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Extension of the Juan Benet building


AREA: Scientific Improvement

PROJECT: Construction of the Juan Benet II building on the Leganes Campus.

OBJECTIVES: Construction of the Juan Benet II building, dedicated to research and development and innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering; two new strategic lines for the University with strong potential for technological innovation and knowledge sharing.

Ampliacion edificio Juan Benet

The new building is basically an extension of the existing Juan Benet building (JB) dedicated and named after the Industrial and Telecommunications engineer. It is located on the Leganes campus and has an area of 3,365 m2.

The JBII building is linked to the existing JB building by means of a dividing wall.
The building has four floors above ground level and another underground level which serves as parking space.

The layout of the building by floors is as follows:

Basement: Parking, laboratories, area where animals are kept and associated amenities and security installations.

  • Ground floor: Several Aerospace Engineering laboratories; entrance and reception area, communications center, stairs and garage access, meeting rooms and several other rooms.
  • First floor: Several Biomedical Engineering laboratories and several offices and work areas; access to the Agustín de Betancourt building by means of a connecting walkway and a meeting room.
  • Second floor: Offices and work areas and several meeting rooms.
  • Third floor: Offices and work areas.
  • Fourth floor: Covered installation area.

The building was completed on 25th June 2012 and came into use in September 2012, following a period in which laboratories, classrooms and offices were equipped and furnished.

La distribución del nuevo edificio por plantas es la siguiente:

  • Planta -1. Estacionamiento de vehículos (garaje) y laboratorio de animalario con sus consiguientes instalaciones y medidas de seguridad.
  • Planta 0. Diversos laboratorios de Ingeniería Aeroespacial. Incluye además el vestíbulo de acceso, el núcleo de comunicaciones (escalera de acceso a garaje y escalera de acceso a plantas superiores), una sala de reuniones y cuartos varios.
  • Planta 1. Diversos laboratorios de Ingeniería Biomédica y varios despachos de trabajo. Incluye la pasarela de comunicación con el Edificio Agustín de Bentancourt y una sala de reuniones.
  • Planta 2. Despachos de trabajo y varias salas de reuniones.
  • Planta 3. Despachos de trabajo.
  • Cubierta. Casetones de instalaciones.

La obra completa finalizó a fecha 25 de junio de 2012 y empezó a ocuparse en septiembre de 2012 tras el equipamiento de laboratorios aulas y despachos.

Logotipo del Ministerio de Economía y Ciompetitividad

*Esta infraestructura ha sido financiada parcial/totalmente con fondos de ayuda del programa Innocampus, CEI10-1-0013.