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01. What enroll in the first year?

What enroll in the first year?

You should consult the "program" section of the website of your degree, to know the courses you are going to enroll. In some cases, in addition to the Compulsory and Basic Training courses, you will have to choose one or two Humanities courses, so it is advisable that you have previously consulted the available offer in order to have several options.

In addition, if your center allows you to choose a group, uyou should select the same group for all courses, to avoid overlaps. The schedules and groups are also published on the website of the degree.

If you enroll full time, you must choose all the subjects of the first year. If you opt for part-time enrollment, you must register for 30 credits (this option is not available for double degrees).

Courses Recognition

You can apply for the recognition of courses in the following cases:

  • If you come from Professional Education studies (only in some bachelors).
  • If you have passed equivalent courses in another bachelor.

In both cases, you must enroll now for all the courses of the first year. Later, when your application for recognition is resolved, we will give you the possibility of extending your enrollment to higher courses.

The recognition can be requested online, from the moment you register until September 15.

More information about credit recognition

Do you need help?

If you need help with your registration, contact UC3M:

  • By phone: 916246000 (hours 9 am to 9 pm on registration days)