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Classroom adapted to Bolonia


AREA: Adaptation to and Implementation of EHEA

PROJECT: Adaptation of classrooms to the new EHEA teaching model.

OBJECTIVES: Adaptation of classrooms in order to allow more communicative teaching focused on reduced groups.

Adaptación aulas a Bolonia

In line with the continued adaptation of classrooms to the new EHEA teaching model, in the 2011/12 academic year, the following modifications were carried out:

Getafe Campus

School of Law and Social Science

Refurbishment of classrooms with fixed desks to be used for smaller Bachelor’s Degree course groups: this will involve new partitions, dismantling fixed desks, removing existing flooring, painting, rewiring, and new mobile classroom furniture. Classrooms 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.1.7, 4.1.8: TOTAL 8 classrooms.

Refurbishment of classrooms with fixed desks to be used for smaller Bachelor’s Degree course groups: this will involve new partitions, dismantling fixed desks, removing existing flooring, painting, rewiring, and new mobile classroom furniture. Classrooms 15.1.3, 15.1.39, 15.1.41 and 15.1.43 TOTAL 4 classrooms.

New equipment for lecture rooms: new teacher’s desks, new audiovisual equipment, electrical sockets, improvement to sound system. Classrooms 9.2.11, 10.2.6: TOTAL 2 classrooms.
TOTAL projects in the School of Law and Social Sciences: 14 classrooms.

Humanities School 

Refurbishment of classrooms with fixed desks to be used for smaller Bachelor’s Degree course groups: this will involve new partitions, dismantling fixed desks, removing existing flooring, painting, rewiring, and new mobile classroom furniture. Classrooms17.1.3 and 17.1.4. TOTAL 2 classrooms.

Refurbishment of two classrooms with fixed desks to make one larger lecture room: purchase of a new projector and a larger screen, adaptation of speakers, removal of the partition, removal of flooring in room 17.0.6, adaptation of lighting, installing multiple electrical sockets and painting. Classrooms 17.0.5 and17.0.6. TOTAL 2 classrooms.

Refurbishment of classroom with mobile furniture in two new spaces: tutorials room and recording room. Classroom 17.1.7. TOTAL 1classroom.

TOTAL projects in the Humanities School: 5 classrooms.

Leganes Campus

Improvements in classrooms 2.1.C08 y 2.1.C17: painting, installation of the teacher’s desk and updating the projection system. TOTAL: 2 classrooms.

Improvements to the sound system: classrooms 1.0.F01, 1.0.F02, 1.1.F01, 1.1.F02, 2.1.C19, 4.0.E04, 4.0.E05, 4.0.E06, 7.1.J01, 7.1.J02, 7.1.J03, 7.1.J04. TOTAL: 12 classrooms.

Other plans: (2 meeting rooms and 4 IT rooms):

  • Meeting room (1.1.J12): improvements to the audiovisual and recording system.
  • Installation of new projection systems in four IT rooms.
  • Improvements to the audiovisual system in Sala Adoración de Miguel.

TOTAL projects in Leganés: 14 classrooms + 4 IT rooms + 2 meeting rooms


Refurbishment of two classrooms into IT rooms (1.0.A02 y 1.0.A03). TOTAL 2classrooms.

Refurbishment of IT rooms into classrooms (1.1.A10 y 1.1A12).Furthermore, specific audiovisual equipment for recording and videoconferencing has been installed in classroom 1.1.A12. TOTAL 2 classrooms.

TOTAL projects in Colmenarejo: 4 classrooms.

TOTAL classrooms on the three campuses: 47 classrooms + 4 IT rooms+ 2 meeting rooms.