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Adaptation of the classrooms to EHEA


Action: Adaptation of the classrooms to EHEA

Area: Adaptation to the European Higher Education Area

Action: Adaptation of the classrooms to the new EHEA teaching models

Objetives: To adapt teaching classrooms to carry out participative learning focused on small groups

This action aims to contribute to the sixth objective of Campus Carlos III which is Culmination of adaptation to the European Higher Education Area.

Getafe Campus

Aula adapta a Bolonia

Continuing with adaptation of clasrooms to the new EHEA teaching model, for academic year 2010/11 the following modifications have been made:

In the School of Law and Social Sciences:

  • Foronda building: Construction carried out in this building consisted of breaking down partitions in classrooms on the first floor, adapting the electrial installation, removing desks, and installing new furniture and fixtures. Classrooms: 7.1.2b, 7.1.3, 7.1.4 , 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.1.7 and 7.1.8.
  • López Aranguren building: Construction in this building consisted of adapting the electrical installations, removing desks and floors, and installing new furniture and fixures. Classrooms: 15.0.4, 15.0.5, 15.0.6, 15.0.14, 15.0.15 and 15.0.16
  • Adolfo Posadas building: Construction was carried out on the 2nd floorof this building in the following classrooms: 9.2.5, 9.2.6 y 9.2.7, to adapt them as lecture classrooms.

In the School of Humanities, Communication and Documention:

  • Concepción Arenal building. Construction consisted in renovations in classrooms 14.1.01, 14.1.2, 14.1.12 and restrooms to create another classroom, 14.1.13. The actions were the following: tearing down the wall, adaptation of the electrical installations, removal of desks, and installation of new furniture and fixtures.

Colmenarejo Campus

Alumnos en una de las aulas adaptas a Bolonia
  • Two classrooms adapted to EHEA:

1.1. A. 17: seating capacity of 48
1.1.A. 19: seating capacity of 44

These classrooms were obtained by transforming the former audiovisual room 1.1. A .17 and the adjoining classroom, 1.1.A.19. Neither of these rooms had the necessay requirements for a EHEA classroom. The audiovisual room had a seating capacity of 72 and the other only 18. For that reason, the following work was carried out:

Removal of the audiovisual infrastructure from classroom 19 (equipment, control room, etc.)
The dividing wall between the two spaces was torn down in order to obtain two proportionally-sized classrooms with sufficient capacity.
It was also necessary to put partial technical flooring in one of the classrooms.

  • Conversion of the Conference Room located in the library building into a room with audiovisual infrastructure
  • System for projection and sound in the Assembly Hall

Installation of a monitorized screen with projector
Wiring of one of the rooms
An audio and projection system was installed.
For that purpose, part of the wiring and available equipment was reused.

Adaptation of the classrooms has already been carried.

Leganes Campus (School of Engineering)

Three classrooms were modified in the following way: installation of an IT system: computer and projector, electrical wiring of classroom periphery, installation of teacher desk and reutilizaton of student tables and chairs.

  • Aula 2.1.D03. Number of seats: 20.
  • Aula 2.1.C19. Number of seats: 42.
  • Aula 1.2.G04. Number of seats: 42.