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Master in User Experience Design and Digital Analytics

Graduate School of Humanities and Communication

Imagen presentación del máster
Prof. Antonio Perianes Rodríguez
Madrid - Puerta de Toledo


☛  Places available: 40

MASTER'S DAYS 2025 - ON-CAMPUS | 20/03 | 12:30H

Library and Information Sciences Department, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Communication and Media Studies Department


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  • Inicio

    The Master in User Experience Design and Digital Analytics aims to provide advanced knowledge for specialists in the creation, management, analysis, use, evaluation and presentation of digital information. User experience has become an essential tool in the technology sector, and more and more organisations understand the importance of having UX experts to improve their products and services.

    The Master in UX responds to the need for highly qualified specialists to meet the growing demand for experts in this field. This Master’s degree is attractive to both recent graduates and professionals looking for a new specialisation and training. Its novelty and focus will be of particular interest to students of bachelor degrees such as Information and Digital Content Management, Business and Technology, Audiovisual Communication, Computer Engineering or Digital Humanities among others.

    Science and technology policy analyst, technical writer or UX expert are just some of the new specialisations for which this Masters will train. The wide range of software programmes and applications will be used to train of highly skilled professionals to improve their ability to adapt to a rapidly changing and highly volatile and uncertain technological environment.

    Demand for UX professionals is high: the US Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that demand for UX experts is expected to increase by 4.7% and estimates that the employment of UX professionals will grow by 23% between 2023 and 2031, faster than the average for all occupations.

    reasons to study Master in User Experience Design and Digital Analytics


      📥 │ Syllabus content

      Formative Complements*
      Subjects ECTS TYPE Language
      Principles of Usability and Data Processing 6 FC Inglés

      Year 1 - Semester 1

      General subjects
      Basics of Information Architecture and User Experience6CSpanish
      Agile Methodologies in Design6CSpanish
      Design of Low-Fidelity Wireframes and Prototypes6CSpanish
      ELECTIVES (choose 1)
      Visual Communication6ESpanish
      Text Mining and Natural Language Processing6ESpanish

      Year 1 - Semester 2

      General subjects
      User Studies in UX6CSpanish
      Interaction Design in High-Fidelity Prototypes6CSpanish
      UX and Technical Writing6CSpanish
      ELECTIVES (choose 1)
      Data Analytics and Visualisation6ESpanish
      Digital Strategies6ESpanish
      Master's Thesis6Cvacio

      Formative Complements: students who do not have enough knowledge and skills on these subjects must take these courses. The master's academic committee will decide, depending on the candidate's entry profile, whether or not they should take them. Check the requirements for access to the master's degree.

      C) Compulsory: 42 ECTS

      E) Elective: 12 ECTS

      Master's Thesis: 6 ECTS



      First year offered: 2025


      The Academic Committee of the Master’s programme complies with the SGIC-UC3M and it is responsible for the follow-up, analysis, review, assessment and quality of the program, it contributes with proposals to improve the program and produces the “Memoria Académica de Titulación” (Programme Report).



      Computer Science and Engineering Department
      Full Professor
      Department of Communication
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Science and Documentation
      Assistant Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Science and Documentation
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV
      Department of Library and Information Science and Documentation
      Associate Professor
      Brief CV


      The request must be submitted electronically through our application system. Before beginning the admission process, please read the following information:


      Although the profile of the contents and faculty is interdisciplinary, opening the door to students with diverse backgrounds, graduates from the following fields of knowledge will have direct access to the master's degree: Cultural Industries; Computer Engineering; and graduates of Library and Information Science and Documentation and Information and Digital Content Management degrees.

      Graduates from other fields of knowledge will be able to access the master's degree by taking the training complements specified below.


      For those candidates who come from degrees assigned to fields of knowledge other than those that give direct access to the master's degree, the training complements described below are foreseen to provide them with basic knowledge on concepts and fundamentals of the following subjects:

      • Databases
      • Principles of usability and accessibility of digital content
      • Social media and platforms
      • Open data and linked data
      • Data processing and visualization

      In very specific cases in which applicants demonstrate recognized experience of at least 5 years in jobs related to the specialization of the master's degree, the steering committee may exempt them from completing the training complements, after a detailed analysis of the applicant's curriculum vitae and a due explanation of the objective criteria that justify it.

      The formative complements are offered in a single subject of 6 ECTS that must be taken before or during the first four-month period after the beginning of the Master's program.

      Admission criteria

      The selection of students will be made on the basis of:

      Academic record of access studies 80%
      Level of knowledge of other languages (providing an official language certificate of level B2 or higher according to CEFR) 10%
      Motivation, interest and recommendation letters* 10%

      *In the motivation letter, it is taken into account that the student reflects on the professional career he/she intends to pursue, that he/she makes a critical reflection on the competencies and skills acquired in the degree and how the master's degree can help to improve and increase them and an analysis of what specific elements of the master's degree program he/she values. In the letters of recommendation, the trajectory of the candidate will be evaluated in terms of the use of previous studies as well as the suitability of his/her profile to the contents and orientation of the master's degree.

      Student Profile

      These studies can be taken by those whose current and/or future professional activity requires strategies, skills and knowledge related to user experience and data analysis and digital information, both in the private sector and in public administrations.

      The entry profiles described in section Requirements presuppose the training and previous knowledge and the appropriate level of the applicants to take advantage of the Master's Degree. They should handle digital information tools, web systems and social platforms, have notions of usability and accessibility, be familiar with digital information design tools and possess creative and innovative professional qualities and an interest in delving into the field of user experience, user interface design and the analysis of scientific and technological information.

      Language requirements

      Check the general language requirements required to study a Master’s at UC3M, depending on whether it is in Spanish, English or bilingual.

      students with foreign university degrees

      Once admitted to the Master’s program, students holding a university degree from a higher education institution outside the EHEA must provide the diploma, legalized through diplomatic procedures or by The Hague Apostille, for enrollment. They must also submit their transcript of records, including the grade point average, duly legalized.

      More information about Legalization of Foreign Documents.

      If needed, documents must be accompanied by an official sworn translation into Spanish.



      Reservation fee: €450 

      • it will be paid once the student receives notification of admission to the master’s, and deducted from the first tuition payment
      • the reservation fee will only be refunded if the master program is cancelled
      EU STUDENTS (€80/ECTS)
      First academic year - 60 ECTS €4,800
      First academic year - 60 ECTS €7,200

      ✎│Tuition fees

      NOTE: the indicated public prices do not include in any case, neither the ECTS corresponding to the Formative Complements that the student must take (only master's degrees with previous Formative Complements), nor the cost of issuing the master’s degree certificate.


      * Current fees for the 24/25 academic year, pending approval by the Community of Madrid for the 25/26 academic year.

      Additional information

      • You may enrol on the master’s degree after completing the admission process and receiving formal confirmation of your acceptance.
      • When performing the enrolment you can choose between Full-time enrolment or Part-time enrolment.
      • The email address provided upon enrolment will be used for formal communications; students are therefore kindly requested to check their mail regularly.
      • Pursuant to the regulations of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, a student failing to pay any part of the fees will not be admitted and the enrolment process will be terminated. In cases of cancellation of enrolment due to non-payment, the University may demand the payment of the pending amounts for enrolment in previous academic courses as a prior condition of enrolment.
        No diploma or certificate will be issued if a student has any outstanding payments.

      ✎│Enrolment master’s programmes

      ✎│ECTS credits recognition



    CALL AM01-25/26* │ OPEN

    For the academic year 2025-2026 a call has been published for a maximum of 3 scholarships for payment of the net enrolment fees for students accepted into the Master’s, with the following provision:

    • 3 scholarships of €1,500

    To apply, you must have completed the application for admission to the Master’s.

    Application deadline: May 31, 2025

    Partial resolutions:

    • first partial resolution: published on 19/3/2025
    • second partial resolution: from April 27, 2025
    • third and final resolution: from June 20, 2025

    * The number of grants and amounts specified in the call, may vary depending on the conditions of the candidates who apply to them, can be even deserted as assessed by the Selection Committee for each program.


    📚 │ Scholarships

    💻 │ UC3M e-bulletin (BOEL) in Spanish

    General information on scholarships

    For more information on specific scholarships of interest, awarded by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid as well as other agencies or organizations, please refer here:

    🎓 │ Scholarships to study a University Master


    titulo cabecera para sección calendario académico

    Academic Calendar

    Academic Calendar 2025-2026

    titulo cabecera para sección horario del master


    Check the Master’s schedule (coming soon)

    Although the official timetable will not be known until the end of June, the Master's classes will be held in the MORNING, from 9:00 to 14:00 hours, at the Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus.

    titulo cabecera para sección secretaría virtual


    Access to Virtual Secretariat

    titulo cabecera para seccion recursos materiales del máeter

    Material Resources of the program

    Madrid - Puerta de Toledo Campus

    titulo cabecera para sección quejas, reclamaciones y sugerencias

    complaints and suggestions

    General Registry Office

    Contact mailbox 


    The following are examples of some of the potential career opportunities that the Master in UX will prepare you for:

    • User experience and interaction design specialist (UX writer).
    • Technical writer.
    • Copywriter.
    • Information architecture expert.
    • Usability, accessibility and inclusive design expert.
    • Web design specialist.
    • Specialist in prototyping and user interface design and evaluation.
    • Expert in natural language processing.