Enrollment: FAQS
- Masters
- Enrollment Master's programs
- Enrollment: FAQS
1. When and how to enroll
In general, students must register within 10 calendar days from the beginning of the period (May 6). Students admitted after this date will have 10 calendar days from the notification of admission. For more information on specific deadlines and other information of interest, please consult the Enrollment website.
It is done through the online application SELF-REGISTRATION. In the right menu of the Enrollment website you will find guides and video-guides that will help you to use the application.
2. I forgot my passwords
In order to complete your enrollment, it is essential to remember your registration access data.
Your user is the DNI/Passport with which you completed your registration. Your password is the one you chose when you registered, if you don't remember it you can choose another one:
🔑 │ Did you forget your password?
If you have any questions, please access our contact form and send us your inquiry.
3. Is enrollment by semesters or for the entire academic year? Can I enroll first in one term and then in the following term?
Enrollment is for the entire academic year (both semesters), and students may choose to study the master's degree on a full-time or part-time basis.
4. What is part-time enrollment?
Part-time enrollment means that for whatever reason (personal, professional, economic, etc.) you are not going to take your master's degree full-time. So if a 60 ECTS full-time master's degree lasts 1 academic year, taking the same master's degree part-time would mean taking those 60 ECTS in at least 2 consecutive academic years instead of 1.
Check this ECTS website for all your doubts about this modality and if you do not solve them, access our contact form and send us your question.
5. How many credits can I register for if I want to study the master's degree on a part-time mode?
In the first enrollment, if you choose the part-time modality, you must enroll 30 credits of the first year. For subsequent enrollments, 18 credits will be sufficient unless you have fewer credits left.
If you are planning to apply for a scholarship or other study grant, please consult how it would affect you to study the master's degree in this modality.
6. How do I know the subject codes of the master's degree I want to enroll in?
Before enrolling, please consult your Master's Program to know which courses you have to enroll in.
You can check it in the "Program" tab in your Master's program (look for it in our list of programs) or in our Codebook.
7. I am enrolling and the name of the subjects is in Spanish, although it is a Master in English, can I do it without problems?
This is because you have entered the Spanish version of the Automatrícula. You can enter the English version to display the courses in that language.
The enrollment can be done without problems even if the language of the Automatrícula application and the Master's program do not match.
8. I cannot find the course schedules published on the website
The schedules of the courses appear on the Master's website, under the Program tab, and for each of them, on the right, under "Schedules, groups and faculty".
If they have not yet been included in our computer application, we have published a pdf file with them on the web, and if we do not have them yet and it is a master's degree taught in previous years, the link leads to the information of the previous course with the indication that they are provisional at the entrance to the consultation. As a reference, check the current course schedules here.
9. When I register, I get the following academic validation messages: "subjects not placed", "minimum number of credits to be enrolled not valid", etc.
If "subjects not placed" appear, check that you are registering correctly the elective subjects (following the itineraries, if they exist in your master's degree) or that you are not registering more subjects than you should, etc. To do this correctly, check the syllabus on your Master's web page, Programs page or in the Codebook.
If you are notified that you are not enrolling in the minimum required, it may be because there is an error in the part-time or full-time enrollment configured (IMPORTANT: for the TFM, in some Masters it is allowed to enroll close to the defense, while in others it is mandatory to enroll at the beginning).
You can send us any incident or question you may have through our contact form.
10.When I select a course I get "Subject with no groups available", does this mean that I have run out of places in that course?
The group has probably already run out of places. Fill out this form and send it to us telling us about your situation.
11. When I enroll I get the message "If you continue with the enrollment, other files will be closed, do you want to continue"?
It is because there is another file open at Universidad Carlos III. Using the contact form you can send us your incidence so that we can give you the simultaneity and you can continue with the enrollment without any problem.
12. I want to register for Complementary Internships, International Internships or Complementary Training, but I cannot do it through self-registration, how can I do it?
You should not do it at this moment, at the beginning of the academic year, in September, you should make the application at the Student Offices and you will receive a response from the Academic Direction. Afterwards, the enrollment will be done from the Master's Secretary's Office.
13. I have enrolled full time but need to change my enrollment to part time
Exceptionally, and with the authorization of the master's degree management, you can change your enrollment from full-time to part-time. On this website you will find the form you have to submit.
14. Changes in elective subjects
Enrollment is annual and, in general, no changes are allowed. However, for justified reasons, changes can be made within the following deadlines and under the following conditions indicated on this website.
The procedures for modification or cancellation of enrollment must be done through the Postgraduate Student Offices that the University has located in the different campuses.
15. Can the enrollment be cancelled?
Yes, but it will not imply the refund of the fees paid for it. Exceptionally, if the full registration fee has been paid and it is communicated before the beginning of the course, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded, with the exception of the prices for secretarial services and school insurance, which will not be refunded in any case.
Click here to find out how to do it.
16. Is there any form of credit recognition in master's studies?
Yes, the university can recognize credits from other official master's degree studies taken at the same or another university and, depending on the program, up to 15% of the course load of the Official Master's Degree can be recognized for studies of Master's Degrees and professional experience.
Check here how and where to apply, deadlines and how this recognition affects the payment of tuition fees.
17. Do I have to enroll in the Master's Thesis?
In general, yes, together with the rest of the subjects, in the ordinary registration periods for new students. However, former students and part-time students can enroll in other periods.
Check here all the information about TFM registration.
1. What documentation do I have to present to formalize the enrollment?
If you had not completed your previous studies at the time of applying for admission and you have already done so, you must submit the following original scanned documentation through our contact form: supporting document of the previous degree that gives access to the Master or of having paid the fees for its issuance and the transcript of grades including the overall average grade of previous studies (in any case, you must prove the completion of studies before November 30).
Also, if applicable, before formalizing the enrollment, you must submit through this form the documents justifying exemptions and enrollment bonuses (large family, disability, victim of terrorism).
2. If I have completed my studies in a country other than Spain, do I have to legalize them?
You do not have to legalize them if they come from an EU country or a country belonging to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Otherwise, these documents must be legalized either through diplomatic channels or, if applicable, by apostille of the authorities of the countries that are part of the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961.
Check these countries here to find out which situation applies to you.
3. I have certificates of previous studies abroad, do I have to translate them into Spanish?
All documents issued in a foreign language by the competent authorities of the country of origin must be accompanied by a translation into Spanish, although the University will also accept documents submitted in English.
Check here the available means of translation.
1. Quiero fraccionar el pago. ¿Cuáles son los plazos?
Check the installments. Registration made after an installment has been issued will mean that in the next installment you will be charged 2 amounts together.
IMPORTANT: If you are going to pay in installments, please check the corresponding box at the time of registration, otherwise, the payment will be made in full.
2. I have indicated a payment method in the registration form and I need to change it. How can I change it?
To change your payment method you must send your request through the contact form.
3. How can I access the application to pay the tuition fee by credit/debit card?
From our application go to Fees » TPV payment procedure.
4. I have problems with credit card payment.
- It is necessary to have enough credit to make the payment.
- The card must be Visa or Mastercard
- If the connection is cut off you must enter by TPV pending payment procedures in this link.
5. Can I apply for a bonus on my Master's Degree tuition for the Honors Grades obtained in the Bachelor's Degree?
No, according to internal regulations, the bonus for Honor grades is applied automatically in the following academic year, as long as it is the same study. Therefore, it is only applicable with respect to the M.H. obtained in the Master's Degree, to credit the ECTS that are enrolled in the following academic year in the same Master's Degree study.
6. I live in Andorra and I have problems to pay my tuition fees by direct debit.
The direct debit of tuition fees is subject to certain conditions that must be met. One of them is that the account to be debited must be within the SEPA zone (see here for a list of countries) and have an IBAN code. In addition, the usual or course address must be in a SEPA country, and this information must be provided at the time of enrollment.
More information can be found on the Fees, Payment Methods and Reductions page.
7. What do I have to do to be eligible for EU student fees?
If you are a national of a non-European country and you are entitled to the application of the EU regime for the payment of fees, you must prove your status as an EU student (e.g. EU citizen family member) before the start of the academic year (if you did not do so when applying for admission to the master's degree) so that the corresponding fees can be applied to your tuition.
The documentation accrediting the above circumstances must be presented before the seventh day of the beginning of the corresponding academic year.
8. What do I have to do if I have a fee exemption or discount (large family, disability, victim of terrorism, etc.)?
Before formalizing the enrollment, you must present through the form the documents justifying exemptions and enrollment bonuses so that they can be applied correctly.
9. What if a company or organization will finance part or all of the cost of my tuition?
In order to make the necessary arrangements with the financing company or organization, you must send us through the contact form the document that proves the granting of such financing.
1. What is the provisional discount for applying for the Ministry of Education Scholarship (MEyFP)?
At the time of registration you can select the MEyFP Scholarship option (in the "Financial Data" section) if you meet the requirements to be eligible to be a beneficiary of it. The discount at that moment will be 100% of the academic fees of the credits in the first enrollment of the degree where you have applied for the scholarship to the Ministry. For those students pursuing a Double Master's Degree, please consult with the Graduate Student Office at each campus.
If you are not finally awarded the scholarship, you will have to pay the full amount of the registration fee minus the amount of the place reservation, without the possibility of paying in installments. The payment will be made by direct debit to the account you indicate when formalizing the registration.
For more information on these scholarships, please consult the university's website.
2. Can I indicate MEyFP Scholarship and pay in installments?
No. Also, keep in mind that if you were not granted the MEyFP scholarship you would have to pay the total amount of the registration fee minus the amount of the reservation fee, without the possibility of paying in installments.
3. If I am going to apply for a MEyFP scholarship, do I have to pay the reservation fee?
YES, you must pay the reservation fee. If the Ministry decides in favor of your scholarship, you will be refunded the amount of the reservation fee, minus the "administrative fees" since these are not covered by the scholarship.
4. Can I check MEyFP Scholarship with part-time enrollment?
Yes, the Ministry considers as part-time enrollment any enrollment from 30 to 59 credits (except when the first full course has less than 60 ECTS). You should take this into account because it has less economic benefits. If you are awarded the scholarship, your tuition fees will be covered.
If in the first year your enrollment is less than 30 credits, you will not be able to apply for a MEyFP scholarship.
5. What happens if I have between 30 and 59 credits enrolled in the first semester?
As indicated by the Ministry of Education, these scholarships will be processed as partial* ( they will only entitle to the tuition scholarship and the minimum variable scholarship).
(*) Except for those master's degree programs that, according to their syllabus, enroll 54 credits in the first year.
We recommend that for any other information you need to consult, you should go to the university's web page where the Ministry's call for applications is available.
6. If I have been granted the full MEyFP scholarship (60 ECTs), what happens if I request and I am granted the recognition of credits of any subject (curricular internships, etc.)?
Recognized credits do not count toward the scholarship. Therefore, it is not possible to recognize credits if the scholarship has already been approved as a full scholarship. If the scholarship has not yet been approved, the scholarship will be processed as a partial scholarship.
7. I have other scholarships other than the MEyFP Scholarship such as "Scholarships for tuition", "Full scholarships" or "Scholarships from organizations that have an agreement with UC3M" and it does not appear in the Scholarship holder dropdown when I register.
In order to be able to select the scholarship it is necessary that it has already been resolved, and also that it has been recorded by the Administration in the corresponding section of SIGMA. We will try to record all the scholarships. If it is not recorded, you must send us the proof of resolution through the contact form.
8. Can I have MEyFP Scholarship and UC3M Scholarships for tuition?
At the time of enrollment you will only be able to select one of them. The MEyFP Scholarship, if you meet the requirements, you will be able to select it in your enrollment but conditionally, pending resolution. If you are awarded the MEyFP Scholarship, when you cover 100% of the tuition fees, the tuition assistance will be cancelled. If, on the other hand, you are denied, we will notify you by email the application of the Tuition Aid and the removal of the MEyFP, in your registration with an indication of the date on which you will be charged the resulting amount.
9. If I am going to do a double Master's degree and I want to apply for a MEyFP Scholarship, can I apply for the scholarship for both master's degrees?
No. The Ministry's scholarship only covers credits enrolled in one Master's degree. You must also take into account that you will only be able to access the tuition assistance (fees) and not the other additional benefits for being considered part-time enrollment (less than 60 ECTs in one degree program). Recognized credits do not count towards the scholarship.
The next academic year you cannot apply for the scholarship for the other master's degree.
10. What happens if a non-UC3M company or organization will finance part or all of the cost of my tuition?
In order to make the necessary arrangements with the financing company or organization, you must send us through the contact form providing the document that certifies the granting of such financing.
1. I have finished my registration, what are the next steps?
Once completed, you can complete the socioeconomic survey, activate the e-mail account and process the University Smart Card (TUI) at the beginning of the course.
Consult the web page of the University Smart Card: TUI and e-mail.
2. I am having trouble activating my email account and issuing my university card.
Sometimes you will need to wait until September to activate your account.
If the problems persist in September, we will contact the IT managers to solve the problem.
If you have a card from your previous undergraduate studies at UC3M you must process the change by completing this form.
1. I have pending credits to register for the second year, when and how are they registered?
The deadline to register for the second year is from July 10 to 25, 2023. If you have not passed the Master's Thesis, you will have to wait until the closing date for the Master's Thesis to be able to re-enroll.
The second year enrollment is done from Self-registration.
For any further question, contact us: