through diplomatic procedures or by The Hague Apostille, for enrollment. They must also submit their transcript of records, including the grade point average, duly legalized.

      More information about Legalization of Foreign Documents.

      If needed, documents must be accompanied by an official sworn translation into Spanish.



      Reservation fee: €450 

      • it will be paid once the student receives notification of admission to the master’s, and deducted from the first tuition payment
      • the reservation fee will only be refunded if the master program is cancelled

      60 ECTS in the first academic year:

      • EU students: €2,701.2 (€45.02/ECTS credit)
      • Non EU students: €5,044.2 (€84.07/ECTS credit)

      ✎│Tuition fees

      NOTE: the indicated public prices do not include in any case, neither the ECTS corresponding to the Formative Complements that the student must take (only master's degrees with previous Formative Complements), nor the cost of issuing the master’s degree certificate.


      * Current fees for the 24/25 academic year, pending approval by the Community of Madrid for the 25/26 academic year.

      Additional information

      • You may enrol on the master’s degree after completing the admission process and receiving formal confirmation of your acceptance.
      • When performing the enrolment you can choose between Full-time enrolment or Part-time enrolment.
      • The email address provided upon enrolment will be used for formal communications; students are therefore kindly requested to check their mail regularly.
      • Pursuant to the regulations of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, a student failing to pay any part of the fees will not be admitted and the enrolment process will be terminated. In cases of cancellation of enrolment due to non-payment, the University may demand the payment of the pending amounts for enrolment in previous academic courses as a prior condition of enrolment.
        No diploma or certificate will be issued if a student has any outstanding payments.

      ✎│Enrolment master’s programmes

      ✎│ECTS credits recognition


    NINTH Edition of Rocío Orsi Award for Master's Thesis | CLOSED

    The Carlos III University of Madrid announces the Ninth Edition of Rocío Orsi Award for Master's Thesis. This award is open to all students who have presented, defended and obtained an "A" or "B" grade, as well as the credits corresponding to the Master's Thesis (TFM), during the period between February 1 and September 30, 2024, in the official programs linked to the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation.

    • Amount: 500 €

    Applications deadline: January 17, 2025

    Resolution: February 21, 2025

    📌 │ More information

    ✎ │ Submission of applications

    📥 │ Rules of the call

    General information on scholarships

    For more information on specific scholarships of interest, awarded by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid as well as other agencies or organizations, please refer here:

    🎓 │ Scholarships to study a University Master

    • Inicio

      El Máster en Bibliotecas, Archivos y Continuidad Digital se imparte en modalidad virtual. Las enseñanzas virtuales entran dentro de lo que puede llamarse como enseñanzas mixtas o modelo híbrido), que son reconocidas expresamente en los nuevos modelos educativos adaptados al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Este modelo supone la convergencia de la docencia presencial y de la enseñanza en línea (online), y facilita un proceso de aprendizaje donde cobra más valor el trabajo autónomo del estudiante, que afronta el estudio con más flexibilidad, pudiendo acompasar mejor las exigencias de tiempo de su carrera laboral o las obligaciones familiares con las exigencias del estudio universitario de un máster académico.

      El modelo virtual que ha adoptado este Máster reduce la tradicional docencia presencial proporcionando más oportunidades para el desarrollo de destrezas y habilidades, y fomentando la actitud de aprendizaje por parte del alumno. Así pues, este Máster incluye tanto actividades presenciales (que por otra parte pueden seguirse también a distancia) como actividades en línea, pedagógicamente estructuradas para facilitar el aprendizaje.

      La conjunción de actividades síncronas y asíncronas posibilitan una interacción didáctica continuada a lo largo de ambos cuatrimestres. Pese a la programación de actividades presenciales síncronas, la filosofía de trabajo en este máster es que todas las actividades docentes puedan seguirse al 100% en línea, para que los estudiantes de otros países o comunidades autónomas no tengan que desplazarse físicamente al campus para poder seguir y aprovechar las actividades presenciales.

      En el calendario lectivo están programadas varias sesiones presenciales, en viernes aproximadamente alternos, de 13:00 a 21:00 horas en el primer cuatrimestre, y de 12:00 (o 13:00) a 21:00 en el segundo. Cada sesión incluye una clase de cada asignatura asignada al cuatrimestre. Las clases son de 50 minutos con descansos de 10 minutos entre una y otra, y uno de 20 minutos a mitad de sesión. Además, al comienzo de cada cuatrimestre habrá una sesión presencial adicional que incluirá una presentación respectivamente del Máster en su conjunto y de las herramientas docentes y sobre la elaboración del Trabajo Fin de Máster. Estas explicaciones son complementadas con dos clases sobre el funcionamiento y servicios de la Bibliotecas de la Uc3m y sobre los recursos para la elaboración del TFM.

      La asistencia a las clases presenciales, si bien es aconsejable, no es obligatoria, puesto que las clases se emiten en directo para que el estudiante pueda seguirlas y participar a distancia (chat, twitter, etc.) y se graban para que pueda verlas y estudiar su contenido en cualquier momento y cuantas veces necesite.

      La mayor parte del esfuerzo del modelo docente de este Máster recae en la preparación de materiales didácticos digitales adecuados para el aprendizaje virtual, así como en las actividades programadas por los profesores, que el alumno realizará de forma individual o en grupo. Se utilizará la plataforma de gestión del aprendizaje Aula Global, basada en Moodle, y el software Panopto.

      Panopto es el sistema de streaming videograbación y publicación de vídeos que se ha conectado complementariamente a Aula Global. Tanto estudiantes como profesores tienen una cuenta de Panopto, donde acceden a tantas carpetas como asignaturas cursan o imparten. En estas carpetas se publican los vídeos adicionales que puedan subir los profesores y los vídeos realizados y emitidos de las clases presenciales. Esta herramienta contiene una serie de funcionalidades de gran interés para el seguimiento de los contenidos de las clases presenciales desde sus grabaciones y para permitir al profesorado ampliar las actividades docentes interactivas habituales, tales como:

      • Búsqueda de video o de fragmentos de vídeo dentro de la plataforma docente. La función Smart Search permite buscar cualquier palabra mencionada en un vídeo, capturada en una pantalla, que aparezca en una presentación de PowerPoint o Keynote y cualquier palabra que aparezca en las notas que se incluyan. Panopto también ofrece subtitulado automático y manual, lo que hace que sus vídeos sean más accesibles y que ofrezcan más posibilidades de búsquedas para los estudiantes y los profesores.
      • Capacidad de distribuir vídeo en una variedad de formatos por grupos de estudiantes.
      • Capacidad para transmitir en directo eventos, demostraciones o sesiones de formación.
      • Grabación a prueba de fallos, que garantiza que las grabaciones permanecen intactas pese a problemas de red que puedan surgir durante las grabaciones.

      Los estudiantes también disponen de Aula Virtual, que es un recurso que permite poner a disposición de profesores y estudiantes un ordenador virtual accesible desde la Web con las aplicaciones software de uso docente requeridas para la impartición de las prácticas de las asignaturas.

      Los profesores realizan un seguimiento continuo de las actividades interactuando con los alumnos a través de diversos mecanismos de comunicación (foros, chat, correo electrónico, etc.) y contestando a todas las dudas que se planteen, en un plazo razonable de tiempo, siempre de acuerdo con el calendario lectivo.

      El entorno de enseñanza y aprendizaje de este Máster es, por tanto, ampliamente tecnológico, a través del profuso uso de las TIC. Este entorno se adapta a la necesidad de personalización del proceso de aprendizaje que es requerido ante la presencia de las múltiples circunstancias personales y perfiles de experiencia, formación y edad de su alumnado, y, así mismo, superar las limitaciones de que estos estén repartidos en varios continentes y comunidades autónomas españolas cursando más de un 90% del tiempo a distancia.

      La evaluación del aprendizaje se lleva a cabo a través de las diversas actividades programadas (evaluación formativa) cuyo peso en la calificación final estará fijado desde el comienzo del curso, y a través de exámenes finales. Estos últimos se realizan sobre la plataforma educativa y podrán ser realizados en las instalaciones de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid u online de forma opcional. Se emitirán autorizaciones de realización de exámenes online para aquellos estudiantes que lo soliciten. En este caso se aplica obligatoriamente un sistema informático que permite garantizar que no hay fraude académico ni suplantación de personalidad en las pruebas de evaluación, cuya aplicación deberá autorizar por escrito el estudiante para poder obtener la autorización por parte de la Dirección del Máster. No será considerado como valido ningún examen del que no se disponga de las medidas de certificación de garantía de la no existencia de fraude.


      During the e-learning training, the evaluation of the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned will be based on:

      • Control of knowledge of each module by means of continuous evaluation tests (such as questionnaires, written assignments, practicals, debates in the student forum or by other telematic means, etc.) and a mandatory final exam.
      • Access to the platform

      Technical requirements for e-learning training:

      • Operating system Windows, Linux or Mac OS
      • Computer with internet connection
      • Internet Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Explorer updated to latest version)
      • Webcam and microphone
      • E-mail
      • The Virtual Master uses the Moodle learning platform developed mainly on GNU/Linux using Apache, MySQL and PHP (or LAMP platform).

      To manage Aula Global, you only need:

      • A computer and a browser. Please note that some features are not fully operational depending on which browser version. Moodle 2.4 recommends: Firefox 4, Safari 5, Chrome 11, Internet Explorer 8 (Internet Explorer 10 if you want the drag and drop option to work).
      • Connecting to the University Network / connecting to the Internet
      • Login to Campus Global with your passwords
      • Click on Aula Global (the link is on the left)

      Recommended computer equipment:

      • Computer: Pentium IV or higher
      • RAM 256 MB or more
      • CD-ROM drive x48

    Complementary work practice

    The University Master's degree in Digital Libraries, Archives and Continuity offers its students the possibility of carrying out a complementary work placement adding further credits to those contained in the syllabus. These work placements will enable students to complete their education while acquiring experience in activities relating to the skills and competence that the Master's course aims to provide. These activities will be concerned with a document or archive management service in a field characterised by the use of information technologies and digitalisation. The work placement may also take place in consultancies or businesses concerned with implementation of this type of service or with digital conservation systems.

    To this effect, the University will enter into a series of agreements with centres interested in the programme of complementary practices. Students will be supervised, guided and assessed by two tutors, one appointed by the Master's board of management and another by the firm where the work placement is carried out. In addition, the University ensures that students are covered by an accident and civil liability insurance policy.

    The work placements will be for a  minimum period  of 180 hours (6 ECTS) and further periods consisting of additional 90 hour modules up to a maximum duration of 900 hours (30 ECTS). Given the virtual nature of the Master, the class timetable may be either morning or afternoon, with Friday afternoons free.

    As the ECTS corresponding to the work placement are considered to be educational activities, students will be required to register for these, paying only 25% of the official cost of the credit. Thus a standard work placement of 180 hours (6 ECTS) would cost 67,53€ (EU) or 126,11€ (non EU).*

    These credits, added to the 60 obtained through the normal syllabus will be included in the student's academic certificate as a further subject, and will be graded with a pass or fail.

    The students can consult the offer of practices that the centres annually make, with the indication of their duration in hours (and therefore in ECTS), the place in which they will be carried out and a brief description of the specific activities to be carried out.

    Once students have chosen the centre where they will carry out their work placement and its duration, the Master's administration department will register the corresponding credits and will complete the details of each place in appendix to the agreement.

    Complementary practices can also be done without the need to pay tuition, through the university Career Service (Orientación & Empleo). In this case they are not  reflected in the academic record.

    * According to current fees for the 23/24 academic year, pending approval by the Community of Madrid for the 24/25 academic year.