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Medals of Honor and Merit

Imagen medallas

The Governing Council, on a President’s proposal, will decide the awarding of the Carlos III University’s medal in two varieties: Honor and Merit.

This award will be presented by the President during the academic year in any of ur Solemn Acts and it represents the highest honor that the University can grant people and relevant institutions (Medal of Honor) and to personalities who have served the University and have had outstanding work or assumed positions of special responsibility (Medal of Merit).

The development of Ceremony will follow the outline provided for all ceremonial events, which include the eulogy speech, the imposing medal and the delivery of the Diploma award signed by the President, as well as the words of thanks from the honored person.

Medals of Honor

1993 - 1994

Su Majestad el Rey Don Juan Carlos recibió la Medalla de Honor en 1993 y Su Majestad la Reina Doña Sofía en 1994.

Medals of Merit


  • D. Carlos Navarro Ugena
  • D. Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras



  • Dª Adoración de Miguel (a título póstumo)
  • D. Cándido Cano
  • Dª. Mª Teresa Camacho Menéndez
  • D. Arturo Ribagorda Garnacho
  • D. Javier Sanz Feito
  • D. Luciano Parejo Alfonso
  • D. Rafael Illescas Ortiz