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Bachelor in Economics

Grado en Economía
4 years (240 ECTS credits)
Spanish, English

Vice Dean for the Bachelor: Raquel Carrasco Perea


The goal of the Degree in Economics is to create professionals who can analyze basic economic problems, evaluate their possible effects on different public or private policies and, based on data, establish proposals for change and reform.

This degree program provides solid knowledge and tools that allow students to address increasingly complex economic situations impacted by the globalization of markets, the improvement in communications and climate change. In this context, the future economists will learn to process and interpret the large quantities of data generated by companies and institutions in order to explain important facts and anticipate events.

The program can be studied entirely in English and offers the opportunity to carry out internships at important companies in the sector. At the international level, UC3M is among the 50 best universities in the world in the field of economics, according to the 2018 QS World University Rankings by Subject.

Employability and profesional internships

UC3M has agreements with over 3000 companies and institutions in which students can undertake internships and access job openings.

A total of 93.4 % of graduates from this University enter the job market the first year after finishing their studies, according to the 2019 XXIV Estudio de Inserción Profesional (Professional Placement Study).


International Excellence

QS Europe Ranking
QS Graduate Employability Ranking
The Global University Employability Ranking and Survey
Erasmus Plus


  • Language requirement: a B2 level of English language must be accredited before finishing the studies. More information.

Year 2 - Semester 1

General subjects
Economic History6BCEnglish Spanish
Game Theory6CEnglish Spanish
Macroeconomics6CEnglish Spanish
Microeconomic Theory6CEnglish Spanish
Statistics II6CEnglish Spanish

Year 2 - Semester 2

General subjects
Dynamic Macroeconomics6CEnglish Spanish
Econometrics6CEnglish Spanish
Financial Economics6CEnglish Spanish
Industrial Organization6CEnglish Spanish
Skills: Humanities6BCNo data

Year 3 - Semester 1

General subjects
Advanced knowledge of spreadsheets3BCEnglish Spanish
Econometric Techniques6CEnglish Spanish
Public Economics6CEnglish Spanish
Soft Skills3BCEnglish Spanish
Electives: Recommended 12 creditsNo dataNo dataNo data

Year 3 - Semester 2

General subjects
Applied Economics6CEnglish Spanish
International Trade6CEnglish Spanish
Electives: Recommended 18 creditsNo dataNo dataNo data

Any of elective courses could not be offered in a specific year. You can check it in schedules page.

Some of the electives may not be offered. In addition, the information on the language of instruction is given as a guideline. Please consult the groups offered for each academic year in the link of the course file or in the timetable page.

Itensificacion of Economic's Degree

Elective itineraries that would be reflected in SET in case to be completed:

In this degree this itineraries can be coursed:

(1) Microeconomics

(2) Macroeconomics

(3) Quantitative Techniques and Applied Economics

To obtain an itinerary you must have passed 36 credits of the electives assigned to that specific itinerary. The subjects marked with an N are compulsory in each itinerary.

You can choose more than one itinerary. The rest of the rest of the electives until completing the 84 credits can be freely chosen.







BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis








  • Exchange programs

    Exchange programs

    The Erasmus programme permits UC3M first degree and post graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, that is a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.

    The non-european mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.

    These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold  (English, French, German etc..) requested by the university of destination.

  • European mobility

    European mobility

  • Non european mobility

    Non european mobility

Profile and career opportunities

  • Entry profile

    Entry profile

    New students should have a solid foundation in mathematics and be keen to broaden their knowledge of the mathematical concepts acquired in Bachiller or equivalent. Apart from this knowledge, students should be capable of abstract reasoning. They should be able to use logic in the development of simple models relating to the behaviour of economic agents (individuals, business and State) and the interaction between them. In addition, they should feel comfortable using instruments to analyse the economic reality in order to understand the hows and whys of economic phenomena. In this respect, sensitivity towards social issues will be of great help when studying these phenomena.

    With regards to logical reasoning, the capacity to establish and describe relations between facts, identify causes and evaluate consequences is highly desirable. As for abstract reasoning, we also value highly the ability to separate causes from consequences and to extract the most relevant aspects when analysing a problem and its solution.

    All this is enhanced if the student has an entrepreneurial spirit, a mind which is open to new ideas and concepts and a clear enthusiasm for learning and applying his or her knowledge.

    Application for a place in the degree

  • Graduate profile

    Graduate profile

    Students graduating with a degree in Economics will be able to carry out professional work in both the public and private sectors, combining the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired. This knowledge will allow them to approach any problem with scientific rigour, applying all the instruments, skills and attitudes necessary. During their training students will have learnt that economics has a social dimension which involves an ethical dimension in the work of the economist. This implies fostering social responsibility in both individual behaviour and professional activity.

    General skills of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics

    Basic Skills

    CB1        Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study

    CB2        Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study.

    CB3        Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements which include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

    CB4        Students should be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

    CB5        Students will have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.


    General Skills    

    CG1       Understand the functioning of the economy as the efficient allocation of scarce resources, without forgetting the importance of equity

    CG2       Identify economic problems and provide creative solutions from their rigorous theoretical and empirical analysis.

    CG3       Know how to relate the results of the analysis with public and private policies taking into account incentives and institutions.

    CG4       Entrepreneurship and willingness to take risks.

    CG5       Acquire quantitative knowledge necessary for the approach and resolution of economic problems.


    Transversal Skills             

    CT1        Being able to work in multidisciplinary and / and international teams as well as to organize and plan the work making the right decisions based on the available information, gathering and interpreting relevant data to make judgments and critical thinking within the study area.

    CT2        To be able to correctly expose and write a topic or compose a speech following a logical order, providing accurate information and in accordance with established grammatical and lexical norms.

    CT3        Motivation and ability to devote themselves to lifelong autonomous learning that allows them to adapt to new situations.

    CT4        Know and be able to manage interpersonal skills on initiative, responsibility and negotiation that allow consolidating the basic technical skills that are required in every professional field

    CT5        Critical attitude to look for the answers to big economic problems analyzing them with rigor and precision and without prejudice.


    Specific Skills    

    CE2        Being able to assess the economic and social impact of various public policies.

    CE3        Being able to design economic and social programs that respond to the needs of economic agents.

    CE4        Understand the economic variables that regulate the economy and govern the behavior of agents.

    CE6        Understand economic institutions.

    CE7        Formally represent the economic decision processes.

    CE8        Derive relevant economic information from the data, and be able to process it to answer the questions of interest.

    CE9        Being able to issue and write advisory reports to the relevant economic agents for decision making.

    CE10      Establish and plan the economic framework for the activity of the various social agents

    CE11      Understand the fundamental elements of the economic environment from the perspective of different economic theories

    CE12      Know how to analyze, develop and defend individually a problem of the disciplinary scope of the Degree applying the knowledge, skills, tools and strategies acquired or developed in it.

    CE13      Acquire the knowledge and quantitative methods that facilitate the understanding of economic problems

    CE14      Know how to describe and analyze economic problems in a social environment.

    CE15      Know how to model and interpret economic issues in a quantitative environment.

    CE16      Solve the main economic models from a theoretical and numerical perspective.

    CE17      Understand the operation of the main markets from the point of view of economic agents.

    CE18      Use the main statistical and econometric tools to raise and solve economic problems.

    CE19      Interpret the solutions obtained by computer means in an economic context, necessarily broader and more complex.

    Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics

    RA1: They must acquire both basic and advanced knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and the methodology of work in the area of economics.

    RA2. They must master oral and written communication. Make exhibitions, know how to keep the audience's attention, following a logical and orderly structure of exposure, with clear objectives and precise conclusions.

    RA3: They must show ability to work in a team and skills to interact in a work environment.

    RA4. They must be able to identify ethical problems and be able to solve them according to current regulations. In their labor relations the student must demonstrate a responsible and ethical attitude.

    RA5. They must identify the problems in the economic field, analyze them and synthesize them to make the appropriate decisions that can finally solve them.

    RA6. They must have the ability to collect and interpret, based on theoretical foundations, data and information on which to base their conclusions on problems in their field of study.

  • External internships

    External internships

    This is a selection where students of this degree can do their internships:

    • Accenture S.L. Soc Unipersonal
    • Acciona S.A.
    • Aegon Administración y Servicios
    • AFI Analistas Financieros Internacionales S.A.
    • Allianz Compañia de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.
    • Amazon Spain Services S.L.
    • Banco de España
    • Banco Santander S.A.
    • BBVA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.
    • BME Bolsas y Mercados Españoles de Sevicios Corporativos S.A.
    • Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de Madrid
    • Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV)
    • Telefónica españa S.A.U. / Movistar
  • Career opportunities

    Career opportunities

    Graduates of the degree can carry out their professional activities in the following areas:

    • Tax inspector
    • Tax and accounting consulting
    • Public administration
    • State statiscian
    • State commercial diplomates 
    • State insurace inspector
    • Inspector of credit institution
    • Internacional organizations
    • Internacional trade
    • Business management
    • Export sales representative
    • Insurance broker
    • Bank clerk
    • Treasurer
    • Economic consulting
    • Rsk Analyst
    • Financial or securities analisys
    • Internal auditor
    • Strategic consultant

Study in english

Studies with English option

This bachelor's degree is taught in spanish and english. Once you have been admitted, you will choose, at the time of enrollment, the language in which you will study in accordance with the following conditions:

  • In groups in English, all works (classes, drills, exercises, tests, etc.) will be conducted in English.
  • Along the first year, it must be established an English B2 level, performing a test, providing one of the supported official certificates or any way determined by the university. In the first weeks of the course will inform students how they can prove their level.
  • The courses offered in English are in the studies program.
  • In case there are more applications than places available in English, interested persons will be ranked according to their admission grade.
  • If you are enrolled in English and exceed at least 50% of the credits offered at the UC3M, in the DS appear a mention of bilingual studies.

More information about Languages in Degrees