Bachelor in Film, Television and Media Studies
- Grados
- Bachelor's Degrees
- Bachelor in Film, Television and Media Studies
- Duration
- 4 years (240 ECTS credits)
- Centre
- Language
- Bilingual, Spanish
- Comments
Vice Dean for the Bachelor: Manuel Armenteros Gallardo
The Bachelor's Degree in Film, Television and Media Studies offers in-depth knowledge of audiovisuals in the digital era, stimulating students’ critical thinking by honing their aesthetic and creative skills.
Its goal is to train professionals in audiovisual production and distribution, television, radio, cultural management, audience analysis and online audiovisual content management. It also trains students to use technologies applied to scripts, production and audiovisual film and videomaking, image and sound editing, graphic design, camera operating techniques and multimedia communication, as well as basic tools to analyze and research media markets.
An important part of our teaching is carried out at the University’s radio stations and television sets in small groups. Theoretical and practical classes are instructed in a bilingual modality, English and Spanish, by highly qualified faculty.
Employability and profesional internships
UC3M has agreements with over 3000 companies and institutions in which students can undertake internships and access job openings.
A total of 93.4 % of graduates from this University enter the job market the first year after finishing their studies, according to the 2019 XXIV Estudio de Inserción Profesional (Professional Placement Study).
International Excellence
- Current Program
- Program modified in 2025. In 2025/26 will be offered 1st year.
- Language requirement: a B2 level of English language must be accredited before finishing the studies. More information.
Year 1 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Digital Skills for Information Use C 3 Media Creation: Image BC 6 Media Culture BC 6 Effective Language Strategies C 3 Image Theory and Analysis C 6 Theory of Law BC 6 Year 1 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Advertising and Communication BC 6 Media Creation: Sound BC 6 History of Cinema BC 6 Media Psychology BC 6 Literary trends in contemporary culture C 6 Year 2 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Media Adaptations and Intermediality C 6 Screenwriting C 6 Art Movements and Photography BC 6 Film Production BC 6 Fundamentals of film and television direction C 6 Year 2 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Documentary C 6 Journalistic Communication BC 6 New Narratives C 6 Sound Production and Design C 6 Photography: Theory and Practice C 6 Year 3 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Film and television in Spain C 6 Film Studies C 6 Postproduction C 6 Television Direction C 6 Television, Video Art and Video Games C 6 Year 3 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Digital skills for data processing. Intermediate level C 3 Organisation of the Audiovisual System C 6 Television Studies C 6 Animation, AI and VFx Lab C 6 Fiction Videomaking C 6 Soft Skills C 3 Year 4 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Humanities C 6 Electives: Recommended 24 ECTS credits E 24 No data Electives to choose: total 48 ECTS credits Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Media Heritage and Film Archives E 6 Film and Television in Europe E 6 Film and Television in the Middle East and Asia E 6 Film and Videoessay E 6 Media Law E 6 Development of Transmedia Projects E 6 Art Direction, Make up, and Costume Design E 6 Media Diversity E 6 Archival Research and Sources in Audiovisual Media E 6 Business Strategies E 6 Radio Formats and Podcasting E 6 Media Culture and Gender E 6 Film Genre E 6 Television Scriptwriting E 6 Spanish History of the Twentieth Century Through Cinema E 6 Mise-en-scene and Acting E 6 Television and Society E 6 External Academic Internships I E 6 Year 4 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Bachelor Thesis BT 6 Electives: Recommended 24 ECTS credits E 24 No data Electives to choose: total 48 ECTS credits Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Film and Spanish Culture E 6 Film and Television in Iberoamerica E 6 Film and Television in North America E 6 Film Criticism E 6 Camera Directing E 6 Languages in media E 6 Television Formats and Audiences E 6 Film Genres in Spain E 6 Communication and Cultural Industries E 6 Audiovisual Communication Research E 6 Film Locations and Geography E 6 Metadata and Media Contents E 6 Women in Spanish Cinema E 6 Soundtracks for Cinema and Television E 6 Media Distribution and Promotion E 6 Audiovisual Tourism E 6 External Academic Internships II E 6 TYPES OF SUBJECTS
BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis - Previous Program
Study plan for students who started in the academic year 2024/25 or earlier. More information in Aula Global.
- In 2025/26 only 2nd, 3rd and 4th year will be offered.
- Language requirement: a B2 level of English language must be accredited before finishing the studies. More information.
Year 1 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Image Theory 6 C Information Skills 3 BC Introduction to communication and media studies 6 BC Media Technology 6 C Theory of Law 6 BC Writing and communication skills 3 BC Year 1 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Skills: Humanities 6 BC Advertising and Communication 6 BC Media Psychology 6 C Radio Workshop 6 C Spanish language 6 BC Year 2 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Fundamentals of film and television direction I 6 C Moving image history 6 C Principles of Economics 6 BC Reading moving image (film and television) 6 C Spanish history: 20th century 6 BC Year 2 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Film Narrative 6 C Fundamentals of film and television direction II 6 C Journalistic Communication 6 BC Literary trends in contemporary culture 6 C Soft skills 3 BC Spreadsheet. Intermediate level 3 BC Year 3 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Digital Post-production 6 C Film Production 6 C Screenwriting 6 C Electives: Recommended 12 credits No data No data No data Year 3 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Documentary and report 6 C Media Landscape 6 C Television Studies 6 C Electives: Recommended 12 credits No data No data No data Year 4 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Fiction Videomaking 6 C Film and television in Spain 6 C Film Studies 6 C Electives: Recommended 12 credits No data No data No data Year 4 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Bachelor Thesis 12 BT Professional Internships 6 C Electives: Recommended 12 credits No data No data No data *About electives:
1. - The student may choose the set of electives that s/he wishes as they deal with subjects of a generalized nature.
2.- Notwithstanding, in order for the European Diploma Supplement (EDS) to recognise that the student has expanded his/her studies, the student must have successfully completed at least 6 subjects in any of the intensifications:(1) Training in cinema
(2) Training in television
(3) Training in audiovisual media, culture and industryTYPES OF SUBJECTS
BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis
- Exchange programs
Exchange programs
The Erasmus programme permits UC3M first degree and post graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, that is a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.
The non-european mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.
These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold (English, French, German etc..) requested by the university of destination.
- European mobility
European Mobility
- Non european mobility
Non european mobility
Profile and career opportunities
- Entry profile
Entry profile
The recommended entry profile is as follows:
- Creative, critical students who are rigorous in their studies, able to organise, work in teams and dedicated to continuous theoretical and practical training.
- General education as required by Bachiller education or equivalent, knowledge related to Social Sciences, Literature and Art (especially in the area of Image).
- Students interested in the following areas of audiovisual communication:
- Creation and innovation, development of the different audiovisual languages in a context of permanent hybridization (cinema, television, video, radio, advertising, comics, multimedia).
- Design, planning and organization of human, technical and financial resources, for the production of audiovisual works.
- Knowledge of audiovisual studies, culture and industry from an academic, critical viewpoint.
- Graduate profile
Graduate profile
The degree program in Audiovisual Communication is designed to produce four different graduate profiles:
- Audiovisual director, scriptwriter and producer
A professional specialized in script and directing tasks and the direction and production of different audiovisual media- cinema, television, video, advertising, radio, computer graphics and hypermedia- with a knowledge of technical processes and expressive resources. A multi-skilled professional capable of executing a project, a work plan and an agreed budget.
- Audiovisual producer and manager
A professional who designs, plans and organizes human, technical and financial resources for the production of audiovisual works in all their various formats. Someone who knows the techniques and processes of audiovisual creation and the legal and political mechanisms of communication. An executive producer who will create, buy rights, develop and market projects, able to direct and manage an audiovisual and multimedia production company.
- Design of visual and sound production and postproduction
An expert in the design of all aspects related to sound, image and graphics in the different stages of audiovisual production. The professional profile also covers interactive environments for the creation of productions targeted at Internet, video games and digital environments.
- Researcher, teacher and expert in visual studies
A teacher in higher or medium education who will teach subjects related to communication and new audiovisual technologies. An analyst of the political-economic and cultural factors of the audiovisual sector. A specialist in audiovisual economic and cultural policies.
General skills of the Bachelor's Degree in Film, Television and Media Studies
Basic Skills
CB1 Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio.
CB2 Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posean las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio.
CB3 Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética.
CB4 Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado.
CB5 Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía.
General Skills
CG1 To understand the phenomenon of language, and the Spanish language in particular, as a capacity that makes communication possible, and to assimilate a correct oral and written use of the Spanish language as a form of expression in the field of the audiovisual industry.
CG2 To know the state of the world, as well as its recent historical evolution, in addition to the capacity to understand its basic parameters (political, legal, economic and cultural).
CG3 To know in a theoretical-practical way the organizational structures in the field of visual and sound communication, as well as their evolution and management over time.
CG4 To have the capacity to critically perceive the audiovisual landscape offered by the communicative universe that surrounds us, considering the iconic messages as the fruit of a social collective, product of the socio-political, economic and cultural conditions of a given historical period.
CG5 To know in a theoretical-practical way the organizational structures in the field of visual and sound communication, as well as their evolution and management over time.
CG6 To have the ability to define and develop topics of research or innovative personal creation that can contribute to the knowledge or development of audiovisual languages or their interpretation.
Transversal Skills
CT1 To be able to work in multidisciplinary and/or international teams as well as to organize and plan the work taking the correct decisions based on the available information, gathering and interpreting relevant data to make judgments and critical thinking within the study area.
CT2 To be able to present and write a topic correctly or compose a speech in a logical order, providing accurate information in accordance with established grammatical and lexical rules.
CT3 To be able to evaluate the reliability and quality of information and its sources using such information in an ethical manner, avoiding plagiarism, and in accordance with the academic and professional conventions of the area of study.
CT4 To acquire basic humanistic knowledge that allows to complete the transversal formative profile of the student.
CT5 To know and be able to handle interpersonal skills about initiative and responsibility, negotiation, emotional intelligence, etc. as well as calculation tools that allow to consolidate the basic technical skills that are required in any professional field.
Specific Skills
CE1 To assimilate and apply the theoretical-practical foundations of the technologies, techniques, resources and procedures required for the creation and production of audiovisual work.
CE2 To know and apply the processes of creation and management of audiovisual productions in their different phases, as well as the interrelations between the different subjects of audiovisual communication: authors, institutions, media, formats and audiences
CE3 To acquire analytical and critical capacity in relation to the image and the media audiovisual context, by means of the knowledge of theories, forms, processes and tendencies of media communication and the audiovisual communication.
CE4 To know and understand the history and evolution of audiovisual media and their representations, considering their social and cultural relevance over time.
CE5 To understand and to identify the communicative and narrative models of the audiovisual media and their relationship with society and culture, considering the fundamental rights and equality between men and women, the principles of equal opportunities, and the values of a culture of peace and social coexistence in democracy.
CE6 Knowledge to individually analyze, design and defend a solution to a problem the interdisciplinary area of the degree program, applying the knowledge, skills, tools and strategies acquired and developed within the study program
Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor’s Degree in Film, Television and Media Studies
RA1. Haber adquirido conocimientos avanzados y demostrado una comprensión de los aspectos teóricos y prácticos y de la metodología de trabajo en el ámbito de la Comunicación audiovisual con una profundidad que llegue hasta la vanguardia del conocimiento.
RA2. Aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos, la comprensión de estos y sus capacidades a la resolución de problemas complejos y/o especializados en el ámbito profesional de la Comunicación audiovisual.
RA3. Tener la capacidad de recopilar e interpretar datos e informaciones sobre las que fundamentar sus conclusiones incluyendo, cuando sea preciso y pertinente, la reflexión sobre asuntos de índole social, cultural, científica o ética en el ámbito de la Comunicación audiovisual.
RA4. Ser capaces de desenvolverse en situaciones complejas o que requieran el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones tanto en el ámbito académico como laboral o profesional en la industria de los medios audiovisuales.
RA5. Saber comunicar a todo tipo de audiencias (especializadas o no) de manera clara y precisa, conocimientos, metodologías, ideas, problemas y soluciones en el ámbito de su campo de estudio.
RA6. Ser capaces de identificar sus propias necesidades formativas en su campo de estudio y entorno laboral o profesional y de organizar su propio aprendizaje con un alto grado de autonomía en todo tipo de contextos (estructurados o no).
RA7. Utilizar y organizar de manera adecuada los medios técnicos, materiales y las tareas necesarias para la elaboración de una obra audiovisual.
RA8. Gestionar el diseño y la realización de una obra audiovisual, ajustándose al guión, plan de trabajo o presupuesto previo.
RA9. Planificar y gestionar los recursos humanos, presupuestarios y medios técnicos en las diversas fases de la producción y promoción de una obra audiovisual.
RA10. Elaborar informes, análisis o investigaciones sobre aspectos generales de la comunicación audiovisual o sobre obras audiovisuales, conforme a los cánones de las disciplinas de la comunicación y considerando el contexto sociopolítico y cultural de su producción y circulación.
- External internships
External internships
This is a selection where students of this degree can do their internships:
- Atresmedia Corporación de medios de Comunicación
- Bambú Producciones
- Telefónica Audiovisual Digital
- El Terrat: Late Motiv
- TV Real Madrid
- Fremantle
- Diagonal TV
- Boomerang
- ISLA Audiovisual
- Zeta Studios
- Alea Media
- Youcreate
- Ministerio del Estéreo
- Infomeik Soluciones Online
- Nephilim Producciones
- Docland
- 7 Rojo Producciones
- Ediciones Condé Nast
- Sala Teatro La Usina
- Career opportunities
Career opportunities
The professionals with this degree perform their work in different positions in different areas of the media:
- Director, scriptwriter and audiovisual producer in the fields of film, television, graphic video, advertising radio, computer graphics and hypermedia.
- Audiovisula producer and manager: desing, plnning and organization of human resources,
- Technical and budgetary means for the prodution of audiovisual works in different formats.
- Visual and sound production and post-production designer: professionalization in aspects related to sound, image and graphics, with posibilities of productions oriented to different formats: Internet, videogames and digital enviroments
- Technician in visual studies
- Community manager
- Creator of content in socail networks.
- Web content manager.
- Scripwriter
- Multimedia artist
- Dubbing dialogues and literary texts adapters
- Corporate communication manager
- Film and audiovisual critic and researcher
- Assistant director and productor assistant
- Director of photography, photographer, cameraman
- Editor and colourist
Study in English
Bilingual studies
This degree courses in English and Spanish. In the courses taught in English there aren't groups in Spanish, so there isn't possibility to choose the language in which you will carry out your studies. You must take into mind that:
- In groups in English, all works (classes, drills, exercises, tests, etc.) will be conducted in English.
- Along the first year, it must be established an English B2 level, performing a test, providing one of the supported official certificates or any way determined by the university. In the first weeks of the course will inform students how they can prove their level.
- After completing the studies, in your DS will appear a mention of bilingual studies.
Facts about this bachelor's degree
Year of implementation: 2008
Places offered:
- Getafe Campus: 130
Official Code: 2500025
Bachelor's Degree Quality indicators
Link to publication in Official universities, centres and degrees registry
Evaluation and monitoring
Verification Report of Bachelor's Degree in Film, Television and Media Studies
Report of modifications and accreditations of the Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication
System of Internal Quality Assurance
Departments involved in teaching
In the Bachelor's Degree in Film, TV and Media Studies teach courses the following University departments: