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Bachelor in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering

Ingeniería Sistemas Comunicaciones
4 years (240 ECTS credits)
Bilingual, Spanish

Deputy Director for the Bachelor: Iván González Díaz

This bachelor qualifies for the Technical Telecommunication Engineer, specializing in Telecommunication Systems, according to the corresponding Order CIN/352/2009.



The Bachelor's Degree in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering aims to train professionals specialised in the analysis and design of communications systems and devices, which is a speciality within the branch of telecommunications engineering.

The Bachelor's Degree offers students a solid training in information and communication technologies, covering cutting-edge systems such as space and satellite communications, navigation systems, communication networks for biomedical, health and safety applications, vehicular communications, the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine communications for Industry 4.0, as well as information processing and data analysis in these systems. Thanks to this preparation, future professionals will be able to adapt to a sector in constant evolution and with a great social impact.

This Bachelor's Degree has a clear international vocation, with the recognition of the best quality seals, such as EUR-ACE, and is endorsed by the market with job placement rates of 100%. It is taught in bilingual mode, has specific laboratories, highlighting the practical training, and offers the possibility of internships in leading companies in the sector.

Employability and profesional internships

UC3M has agreements with over 3000 companies and institutions in which students can undertake internships and access job openings.

A total of 93.4 % of graduates from this University enter the job market the first year after finishing their studies, according to the 2019 XXIV Estudio de Inserción Profesional (Professional Placement Study).


International Excellence

QS Europe Ranking
QS Graduate Employability Ranking
The Global University Employability Ranking and Survey
Erasmus Plus



  • Exchange programs

    Exchange programs

    The Erasmus programme permits UC3M first degree and post graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, that is a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.

    The non-european mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.

    These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold  (English, French, German etc..) requested by the university of destination.

  • European mobility

    European mobility

  • Non european mobility

    Non european mobility

Profile and career opportunities

  • Entry profile

    Entry profile

    The recommended entry profile is the following:

    • New students must have a solid background which allows them access to the advanced knowledge in mathematics, physics and statistics required by the degree.
    • The following aptitudes and capabilities are desirable: a disposition for individual work, good concentration, facility for independent learning, and the ability to organize time and work, responsibility in teamwork.

    Application for a place in the degree

  • Graduate profile

    Graduate profile

    The Degree in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering provides the necessary training for its graduates to exercise the powers granted by law to the profession of Telecommunications Engineer, specialising in Communications Systems, in accordance with the provisions of Order CIN 352/2009, of 9 February 2009.

    In addition, this degree allows direct access to the Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering, which qualifies graduates to work as Telecommunications Engineers, in accordance with Order CIN 355/2009.

    The graduate profile is defined through the learning outcomes acquired during the degree, highlighting the knowledge and understanding of the general fundamentals of engineering and, in particular, of Communications Systems. Graduates will be able to analyse and solve problems in the field of telecommunication systems, as well as to design engineering solutions, collaborating in multidisciplinary teams.

    They will also be able to apply their knowledge to problem solving and the design of communication devices, considering environmental, commercial and industrial aspects, always under the principles of professional ethics.

    Finally, this bachelor's degree provides essential transversal skills for the practice of engineering in today's society, such as effective oral and written communication, teamwork in multidisciplinary environments and the ability to maintain their professional development through continuous learning throughout their career.

    Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor's Degree in Mobile and Space Communications Engineering

    1.    Conocimientos o contenidos (Knowledge) del Título
    K1-FT    To know the principles and values of democracy and sustainable development, in particular, respect for human rights and fundamental rights, gender equality and non-discrimination, the principles of universal accessibility and climate change.
    K2-FT    To know basic humanistic contents, oral and written expression, following ethical principles and completing a multidisciplinary training profile.
    K3-CG5    Knowledge for undertaking measurements, calculations, assessments, appraisals, surveys, studies, reports, work plans and other analogous jobs specific to the telecommunications area.
    K4-CG11  Basic concepts of computer use and programming, operating systems, databases and IT programs with engineering applications.
    K5-CG12    Understanding and command of the basic concepts of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic fields and waves, and their application to resolve problems characteristic of engineering
    K6-CG13    Understanding and command of basic concepts of linear systems and related functions and transformers. Electrical circuit theory, electronic circuits, physical principles of semiconductors and logic families, electronic and photonic devices, materials technology and their application in resolving problems characteristic of engineering.
    K7-CG14    Requisite knowledge of the concept of business, and the institutional and legal framework of a business. Business organization and management.
    K8-ECRT14    Knowledge of methods of network and routing interconnection as well as the fundamentals of network planning and sizing based on traffic parameters
    K9-ECRT15    Knowledge of telecommunications legislation and regulations at the national, European and international levels.

    KOPT-1    To know and understand in depth advanced technologies in a specific field of the course, which constitute the state of the art in their area of study, including emerging trends and recent developments.
    KOPT-2    ITo interpret scientific and technical information sources to deepen knowledge in a specific area related to telecommunications.

    2.    Habilidades o destrezas (Skills) del Título
    S1-FT    To plan and organize team work making the right decisions based on available information and gathering data in digital environments.
    S2-FT    To use information interpreting relevant data avoiding plagiarism, and in accordance with the academic and professional conventions of the area of study, being able to assess the reliability and quality of such information.
    S3-CG3    Knowledge of basic and technological subject areas which enable acquisition of new methods and technologies, as well as endowing the technical engineer with the versatility necessary to adapt to any new situation.
    S4-CG6    Aptitude for dealing with the obligatory specifications, regulations and norms.
    S5-CG8    Knowledge and application of basic elements of economics and human resources management, project organization and planning, as well as telecommunications legislation, regulation, and standardization.
    S6-CG10   Ability to solve mathematical problems arising in engineering. Aptitude for applied knowledge in: linear algebra, geometry; differential geometry; differential and integral calculus; differential equations and partial derivatives; numerical methods; numerical algorithms; statistics and optimization.
    S7-ECRT7    Knowledge and use of the fundamentals of programming in telecommunication networks, systems and services.
    S8-ECRT10   Knowledge and application of the fundamentals of hardware description languages.
    S9-ECRT12    Knowledge and use of the concepts of network architecture, protocols and communications interfaces.

    SOPT-1    To identify, assess their technical feasibility, and apply advanced tools, methodologies, and technological solutions used in the field of the course to develop algorithms or systems that integrate cutting-edge and innovative technologies.
    SOPT-2    To apply analytical and design methodologies to solve advanced problems in the field of the elective course, and evaluate the performance and limitations of different technological approaches, proposing improvements and alternatives.
    3.    Competencias (Competences) del Título
    1-FT    CTo Know and be able to handle interpersonal skills on initiative, responsibility, conflict resolution, negotiation, etc., required in the professional environment.
    C2-CG1    Ability to write, develop and sign projects in the area of telecommunications engineering aimed at the design, development and utilization of telecommunications and electronic networks, services and applications, in accordance with the competences acquired in the degree program, as set out in Section 5 of OM CIN 352/2009.
    C3-CG2    Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply corresponding legislation currently in force throughout the professional career of Technical Engineer of Telecommunications; aptitude for dealing with compulsory specifications, regulations and norms.
    C4-CG4    Ability to resolve problems with initiative, creativity and decision-making skills, in addition to communicating and transmitting the knowledge, abilities and skills that comprise the ethical and professional responsibilities of the Telecommunications Technical Engineer profession.
    C5-CG7    Ability to analyze and assess social and environmental impact of technical solutions
    C6-CG9    Ability to work on a multidisciplinary team and in a multilingual environment and to communicate orally and in writing knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related to telecommunications and electronics.
    C7-ECRT1   Ability to learn and acquire autonomously the requisite new knowledge for the design, development and utilization of telecommunication systems and services.
    C8-ECRT2   Ability to use communication and IT applications (office technology, databases, advanced calculus, project management, project visualization, etc.) to support development and utilization of electronic and telecommunication networks, services and applications.
    C9-ECRT3    Capacidad para utilizar herramientas informáticas de búsqueda de recursos bibliográficos o de información relacionada con las telecomunicaciones y la electrónica.
    Ability to use IT search tools for bibliographic resources and information related to electronic and telecommunications.
    C10-ECRT4    Capacidad de analizar y especificar los parámetros fundamentales de un sistema de comunicaciones.
    Ability to analyze and specify the fundamental parameters for a communications system.
    C11-ECRT5    Capacidad para evaluar las ventajas e inconvenientes de diferentes alternativas tecnológicas de despliegue o implementación de sistemas de comunicaciones, desde el punto de vista del espacio de la señal, las perturbaciones y el ruido y los sistemas de modulación analógica y digital.
    Ability to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of different alternative technologies for development and implementation of communication systems, from the point of view of signal space, perturbations and noise, and analog and digital modulation systems.
    C12-ECRT6    Capacidad de concebir, desplegar, organizar y gestionar redes, sistemas, servicios e infraestructuras de telecomunicación en contextos residenciales (hogar, ciudad y comunidades digitales), empresariales o institucionales responsabilizándose de su puesta en marcha y mejora continua, así como conocer su impacto económico y social.
    Ability to conceive, develop, organize and manage telecommunication networks, systems, services and infrastructures in residential (home, city, digital communities), business and institutional contexts, responsibility for set up, continuous improvement, together with knowledge of social and economic impact.
    C13-ECRT8    Ability to understand the mechanisms of electromagnetic and acoustic wave propagation and transmission, and their corresponding transmitting and receiving devices.
    C14-ECRT9   Ability to analyze and design combinational and sequential circuits, synchronous and asynchronous circuits and use of microprocessors and integrated circuits.
    C15-ECRT11    Ability to use different sources of energy and in particular, solar photovoltaic and thermal energy, as well as the fundamentals of electro-technics and power electronics.
    C16-ECRT13    Ability to differentiate the concepts of network access and transport, circuit switching and packet switching networks, fixed and mobile networks as well as systems and applications of distributed networks, voice services, audio, data, video and interactive services and multimedia.
    C17-ETEGISC1  Ability to construct, use and manage telecommunication networks, services, processes and applications, such as systems for capture, transport, representation, processing, storage, and multimedia information presentation and management, from the point of view of transmission systems.
    C18-ETEGISC2    Ability to apply techniques on which telecommunication networks, services and applications are based in fixed environments as well as mobile, personal, local or long distance, with different bandwidths, including telephone, radio broadcasting, television and data, from the point of view of transmission systems.
    C19-ETEGISC3    Ability to analyze components and specifications for guided and unguided communication systems.
    C20-ETEGISC4    Ability to select circuits, radiofrequency, microwave, radio broadcasting, radio link and radio determination subsystems 
    and systems
    C21-ETEGISC5    Ability to select antennas, equipment and transmission systems, guided and non guided wave propagation, by electromagnetics, radiofrequency and optics means and the corresponding management of radio electronic space and frequency allocation.
    C22-ETEGISC6    Ability to analyze, codify, process and transmit multimedia information using analog and digital signal processing techniques.
    C23-ETETFGISC1    Original work, carried out individually, and presented and defended before a university panel. It will consist of a project in the area of the specific technologies of Telecommunications Engineering, being of a professional nature, which synthesizes and encompasses the competences acquired in the degree program. 
    C24-PAE    To apply and adapt technical knowledge and practical skills in the field of telecommunication engineering, participating in problem-solving and the development of solutions in a professional environment.
    COPT-1    To conceive and develop projects that integrate advanced knowledge and provide innovative solutions in the field of study of the course.

  • External internships

    External internships

    This is a selection where students of this degree can do their internships:

    • Telefónica Móviles España S.A.
    • Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF)
    • Mediaset España Comunicación S.A.
    • Yerba Buena Europe S.L.
    • Avatel Telecom S.L.
    • Inetum España S.A.
    • Accenture Outsourcing Services S.A.
    • GMS Management Solutions S.L.
    • Elecnor Servicios y Proyectos S.A.
    • Redsys Servicios d ePrcesamiento S.L.
    • Everis Spain S.L.U.
    • Pricewaterhousecoopers Asesores de Negocios S.L.
    • Indra Sistemas S.A.
    • Pepsico Europe Support Center S.L.
  • Career opportunities

    Career opportunities

    Areas of work related to this degree include:

    • Mobile and space network management: LTE, 5G and satellite and space communications.
    • Design and management of telecommunications infrastructures: Backbone and access networks.
    • Smart systems and connectivity: Design and management of home automation systems and the Internet of Things (IoT).
    • Cybersecurity and data protection: Communications security, encryption and vulnerability analysis.
    • Consultancy and digital transformation: Advice and technological modernisation in companies.
    • Software development and project management: Creation of technological solutions and team leadership.
    • Data analysis and database management: Processing, storage and optimisation of information.
    • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Implementation of advanced models for automation and decision-making.

Study in english

Studies with bilingual option

In this degree, the university offers the opportunity to study in English more than half of the subjects of the studies program. Once you have been admitted, you will choose, at the time of enrollment, the language in which you will study in accordance with the following conditions:

  • In groups in English, all works (classes, drills, exercises, tests, etc.) will be conducted in English.
  • Along the first year, it must be established an English B2 level, performing a test, providing one of the supported official certificates or any way determined by the university. In the first weeks of the course will inform students how they can prove their level.
  • The courses offered in English are in the studies program.
  • In case there are more applications than places available in English, interested persons will be ranked according to their admission grade.
  • If you are enrolled in English and exceed at least 50% of the credits offered at the UC3M, in the DS appear a mention of bilingual studies.

More information about Languages in Degrees