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Admission requirements and grades

Calculation of the admission grade for each group of students

All persons applying for admission to the universities of Madrid in the pre-enrollment process participate with a score of up to 14 points, consisting of two parameters (*):

  • Qualification for Admission to Spanish University (CAU in Spanish): up to 10 points.
  • Improvement of the admission grade: up to 4 points.

Check your situation to know your CAU and how you can add up to 4 more points.

(*) Applications with an official universitary Diploma have a different score, see #6 for more information.

1. Students who have passed baccalaureate in this course or in previous years

You must pass EvAU (Spanish university entrance exam).

  • Your CAU will be the weighted grade between the exam (40%) and your GPA in baccalaureate.
  • The improvement of the grade will be done with the two better grades obtained in the exam, according to the weighting table.

More information about EvAU


2. Students from Professional Training

  • Your Qualification for Admission to Spanish University (CAU) will be the GPA of your Professional Training, reflected in your academic record (maximum 14 points).
  • To increase your grade up to 14 points, you could do the EvAu Voluntary Phase doing up to 4 exams of courses  of General Course of Modality  or General Course of Option

In the admission, the two best qualifications of the EvAU Voluntary Phase will be added to your CAU, weighted according to the established in the table of weights,

If you wish to attend the EvAU Voluntary Phase, go to your high school to take the registration.

3. Students from EU, International Baccalaureate (IB), European Baccalaureate (EB) or countries with agreement

Students with high school studies from:

  • European Union countries (Spain is not included).
  • Countries with agreement (Colombia, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Island, Andorra and China).
  • International Baccalaureate (IB).
  • European Baccalaureate.

If these students fulfill with the university access requirements in their country, they could access to University in Spain without the spanish university entrance exams.

Their University Access Qualification will be the grade of their high school studies, transferred to the Spanish system of 10 points. This grade will appear in the UNED accreditation too. 

To improve this grade until 14 points, UC3M will keep in mind the two better analyzed courses among the following:

  • Passed courses in the university entrance exam in your country or in the high school final exam that gives you access to the university. These grades will have to appear in the UNED credential. (more information)
  • Passed courses in the UNED Competence Tests. (more information)

In some cases it will not be necessary to take exams in Spain to apply with the highest possible grade because UNED will incorporate the qualifications of the baccalaureate of certain courses. Firstly, you should check in this table which courses will be analyzed in the studies that you are interested in and then go to UNED to see if these grades will appear in your accreditation. In this way, you could assess if it's convenient to attend the UNED tests.

Besides, you should keep in mind that other universities could require you the overcoming of UNED Competence tests to improve your grade until 14 points scale. Check the information in each university.

Information about Accreditation in the UNED webpage

Accreditation services needed from UNED Assis: Admission score for the spanish university. Optionally, you can take the specific competency tests (PCE) or the Recognition of Subjects. In addition, if you come from a non-Spanish-speaking country, you will need also the Spanish Language Accreditation if you apply for studies taught in spanish.

4. Students from non European Union countries or without agreement

Students with high school studies from non European Union countries or countries without agreement. These studies must be recognized to the Spanish system by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

There are three differents ways to access:

A. Attend to Competence Tests ("Pruebas de Competencias Específicas") in UNED:

  • A.1. Requirement to apply for a place.

To apply for a place in the first deadline, you have to obtain an UNED accreditation with the modality of your baccalaureate. More information in UNEDassis.

To get the baccalaureate modality, you have to pass at least 3 UNED Competence tests ("Pruebas de Competencias Específicas", or "PCE"). More information in this page. 

If you don't obtain the modality accreditation, see below in point B.

  • A.2. Calculation of the Qualification for Admission to Spanish University (until 10 points)

Your Qualification for Admission to Spanish University will be calculated with your grade point average in high school and your grades in the UNED Compentence tests. This formula is applied:

Access Grade = (0,2xNMB +4) + (0,1xM1) + (0,1xM2) + (0,1xM3) + (0,1xM4)

NMB= Grade point average in high school.

M1, M2, M3, M4= Grades in UNED Compentece tests, provided that the marks are equal to or greater than 5.

  • A.3. Calculation of the admission grade (until 14 points)

To the grade over 10 that you have obtained, we will add up to four more points by weighing the grades obtained in the courses passed in the UNED Competence tests and according to the established in our table of weights

For this we will use the two courses that give the highest score This formula is applied:

Admission Grade = Access Grade + (M1x0,1 o 0,2) + (M2x0,1 o 0,2)

M1, M2= Modality or Option courses passed in UNED Competence tests.

The grades obtained in the UNED Competence tests will count twice: one, for the calculation of the Access Grade (over 10) and another, to reach up to 14 points in the Admission Grade.

  • Apply for a place

When you have the accreditation, you can apply for a place in any university of Madrid. More information in this page.

Accreditation services needed from UNED Assis: Admission score for the spanish university, "Bachillerato" modality. In addition, if you come from a non-Spanish-speaking country, you must apply for Spanish Language Accreditation.

B. Apply for a place in the second deadline

If you don't obtain the accreditation of the modality of baccalaureate, you can apply for a place in the second deadline (in July). In that case, you could access only in bachelor's degrees with vacancies after the general distribution of the same call.

Foreseeably, in UC3M there will be no place left.

C. Early Admission process

If you accomplish with all requirements and you have good grades in your academic record, you could apply for a place in  Early Admission process.

5. Students with EvAU passed in previous years

Students with the University Entrance Exams passed in a previous year:

Your Qualification for Admission to Spanish University (CAU) will be the access grade that you had at the time (grade of 10).

To improve your grade up to 14 points, you have two options:

  • Qualifications of the EvAU Voluntary Phase passed in the previous year (these scores are valid only for 2 years)
  • To submit to the EvAU Voluntary Phase, doing doing up to 4 exams of courses of General Course of Modality or General Course of Option. In the admission, the two best grades will be weighted, according to the table of weights.

If you wish to attend the EvAU Voluntary Phase, go to your high school to take the registration.


6. Students that access with a university degree

Students with an official universitary Diploma, given in Spain or Homologated by the spanish Ministry of Education:

  • Can apply for the reserved places (1% in each study).
  • They apply with the final score of their studies, converted to the spanish system (over 10 points). You can see the "Grupo 2" column in the Cut Off grades list.


Reserved places

There are these places reserved:

  • 5% for students with disabilities, accredited by the Spanish Goverment.
  • 3% for elite athlete, accredited by the Spanish Goverment.