Cookie usage policy

The website of the University Carlos III of Madrid use its own cookies and third-party cookies to improve our services by analyzing their browsing habits. By continuing navigation, we understand that it accepts our cookie policy. "Usage rules"





The Self-Registration process uses the University’s own digital certification in order to ensure the security of all procedures.

This means that many web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) will display the warning “The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority” (the exact wording will depend on the browser being used) as a precautionary measure as it cannot be verified by the browser.



  • Computer with Internet connection.
  • Pentium processor, or higher, with a minimum of 64 Mb RAM.
  • Printer to print out receipt of payment.
  • Browser which permits cookies.



Navegadores web soportados




If you are in the process of registering and for some reason you are unable to finish at that moment, use the DISCONNECT (DESCONEXIÓN) button to exit. If you do not use this button and you exit the program by simply closing the web browser (clicking on close/“X”) your registration will be blocked and you will not be able to access Self-Registration for 1 hour.

Do not use the browser buttons unless the on-screen instructions indicate that you should do so.



Remember that at the end of the registration process you will need to print out the following two forms:

  1. "REGISTRATION REQUEST FORM” (SOLICITUD DE MATRÍCULA), which shows the courses you have enrolled in.
  2. According to the payment method, one of the following:
    • "PAYMENT DEPOSIT FORM” (ABONARÉ) to make the appropriate bank deposit.
    • Proof of payment by credit / debit card (TPV)
    • If you are paying by Direct Debit you will not need this document and you will only receive the registration request form.

We remind you that it is necessary to have paid the reservation to enroll.


☛ For New Students: you can access Self-Registration with your user name (DNI/Passport/NIE) and the four digit password used to request admission. See it on this link.

☛ For Returning Second Year Students: use your University e-mail username and password.