Bachelor in International Studies
- Grados
- Bachelor's Degrees
- Bachelor in International Studies
- Duration
- 4 years (240 credits)
- Centre
- Language
- English
- Comments
Vice Dean for the Bachelor: Juan Jesús Fernández González
The Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies trains professionals specialized in rigorous in-depth understanding and analysis of today’s complex and constantly evolving world. The degree program is taught entirely in English and is multidisciplinary in nature, in line with the philosophy that inspires prestigious international degrees in International Studies.
Among its main contents are: processes of constructing supranational institutions and possibilities of global governance; the political economy of poverty and inequalities; maintenance of the welfare state; the loss of state sovereignty and the management of nationalism; causes and consequences of migratory flows; violent conflicts and international terrorism; the aging of the population in the wealthiest countries; democratization; corruption in and the poor quality of many new democracies; the exploitation of natural resources; and the economic and political consequences of climate change.
This program provides students with the tools necessary to research the contemporary world and assess possible future scenarios, while developing their analytical and communication skills.
Employability and profesional internships
UC3M has agreements with over 3000 companies and institutions in which students can undertake internships and access job openings.
A total of 93.4 % of graduates from this University enter the job market the first year after finishing their studies, according to the 2019 XXIV Estudio de Inserción Profesional (Professional Placement Study).
International Excellence
- Current Program
Plan Actual
- Program modified in 2023. In 2024/25 will be offered 1st, 2nd and 3rd year.
Year 1 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Digital skills for information use 3 O Economics I (Microeconomics) 6 FB Law methodology and culture 6 FB Comparative Politics 6 FB Comparative Sociology 6 FB Writing and communication skills 3 O Year 1 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Economics II (Macroeconomics) 6 O Statistics for social sciences I: Introduction to statistic 6 FB History of the world economy 6 FB Political and social history 6 FB World Politics 6 FB Year 2 - Semester 1
Year 2 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Conflict and Violence 6 B Demography 6 O International Organizations 6 O European politics and society 6 B Security, peace and conflicts resolution 6 O Year 3 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Human Rights 6 O Multidisciplinary research design in social sciences 6 O Soft Skills 3 O Advanced knowledge of spreadsheets 3 O International financial systems 6 O Topics in international politics 6 O Year 3 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Multidisciplinary seminar on international studies 6 O Evaluation of public policy 6 O Skills: Humanities 6 O Electives: Recommended 12 credits 12 P No data Year 4 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Globalization: Economics, politics and society 6 O Electives: Recommended 24 credits 24 P No data Electives to choose: total 54 ECTS credits Subjects ECTS TYPE Language International aid and development cooperation 6 P International Trade 6 P Corruption and Accountability 6 P The future of democracy 6 P Geopolitics 6 P New movements and transnational actors 6 P New technologies and the international order 6 P Emerging Countries 6 P Politics and Religion 6 P Supranational integration processes 6 P Year 4 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Skills: Second languaje 6 O Bachelor Thesis 6 TFG Electives: Recommended 18 credits 18 P No data TYPES OF SUBJECTS
BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis - Previous Program
Plan anterior
Study plan for students who started in the academic year 2022/23 or earlier.
- In 2024/25 only 3rd and 4th. year will be offered.
Year 1 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Information Skills BC 3 Writing and communication skills BC 3 Comparative Politics BC 6 Economics I (Microeconomics) BC 6 Law methodology and culture BC 6 Comparative Sociology BC 6 Year 1 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Statistics for social sciences I: Introduction to statistic BC 6 Economics II (Macroeconomics) C 6 World Politics BC 6 History of the world economy BC 6 Globalization and Society C 6 Year 2 - Semester 1
Year 2 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language International Organizations C 6 Security, peace and conflicts resolution C 6 Statistical methods for social sciences: prevision techniques C 6 Multidisciplinary research design in social sciences BC 6 Political and social history BC 6 Year 3 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Multidisciplinary Seminar on International Studies C 6 Human Rights C 6 Topics in international politics C 6 International Finance C 6 Advanced knowledge of Spreadsheets C 3 Soft Skills C 3 Year 3 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Demography C 6 Evaluation of public policy C 6 Skills: Humanities C 6 Electives: Recommended 12 credits No data No data No data Year 4 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Mutidisciplinary seminar on globalization C 6 Electives: Recommended 24 credits No data No data No data Electives to choose: total 54 ECTS credits Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Corruption and Accountability E 6 Emerging countries E 6 International aid and development cooperation E 6 International financial systems E 6 International Trade E 6 New movements and transnational actors E 6 Political players and behaviour E 6 Political theory and ideologies E 6 Supranational integration processes E 6 Transitional justice and democratization E 6 Year 4 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Skills: second language C 6 Bachelor Thesis BC 6 Electives: Recommended 18 credits No data No data No data Electives to choose: total 54 ECTS credits Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Advanced statistical methods E 6 Country report and risk assessment E 6 Culture and identity in globalization E 6 Education and Growth in Comparative Perspective E 6 Global Environmental Challenges E 6 Global Health E 6 Inequality E 6 Political Analysis E 6 Professional Internships I E 6 Professional Internships II E 12 The Welfare State in Comparative Perspective E 6 Varieties of Capitalism E 6 Any of elective courses could not be offered in a specific year. You can check it in schedules page.
BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis
- Exchange programs
Exchange programs
The Erasmus programme permits UC3M first degree and post graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, that is a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.
The non-european mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.
These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold (English, French, German etc..) requested by the university of destination.
- European mobility
European mobilty
- Non european mobility
Non european mobility
Profile and career opportunities
- Entry profile
Entry profile
Student should have a solid education in history, geography, mathematics, economics and environmental sciences. Additionally, although there is no entrance exam, we recommend a B2 (MCERL) level of English, given that the courses are taught exclusively in English.
We also appreciate students with initiative, flexibility, organizational working skills, a positive attitude to working in groups, ability to complete tasks under pressure, responsibility and curiosity to apply acquired knowledge in practice. Students should also have sensitivity and curiosity towards the legal, economic, political and social problems of the world today, interest to understand and discuss these problems and challenges from a critical point of view and using, both orally and in written form, distinct qualitative and quantitative skills.
- Graduate profile
Graduate profile
International Studies is oriented to preparing graduates to pursue careers in these professional fields:
- Business intelligence and corporate strategy in multinational firms, nation brands, strategic planning for cities and metropolitan areas, etc.
- Public administrations
- International Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations
- Political parties
- Think-tanks and national and international research centers and observatories
- Political consulting and strategic communication
- Investigative journalism
- Education and research and consulting related to both
The degree in International Studies will provide students with the necessary skills to pursue a dynamic and versatile career, with a high capacity to adapt to changes in the labour markets with the profiles we have indicated above and those that are still to be consolidated in the years to come.
General skills of the Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies
Basic Skills
CB1 Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio.
CB2 Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posean las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio.
CB3 Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética.
CB4 Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado.
CB5 Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía.
General Skills
CG1 Conocer la realidad económica, jurídica, política y social desde una perspectiva comparada.
CG2 Ser capaz de abordar y analizar los valores inherentes a la igualdad de oportunidades, el multiculturalismo, el pluralismo político, ideológico y cultural, y los Derechos Humanos, en la sociedad internacional.
CG3 Conocer las técnicas de investigación cuantitativas o cualitativas y capacidad de discernir cuál es la adecuada a aplicar en el campo de las Ciencias Sociales.
CG4 Ser capaz de gestionar información, identificar, organizar y analizar información relevante de forma crítica y sistemática en el contexto de las relaciones internacionales.
CG5 Ser capaz de debatir y formular razonamientos críticos, empleando para ello terminología precisa y recursos especializados, sobre los fenómenos internacionales y globales, utilizando tanto los conceptos y conocimientos de las diferentes disciplinas como las metodologías de análisis, paradigmas y conceptos de las Ciencias Sociales.
CG6 Ser capaz de aplicar el método científico a las preguntas sociales, políticas y económicas que plantea la sociedad globalizada; así como para plantear un problema en este ámbito, identificando una posible explicación o solución, y un método para contrastarla interpretando cuidadosamente los datos.
CG7 Saber emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión ética sobre temas fundamentales de carácter social, científico y económico en un contexto representativo de la sociedad tanto internacional como local.
Transversal Skills
CT1 Capacidad de comunicar los conocimientos oralmente y por escrito, ante un público tanto especializado como no especializado.
CT2 Capacidad de establecer una buena comunicación interpersonal y de trabajar en equipos multidisciplinares e internacionales.
CT3 Capacidad de organizar y planificar su trabajo, tomando las decisiones correctas basadas en la información disponible, reuniendo e interpretando datos relevantes para emitir juicios dentro de su área de estudio.
CT4 Motivación y capacidad para dedicarse a un aprendizaje autónomo de por vida, que les permita adaptarse a nuevas situaciones.
CT5 Conocer y ser capaz de manejar habilidades interpersonales sobre iniciativa y responsabilidad, negociación, inteligencia emocional, etc. así como herramientas de cálculo que permitan consolidar las habilidades técnicas básicas que se requieren en todo ámbito profesional.
Specific Skills
CE1 Conocer las principales teorías políticas y sociológicas. Saber analizar y comparar la estructura y el funcionamiento de los principales sistemas socio-políticos.
CE2 Conocer y comprender los procesos de cambio político, social, económico y cultural en la sociedad y la política contemporáneas.
CE3 Conocer el sistema de fuentes del Derecho.
CE4 Conocer el modelo de libertades públicas y derechos fundamentales en los ordenamientos jurídicos español e internacional.
CE5 Conocer los principales modelos de organización territorial, política, económica y social de los estados.
CE6 Conocer el impacto socio-político de los principales imperios, religiones y culturas en perspectiva histórica.
CE7 Comprender las principales consecuencias y dinámicas que genera la desigualdad, y conocer los principios en los que se basan las políticas de igualdad.
CE8 Conocer la estructura de los mercados y el impacto de la intervención pública en ellos.
CE9 Conocer y comprender la relevancia del progreso tecnológico en el desarrollo económico y social.
CE10 Comprender los elementos diferenciadores de los problemas internacionales en función del grado de desarrollo de un país.
CE11 Saber relacionar críticamente acontecimientos y procesos actuales y del pasado.
CE12 Saber plantear y resolver problemas básicos de contenido económico, social, político y en el contexto internacional.
CE13 Conocer los principios del análisis coste-beneficio y su aplicación a problemas básicos
CE14 Saber diseñar y evaluar programas políticos y socio-económicos viables y sostenibles dirigidos a la mejora social.
CE15 Saber diseñar y evaluar programas de mejora en la gestión y en la calidad de los servicios públicos o privados.
CE16 Saber realizar estudios de caso y aplicar el método comparado para analizar instituciones, procesos y políticas de diferentes países.
CE17 Saber analizar y resolver un problema del ámbito disciplinar del Grado aplicando los conocimientos, habilidades y herramientas y estrategias adquiridas o desarrolladas en el mismo.
Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies
RA1. Haber adquirido conocimientos avanzados y demostrado una comprensión de los aspectos teóricos y prácticos y de la metodología de trabajo en el campo de Estudios Internacionales con una profundidad que llegue hasta la vanguardia del conocimiento.
RA2. Poder, mediante argumentos o procedimientos elaborados y sustentados por ellos mismos, aplicar sus conocimientos, la comprensión de estos y sus capacidades de resolución de problemas en ámbitos laborales complejos o profesionales y especializados que requieren el uso de ideas creativas e innovadoras.
RA3. Tener la capacidad de recopilar e interpretar datos e informaciones sobre las que fundamentar sus conclusiones incluyendo, cuando sea preciso y pertinente, la reflexión sobre asuntos de índole social, científica o ética en el ámbito de Estudios Internacionales.
RA4. Ser capaces de desenvolverse en situaciones complejas o que requieran el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones tanto en el ámbito académico como laboral o profesional dentro del campo de Estudios Internacionales.
RA5. Saber comunicar a todo tipo de audiencias (especializadas o no) de manera clara y precisa, conocimientos, metodologías, ideas, problemas y soluciones en el ámbito de Estudios Internacionales.
RA6. Ser capaces de identificar sus propias necesidades formativas en su campo de estudio y entorno laboral o profesional y de organizar su propio aprendizaje con un alto grado de autonomía en todo tipo de contextos (estructurados o no).
- External internships
External internships
This is a selection where students of this degree can do their internships:
- Pricewaterhousecoopers Auditores S.L.
- Organización para la Cooperación y Desrrollo Económicos (OCDE)
- Everis
- Fundación Mujeres por Africa
- Grupo Telecopy Cartera Empresarial
- Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias
- Instituto Elcano de Estudios Estratégicos
- Grupo Acciona
- Auren Consultores S.P., S.P.L.
- Schottel GmbH
- CSIC- Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos
- ONG Acción Contra el Hambre
- ONG Movimiento ATD Cuarto Mundo
- Career opportunities
Career opportunities
International Studies is oriented to preparing graduates to pursue careers in these professional fields:
- Business intelligence and corporate stetegy in multinational firms, nation brands, strategic planning for cities and metropolitan areas, etc.
- Public administrations
- Internacional Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations
- Political parties
- Think-tanks and national and international research centers and observatories
- Political consulting and strategic communication
- Investigative journalism
- Education and research and consulting related both
Study in english
Studies in English only
This degree courses completely in English. No groups available in Spanish in any subject. You must take into mind that:
- In groups in English, all work (classes, drills, exercises, tests, etc.) shall be conducted in English.
- Along the first year, it must be established an English B2 level, passing a test, providing one of the supported official certificates or any way determined by the university.
- After completing the studies, the DS mention of having carried out the studies in English will appear.
Facts about this bachelor's degree
Year of implementation: 2014
Places offered:
- Getafe Campus: 60
Official Code: 2502997
Bachelor's degree Quality indicators
Link to publication in the Official universities, centres and degrees registry
Evaluation and monitoring
Verification Report of Bachelor's Degree in International Studies
Report of modifications and acreditations of the Bachelor's Degree in International Studies
System of Internal Quality Assurance
Information about System of Internal Quality Assurance
Mailbox for greetings, complaints and suggestions
Departments involved in teaching
In the Bachelor in International Studies teach subjects the following University departments: