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Campus Carlos III. Governance


Governance Model: 

Management is key in a project of the range of Campus Carlos III; this is a global project involving not only the groups which have been mentioned, but the entire University. Consequently, from the beginning, the project has received maximum support and commitment from the University’s governing bodies and full backing of the Chancellor.

The launch of the project coincided with the University’s Strategic Development Plan 2010-2015, allowing Campus Carlos III’s development plan to be incorporated into that of the University, not only in terms of strategy but philosophy as well.

The UC3M Strategic Development Plan 2010-2011 revolves around four strategic axes:

Campus Carlos III. Governance

  1. Quality Teaching, defined as “the giving of quality classes which allow students to acquire knowledge and skills which in turn will allow them to develop their potential in a productive professional career”, in line with Campus Carlos III’s principles of “Teaching Improvement” and the adaptation and implementation of the requirements of EHEA.
  2.  Research and Excellence defined as “the generation of high quality international research in areas of relevance and importance to a free academic environment”, in line with Campus Carlos III’s principles of “Scientific Improvement.”
  3.  Knowledge Transfer, defined as “the implementation of activities leading to the sharing with society, of knowledge generated by UC3M, by means of collaborations with institutions, organizations and companies.”
  4. Social Responsibility, defined as “maximizing social responsibility by encouraging the principles of equality, cooperation, sustainability and respect for the environment” in line with the policies of “Transformation of the Campus for the Development of a Comprehensive Social Model” and “Interaction with the University’s Surroundings.”.

In order to advance the strategic axes, the following should be applied to all University activities:

  1. People: enablement of both professional and personal development of all members of the UC3M University community, within a stimulating intellectual environment.
  2. Services: orientation of services towards support of both teaching and research activities by extending the use of new technologies.
  3. Infrastructures: making available to the University community and society, a network of advanced, environmentally friendly technology infrastructures, which comply with the strictest accessibility criteria, and which are completely adapted to the principles of EHEA.

In order to advance the strategic axes, the following should be applied to all University activities:

  1. Attracting Talent: attracting and keeping top students, faculty, managers and advisors in order to establish and maintain a stimulating and creative academic base.
  2.  Internationalization: expanding and improving UC3M’s international vocation and raising its international visibility by establishing the habitual use of English as part of University life and encouraging both teacher and student mobility.
  3. Interdisciplinary Interaction: developing and encouraging interdisciplinary interaction within UC3M.
  4. Innovation and Quality Control: encouraging both innovation and quality control in all UC3M’s activities.
  5. Attracting Resources: increasing the volume of both private and public resources in order to ensure the continued development of the current Strategic Plan, and the financial sustainability of UC3M.

These five strategic dimensions implement and guide the three main resources on which the University relies, in order to develop the four strategic axes which consolidate its mission; this is shown in the following table:

Campus Carlos III. Governance

Furthermore, to ensure coordination of all activities related to the Campus and in order to guarantee that they are carried out efficiently, a governing hierarchy of Campus Carlos III has been established; it comprises the following:

  • The Board chaired by the Chancellor and including representatives of the main groups, comprises the following members:

Daniel Peña. (President) UC3M Chancellor
Lucía Figar. Education, Autonomous Region of Madrid
Pedro Castro. Mayor of Getafe
Rafael Gómez. Montoya Mayor of Leganés
Rafael Rodrigo. President, CSIC
Cayetano López. Director General, CIEMAT
Bodo Uebber. President, Airbus Group in Spain
Juan Miguel Hernández León. President, Círculo de Bellas Artes(Circle of Fine Arts)
Emilio Botín. President, Banco Santander
Javier Monzón. President, INDRA
Ricardo Herranz Quintana. Managing Director, University Hospital, Getafe

  • A Commission has been set up as executive representative of Campus Carlos III; the Commission is presided over by the Vice-Chancellor of Faculty and Departments and is comprised of the following members:

Juan Romo (Presidente) UC3M Vice-Chancellor of Faculty and Departments
Carlos Balaguer. UC3M Vice Chancellor of Research
Juan Manuel Moreno. UC3M Head of Administration

  • A panel has been set up to manage, coordinate and monitor activities related to Campus Carlos III and to evaluate their impact. This panel, presided over by the Director of Library Services, comprises the following members::

Teresa Malo de Molina (Director) UC3M Library Services
Xavier Puente. UC3M Economic and Financial Direction
Regina García Beato. UC3M Research Services
Luis Losada. UC3M Management