Bachelor in History and Politics
- Grados
- Bachelor's Degrees
- Bachelor in History and Politics
- Duration
- 4 years (240 credits)
- Centre
- Language
- Bilingual
- Comments
Vice Dean for the Bachelor: Beatriz de las Heras Herrero
The Bachelor's Degree in History and Politics is a program with great tradition in the British universities which for first time is proposed in Spain. It aspire to provide a interdisciplinary training in History and Politics with a double intention: the student completes a global understanding of the great processes of political change with a historical perspective and he can study History with the help of the categories of Political Science too.
This bilingual Bachelor's Degree is interesting for future historians with an analytical and comparative vocation and for future political and social scientists who want to understand the historical roots of the today's problems, which opens a wide range of professional opportunities, such as, for example, the Public Function.
Employability and profesional internships
UC3M has agreements with over 3000 companies and institutions in which students can undertake internships and access job openings.
A total of 93.4 % of graduates from this University enter the job market the first year after finishing their studies, according to the 2019 XXIV Estudio de Inserción Profesional (Professional Placement Study).
International Excellence
Year 1 - Semester 1
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Information Skills | 3 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Introduction to Political Science | 6 | BC | ![]() |
Statistics | 6 | BC | ![]() |
Origins of the State and of Political Ideas in the Ancient and Medieval World | 6 | C | ![]() |
Theoretical and Methodological Principles in History | 6 | BC | ![]() |
Writing and Communication Skills | 3 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Year 1 - Semester 2
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Evolution and Theory of the State | 6 | C | ![]() |
Methodology of Political Science | 6 | BC | ![]() |
Political Regimes: Historic Evolution and Current Forms | 6 | C | ![]() |
Skills: Humanities | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Modern History | 6 | C | ![]() |
Year 2 - Semester 1
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Geopolitics | 6 | C | ![]() |
History and Theory of Political Ideas | 6 | BC | ![]() |
International Politics and History | 6 | BC | ![]() |
Principles of Economics | 6 | C | ![]() |
Contemporary History | 6 | C | ![]() |
Year 2 - Semester 2
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Comparative Historical Constitutionalism | 6 | C | ![]() |
Economic History | 6 | C | ![]() |
Soft Skills | 3 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Spreadsheet. Intermediate level | 3 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
The modern history of Spain | 6 | C | ![]() |
Political Behaviour | 6 | BC | ![]() |
Year 3 - Semester 1
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Contemporary history of Spain | 6 | C | ![]() |
History of the today's world | 6 | C | ![]() |
Political Economy | 6 | C | ![]() |
Year 3 - Semester 2
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
The Process of European Integration | 6 | C | ![]() |
Theory and History of Social Movements | 6 | C | ![]() |
Year 4 - Semester 1
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Historical Sociology | 6 | C | ![]() |
Current Politics of Spain | 6 | C | ![]() |
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Ancient History | 6 | E | ![]() |
Asia and Africa politics and history | 6 | E | ![]() |
Cultural history: power and cultural representations | 6 | E | ![]() |
Gender and family in the social and political order | 6 | E | ![]() |
International Organizations | 6 | E | ![]() |
Latin America history and politics | 6 | E | ![]() |
Political Philosophy | 6 | E | ![]() |
Public administration and documentation | 6 | E | ![]() |
Structure and social change | 6 | E | ![]() |
War, Peace and Political Violence | 6 | E | ![]() |
Year 4 - Semester 2
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Bachelor Thesis | 6 | BT | ![]() ![]() |
Politics and media | 6 | C | ![]() |
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Cooperation, collective action and formal models of strategy | 6 | E | ![]() |
Globalization | 6 | E | ![]() |
History and politics of the United States | 6 | E | ![]() |
Social History of Art | 6 | E | ![]() |
History of historiography | 6 | E | ![]() |
History of scientific and cultural politics | 6 | E | ![]() |
Human Rights | 6 | E | ![]() |
History and Politics of the Islamic World | 6 | E | ![]() |
Medieval History | 6 | E | ![]() |
Nationalisms and imperialisms | 6 | E | ![]() |
Politics and Religion | 6 | E | ![]() |
BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis
- Exchange programs
Exchange programs
The Erasmus programme permits UC3M first degree and post graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, that is a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.
The non-european mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.
These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold (English, French, German etc..) requested by the university of destination.
- European Mobility
Movilidad Europea
- Non european mobility
Movilidad no europea
Profile and Career opportunities
- Entry profile
Entry profile
In view of the above access routes and requirements, it is highly recommended that students entering this degree have studied either the Humanities or Social Sciences baccalaureate (or, where appropriate, equivalent baccalaureate courses or similar in terms of the subjects studied when the student comes from other non-Spanish educational systems).
As has been seen in previous sections of the report, this proposed degree combines the learning of historical knowledge, competences and skills with those of the political sphere.
Hence, the recommended entry profile focuses on the aforementioned bachelor's degrees in Humanities and Social Sciences, where specific training is obtained in these fields, which develop the corresponding knowledge and competences and better prepare students for access to these studies. In these Baccalaureate courses, in accordance with Spanish regulations, students must take core subjects such as: Spanish History, Philosophy, Latin, Spanish Language and Literature, Mathematics applied to Social Sciences, Business Economics, Greek, History of Philosophy, History of Art and Geography, among others. These are subjects that, to a large extent, are clearly linked to the curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree syllabus, due to the basis they provide for students interested in accessing it.
Along with Baccalaureate students, the other main access group to the Bachelor's Degrees is that of Vocational Training students. There is no longer a preference for certain training cycles in access to the degrees in accordance with the branch to which they are attached. Therefore, any student coming from higher level training cycles will be able to gain access; in this case, and given that there are none related to the proposed degree, students will have an academic background that is less similar to the degree and it is likely that this will oblige them to make a greater dedication and effort during the progress of their degree.
If we are to highlight any suitable competence content in relation to the entry profile, the student should have a good prior training in History, Geography, Mathematics and Language. Personal attitudes of initiative, teamwork, personal organisation of work, capacity for abstraction, critical thinking and responsibility and interest in the practical application of knowledge to solve real problems are highly valued.
Finally, the University offers the degree in a bilingual option, which means that students must complete at least 120 ECTS (half of the ECTS of the degree) in English. Therefore, students must demonstrate a good level of linguistic competence in English equivalent to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, given that most subjects will be taught in English and students will be working with texts, materials, exercises, etc. entirely in English. Similarly, and given that the degree is taught in Spanish and English, international students will have to accredit a level equivalent to B2 in Spanish. In particular, section 5 of this report details the subjects that will be taught in English.
- Graduate profile
Graduate profile
The Bachelor's Degree in History and Politics aims to train people who, with a dual humanistic and scientific approach, can analyse the problems of our time through knowledge of history. At the end of their studies, students must be able to carry out historiographical studies and data analysis. Likewise, they should be able to study different subjects in depth with a comparative logic. The aforementioned methodological skills will make it possible to overcome the traditional disciplinary barriers in favour of broader approaches that take into account both the weight of history and the structural determinants analysed from the social sciences. Such an approach will make it possible to combine courses in Political History, Economic History and Social History with courses in Comparative Politics, International Relations and Political Sociology.
The Bachelor's Degree in History and Politics was created in response to the growing demand for qualified professionals in different fields. As a pioneering degree in Spain, it is clear that it can provide an outlet for the hitherto unsatisfied demand for interdisciplinary studies in History and Politics. The proposed Degree is a differentiated and attractive option compared to the traditional Degrees in History and Political Science. The Degree will be of interest to future historians with a more analytical and comparative vocation and to future political scientists and social scientists in general who wish to understand the historical roots of present-day problems. The offer of a multidisciplinary degree such as the one proposed could attract not only students interested in History and Politics in their teaching and research careers, but also those inclined towards other Human and Social Sciences, such as Philosophy, Sociology or Political Law.
This new degree may be of particular interest to those who wish to enter the Diplomatic School to pursue a career in the highly sought-after field of external action. History and Political Science, and, more importantly, the confluence of the two disciplines is a transcendental training base in this field.
In addition, it could be of interest to managers, advisors and consultants in international organisations, public administrations, political and trade union bodies, NGOs, foundations and other branches of the private sector. It would also be of interest to journalists who aspire to specialise in general political information, specialists in archives and historical-political research, or analysts linked to companies and think tanks. The aim is to extend historical culture in the professional performance not only of historians, but also of political scientists, policy makers and managers of public and non-governmental bodies.
General skills in History and Politics
CB1 Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio
CB2 Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posean las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio
CB3 Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética
CB4 Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado
CB5 Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía.
CG1 To know economic, juridical, political and social reality from a comparative perspective
CG2 To be capable of tackling and analyzing the inherent values in equality of opportunities, multiculturalism, political, ideological and cultural pluralism, Fundamental Rights, taking into full account, as much for contemporary as for past societies, the great transcendence of cultural relativism.
CG3 To know quantitative and qualitative research methods, and to have the capacity to discern which is adequate for application in the areas of the Social Sciences and Historiography
CG4 To be capable of managing, identifying, organizing and analyzing relevant information in a critical and systematic manner with respect to current and past sources relating to political and other aspects
CG5 To be capable of debating and reasoning critically, using for these precise terminology and specialized resources, on international and global phenomena, using concepts and knowledge from different disciplines as well as methodologies of analysis, paradigms and concepts from the Social Sciences.
CG6 Being capable of applying scientific methods to the social, political and economic questions posed by globalized society, as well as presenting a problem in this area, identifying a possible explanation or solution, and a method for sustaining them via the careful interpretation of data
CG7 Knowing how to present judgements which include an ethical reflection on fundamental issues of a social, scientific and economic nature, in a context that is representative of past and present societies, at the international, national and locl levels
CG8 To assume in a clear and objective manner that the study of the past, even if it does not determine inexorably the courses to be followed in the future, nonetheless enables, through the explanation of the present, the best possible disposition with which to face this future.
CT1 To be capable of communicating, presenting and writing up an issue or preparing a speech following a logical order, supplying precise information and in keeping with established grammatical and linguistic norms
CT2 Being capable of evaluating the reliability and quality of information and its sources, using the latter in an ethical manner, avoiding plagiarism, and in accordance with the academic and professional conventions of the area of study. Being capable of organizing and planning the work and reaching judgements by taking decisions based on this information.
CT3 Knowing and being capable of managing interpersonal qualities with respect to team working, initiative and responsibility, negotiation, emotional intelligence etc., as well as tools of calculation which enable the consolidation of basic technical skills required in all professional areas.
CT4 Acquiring basic humanistic knowledge which enables the completion of the student's transversal formative profile.
CE1A Knowing the principal historiographic, political and sociological theories; and also in the Spanish case, when necessary.
CE1B Knowing how to analyze and compare the structure and functioning of the principal social-political systems, both in the past and present; and also in the Spanish case, when necessary
CE2 Knowing and understanding the processes of political, social, economic and cultural change in society and politics in different historical eras and especially in the contemporary world.
CE4 Knowing the model of public liberties and fundamental rights in both Spanish and international juridical organization
CE5 Knowing the principal models of the territorial, political, economic and social organization of the state both in the course of history and especially in the present
CE6 Knowing the social-political impact of the principal empires, religions and cultures in historical perspective
C7A Understanding the principal consequences and dynamics generated by inequality
C7B Knowing the principles on which the policies of equality are based, emphasising the principal historical landmarks which have generated current concern with these issues.
CE8 Knowing the structure of, and the impact of state intervention in markets
CE9 Knowing and understanding the relevance of technological advances in their historical context as agents of political, economic and social change.
CE10 Understanding the differentiating elements of international problems as a function of the level of development of a given country.
CE11 Knowing how to analyze critically, from their relationship with the present, fundamental political events of the past the effects of which have an impact on the present.
CE12 Knowing how to pose and resolve basic problems of an economic, social and political content in the international, national and local contexts, paying the necessary attention to the historical precedents for these problems
CE13 Knowing the principles of cost-benefit analysis and its application to basic problems
CE14 Knowing how to design and evaluate viable and sustainable political and socioeconomic programs directed towards social improvement, taking into account as well past experience in these aspects
CE15 Knowing how to design and evaluate programs of improvement in the management and quality of public or private services, taking into account the historical perspective on these issues
CE16 Knowing how to undertake case studies and to apply the comparative method in order to analyze the institutions, processes and politics of different countries
CE17 Undergraduate Thesis: Knowing how to analyze, resolve, present and/or defend a problem of an historical and political nature, applying the knowledge and the comparative historical methodologies acquired in the course of the Degree.
CE18 Knowing the fundamental concepts and theories of Political Science, and knowing how to interpret and apply them in the various fields of this discipline
CE19 Knowing how to formulate hypotheses and to test them empirically using comparative and statistical methods
CE20 Knowing the principal determinants of citizens¿ political behaviour, with respect to both voting and protest
CE21 Knowing how to analyze the impact and influence of the media on the political agenda and on electoral campaigns.
CE22 Knowing and understanding the principal historical proceses of Spain's past which have configured the country's current political structure
Learning Outcomes
RA1. Haber adquirido conocimientos avanzados y demostrado una comprensión de los aspectos teóricos y prácticos y de la metodología de trabajo en las diferentes disciplinas de estudio en el ámbito de la Historia y de la Ciencia política con una profundidad que llegue hasta la vanguardia del conocimiento.
RA2. Aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos, la comprensión de estos y sus capacidades a la resolución de problemas complejos y/o especializados en el ámbito profesional.
RA3. Tener la capacidad de recopilar e interpretar datos e informaciones sobre las que fundamentar sus conclusiones incluyendo, cuando sea preciso y pertinente, la reflexión sobre asuntos de índole social, científica o ética en el ámbito de su campo de estudio.
RA4. Ser capaces de desenvolverse en situaciones complejas o que requieran el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones tanto en el ámbito académico como laboral o profesional dentro de su campo de estudio.
RA5. Saber comunicar a todo tipo de audiencias (especializadas o no) de manera clara y precisa, conocimientos, metodologías, ideas, problemas y soluciones en el ámbito de su campo de estudio.
RA6. Ser capaces de identificar sus propias necesidades formativas en su campo de estudio y entorno laboral o profesional y de organizar su propio aprendizaje con un alto grado de autonomía en todo tipo de contextos (estructurados o no).
- Career opportunities
Career opportunities
The Degree in History and Politics provides an interdisciplinary training in History and Politics, with a double intencion: that students acquire a global understanding of the great processes of political
change in historical perspective, and that they can study History with the help of the categories of Political Science.
Graduates of this degree will be able to work in the following areas:
- Consulting
- Human resources management consulting, quality consulting companies.
- Foreign trade consulting firms and market research and public opinion institutes
- Companies in the field of political and corporate communication.
- Teaching and research
- Representative activities
- General Administration Technician in local corporations
- International organizations(Word Bank, UN, cooperation offices)
- Councill of foreing affairs and cooperation (or equivalent)
- Third sector organizations operating in the internacional field
Study in English
Bilingual studies
This degree courses in English and Spanish. In the courses taught in English there aren't groups in Spanish, so there isn't possibility to choose the language in which you will carry out your studies. You must take into mind that:
- In groups in English, all works (classes, drills, exercises, tests, etc.) will be conducted in English.
- Along the first year, it must be established an English B2 level, performing a test, providing one of the supported official certificates or any way determined by the university. In the first weeks of the course will inform students how they can prove their level.
- After completing the studies, in your DS will appear a mention of bilingual studies.
Facts about this bachelor's degree
Year of implementation: 2018
Places offered:
- Getafe Campus: 35
Official Code: 2503797
Bachelor's Degree Quality indicators
Link to publication in Official Universities, Centres and Degrees Registry
Evaluation and monitoring
Verification Report of Bachelor's Degree in History and Politics
Report of modifications and accreditations of the Bachelor in History and Politics
System of Internal Quality Assurance
Departments involved in teaching
In the Bachelor's Degree in History and Politics teach courses the following University departments:
- Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department
- Social Sciences Department
- Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Department
- Statistics Department
- Economics Department
- Communication and Media Studies Department
- Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department
- Library and Information Sciences Department