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Check your admission and admission letters

Check your admission

You can check in this page the degree where you have been admitted. The publication dates for year 2023/24 will be:

  • Students who applied in the first deadline: 12 July 2024 at 9 a.m.
  • Students who applied in the second deadline: 4 September 2024 9h.
  • Check your admission 

Please note that here you will see the result of the first admission, and it will not be updated with the results of the waiting list awards.

To see the position and results of admissions by waiting list, see the information on this page

It's important that you check your admission as soon as you can because the enrollment period is short. If you don't enroll in the indicated dates, your place could be assigned to other student.

Admission letter

Since the admitted list is published, you can obtain your admission letter in PDF. If you have done the university entrance exam in other autonomous community, you will need your admission letter to process your academic record transfer.

Complaints against no admission and waiting list

If you think that there was an administrative mistake in the places allocation, you can do a complaint against no admission. In the case that you haven't got a place in UC3M because your mark is lower than pass marks, you can register in the waiting list. In any case, we recommend you that you enroll in the allocated degree to not lose the place.

For more information, you can check the processes in the left menu.

Listas de Espera

Si no has conseguido la nota de corte necesaria para acceder a una titulación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, puedes solicitar que te incluyamos en la lista de espera. De esta manera, podrías conseguir la admisión si alguna de las personas admitidas no llega a formalizar la matricula.


If you have any problem or question, you can phone us in this helpline (+34 91 624 60 00)